


Trans-Europa-Union, formed in 1923, was a co-operation between several Junkers-affiliated
companies, among them Ad Astra Aero (Switzerland), Rumpler Luftverkehr (Germany),
ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG (Austria) and Aero Express RT (Hungary).
Junkers Luftverkehr joined the group in 1924.

Another group of 1923 instigated by Junkers was Ost-Europa-Union (became Nord-Europa-Union
in 1924) consisting of (among others) Danziger Luftpost, Lettländische Luftverkehrs AG (Latvia)
and Aeronaut (Estonia). Aero O/Y (Finland) and Junkers Luftverkehr joined in 1924.



Including Ost-Europa-Union and Aerolloyd Warschau
Click to view the complete timetable


See also Junkers Luftverkehr and Europa-Union.


This page last updated December 13, 2022.