New airlines, timetable images or information added to this site. (See the separate updates page for newly-added airline baggage labels.)


February 5, 2025:
South African Airways July 1, 1952 (image added) Domestic & regional routes
South African Airways January 1, 1956 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways August 3, 1956 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways September 16, 1956 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways February 1, 1957 (image added)
South African Airways April 1, 1957 (image added)
South African Airways October 6, 1957 (image added)

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

South African Airways (1950, 1950, 1950, 1952, 1956, 1956, 1957)

February 4, 2025:
South African Airways January 12, 1953 (image added) Domestic & regional routes
South African Airways February 2, 1953 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways April 19, 1953 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways August 10, 1953 (image added) Domestic & regional routes
South African Airways July 20, 1954 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways October 1, 1954 (image added) Domestic & regional routes
South African Airways November 1954 (image added) Intercont'l routes
South African Airways May 26, 1955 (image added) Intercont'l routes

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

ANA - Australian National Airways (1948, 1950, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1955, 1956)
KLM (1936, 1936, 1936, 1937, 1937, 1937, 1937, 1938, 1938, 1939)
South African Airways (1953, 1953, 1953, 1953, 1953, 1954, 1954, 1954, 1955, 1955, 1955)

February 2, 2025:
Alia - Royal Jordanian Airlines November 1, 1983 (image added)
ANA - All Nippon Airways March 25, 2001 (image added)
Asiana Airlines March 26, 2000 (image added)
Cathay Pacific Airways October 28, 1990 (image added)
Philippine Airlines October 27, 1985 (image added)
Philippine Airlines October 25, 1987 (image added)
Philippine Airlines October 28, 1990 (image added)
SilkAir October 31, 1993 (image added)
Skymark Airlines November 1, 1998 (image added)
Tradewinds October 20, 1990 (image added)
Uzbekistan Airways July 1, 1994 (image added)
Uzbekistan Airways October 30, 1994 (image added)
Uzbekistan Airways October 29, 1995 (image added)
Uzbekistan Airways October 27, 1996 (image added)
Yangon Airways October 1, 2000 (image added)

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

KLM (1921, 1933, 1933, 1933, 1934, 1934, 1935, 1935, 1935)
Skymark Airlines (1998)
Tradewinds (1990)
Yangon Airways (2000)

January 27, 2025:
Air Koryo October 28, 2018 (image added)
Airways International December 15, 1985 (image added)
Apache Airlines January 1, 1964 (image added)
Aquila Air Taxi Until April 15, (c. 1986) (image added)
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 1, 1960 (image added)
Atlantic Gulf Airlines Undated (c. late 1983) (image added)
Atlantic Gulf Airlines July 7, 1984 (image added)
Austin Airways July 1, 1968 (image added)
Austin Airways October 28, 1985 (image added)
BCA - BC Airlines April 25, 1966 (image added)
China Eastern Airlines Summer 1993 (image added)
China Eastern Airlines October 31, 2010 (image added)
China Eastern Airlines October 28, 2012 (image added)
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 1, 1976 (image added)
NAL - Naka Nihon Airlines June 1, 2003 (image added)
NCA - Nippon Cargo Airlines August 1, 1992 (image added)
Nepal Airways (company added)
Sierra Expressway Undated (valid December 1995) (image added)
Slocum Air March 1, 1982 (image added)
SouthCentral Air - SCA Undated (c. 1983) (image added)

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

Airways International (1985, c. 1991)
Alpha Air (1991)
Apache Airlines (1964, 1970)
Atlantic Gulf Airlines (1984)
Atlas Airlines (1976)
Austin Airways (1968, 1981)
Aviair Aviation (1990)
Nepal Airways (1992)
Sierra Expressway (1995, 1995)
Slocum Air (1982)
SouthCentral Air - SCA (1983)

January 21, 2025:
Air Botswana November 1, 1988 (image added)
Air Zimbabwe May 1, 1988 (image added)
Amakusa Airlines - AMX October 27, 2024 (image added)
Burrard Air May 15, 1990 (image added)
Connectair (Canada) (company added)
Connectair (USA) May 15, 1984 (image added)
CoVal Air Undated (c. summer 1986) (image added)
Cubana de Aviación December 1, 1957 (image added) US ed
Decatur Commuter January 2, 1981 (image added)
Digital Equipment Corporation's Aviation Services October 1, 1981 (image added)
Lesotho Airways April 1, 1988 (image added) Int'l routes
Omniflight Helicopter Services Undated (December 1987) (image added) Kennedy-Manhattan
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines October 30, 1988 (image added) Int'l routes
Reeves Air Undated (c. April 1984) (image added)
Ross Aviation June 1, 1994 (image added)
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation November 1, 1982 (image added)
Samoa Air July 13, 1995 (image added)
Scenic Airlines December 19, 1980 (image added)
SilkAir October 30, 2011 (image added)
Sun Country Airlines October 9, 1995 (image added)
Sun Country Airlines June 1996 (image added)
TWA December 1, 1944 (image added)
West Coast Airlines December 1, 1955 (image added)

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

CoVal Air (1986)
Cubana de Aviación (1957)
Digital Equipment Corporation's Aviation Services (1981)
Lesotho Airways (1988)
Ross Aviation (1994)
Samoa Air (1995)
Sun Country Airlines (1996)
TWA (1944)
West Coast Airlines (1955)

January 16, 2025:
Air Champagne Ardenne April 1, 1974 (image added)
Air Paris April 1, 1974 (image added)
American Airlines November 15, 1936 (image added)
Chicago & Southern Air Lines July 1946 (image added)
Clubair Undated (c. 1978) (image added)
Eagle Airways Until October 31, 1958 (image added)
Eagle Airways July 1, 1959 (image added) Bermuda & Bahamas routes, US & Canadian ed
Eagle Airways March 1, 1960 (image added) US & Canadian ed
Eagle Airways (Bermuda) May 1, 1958 (image added)
EVA Air August 6, 1991 (image added)
EVA Air September 19, 1991 (image added)
Island Airlines Tasmania - IAT (company added)
Lesotho Airways April 1, 1980 (image added)
Malayan Airways October 21, 1949 (image added)
Simmons Airlines Undated (c. mid-1979) (image added)
Tata Air Lines November 1939 (image added)
Texas International Airlines November 13, 1977 (image added)
Texas International Airlines April 1, 1979 (image added)
Western Air Express June 15, 1938 (image added)

Timetables of the following airlines added to the
List of complete timetables:

Air Champagne Ardenne (1974)
Central African Airways - CAA (1957)
Chicago & Southern Air Lines (1946)
Clubair (1978)
Eagle Airways (1954, 1958, 1959, 1960)
Eagle Airways (Bermuda) (1958)
Eagle Aviation (1953)
EVA Air (1991, 1991)
Lesotho Airways (1980)
Malayan Airways (1949)
Scandinavian Air Express (1929)
Simmons Airlines (1979)
Tata Air Lines (1939)
Texas International Airlines (1977, 1979)
Western Air Express (1938)


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This page last updated February 5, 2025.