to LADE - Líneas Aéreas del Estado



It is uncertain when this timetable was issued (see the text below). See also another undated LASO timetable.


LASO (Línea Aérea Sud Oeste) was set up by the Argentine Air Force in 1940 to operate between Buenos Aires and Esquel. According to Ron Davies in his "Airlines of Latin America since 1919" there was one flight a week initially, which was stepped up to two flights a week at some point. Still in December 1942, according to statistics given by William Burden in his "The Struggle for Airways in Latin America", there was just one flight a week. The timetable shows two flights so was probably issued at the earliest in 1943.

LASO and LANE (Línea Aérea Nor-Este), another Air Force operation set up in 1943-44 for a service between Buenos Aires and Iguassú Falls, were merged under the name of LADE (Líneas Aéreas del Estado) in 1945. In early 1947 LADE was forced to surrender its routes to the civil airlines of Argentina in a government move to rationalize the air traffic scene of the country. From then on LADE concentrated on serving smaller communities with low traffic potential.

Since the timetable has both LASO and Líneas Aéreas del Estado titles one may argue that it might have been issued in 1945 or 1946 by the LASO division of LADE. However, the name of Líneas Aéreas del Estado seems to have been in use several years before 1945 as evidenced by William Burden, who lists Líneas Aéreas del Estado and seems to use it more like a synonym of LASO. His book was published already in early 1943.

With the above in mind a good guess is that the timetable was issued during the 1943-45 period.



This page last updated February 7, 2016.