Below is a list of complete timetables, i.e. timetables having been scanned in their entirety. The airlines are grouped by geographic region:

North America (except the USA)
North America (the USA only)
South America

A number of comprehensive timetables merit inclusion in the list even if they are not entirely complete, provided the actual schedule parts are. They are marked ¤.

Pre-World War 2 timetables in network (route map) format often show flights of other airlines, although these airlines are mostly unnamed.

The timetables listed below are from the collection of Björn Larsson unless otherwise stated. Timetables from the collection of David Zekria are marked DZ in the lower right corners, or, occasionally, marked (DZ) on this page. Timetables from our contributors are clearly marked as such on this page.


A website for complete timetables (or at least the actual schedule parts) of U.S. airlines, mainly from the 1970s to the 1990s:


AeroLink December 16, 2013
Aéromaritime Undated (c. 1938) Dakar-Pointe Noire
Aéromaritime 1939 ¤
Aéromaritime October 16, 1940 "Réseau Aérien Français" (Air France/Air Afrique/Aéromaritime)
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Aero Zambia June 1, 1996
Afriqiyah Airways October 26, 2003 #1
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) August 1, 1935 Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) January 4, 1936 Version 1 (system)
Includes flights of SABENA
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) January 4, 1936 Version 2 (system)
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) April 5, 1936 Includes flights of SABENA Regie Air Afrique
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) November 1936 Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) May 30, 1937 Includes flights of SABENA
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 3, 1937 Algiers-Tunis & Algiers-Oran
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) May 1, (1938) Europe-Congo-Madagascar
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) Undated (summer 1938) Alger-Gao-Bamako
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 1938 Oran-Alger-Tunis
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) April 1939 Europe-Congo-Madagascar & Gao-Bamako
English language version
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 16, 1940 "Réseau Aérien Français" (Air France/Air Afrique/Aéromaritime)
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Air Afrique Until May 30, 1965 Includes flights of Air Mali, Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Afrique November 1966 Includes flights of Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Afrique September 1969 ¤
(August 1969 inside)
Includes flights of Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Afrique July 1972 ¤ Includes flights of Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Afrique June 1, 1973 ¤ Includes flights of Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Afrique November 1, 1976 ¤ Includes flights of Air Mauritanie and UTA
Air Algérie October 8, 1962
Air Algérie April 14, 1963
Air Algérie April 1, 1967
Air Algérie November 1, 1972
Air Atlas June 6, 1949
Air Atlas April 17, 1950 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Atlas June 19, 1950
Air Atlas November 1, 1950
Air Atlas November 1, 1951
Air Atlas June 23, 1952
Air Atlas/Air Maroc June 25, 1953
Air Atlas/Air Maroc June 21, 1954
Air Atlas/Air Maroc October 17, 1955
Air Atlas/Air Maroc February 15, 1957
Air Atlas/Air Maroc June 23, 1957 ¤ Front cover and route map (these images from the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Austral October 25, 1992
Air Bénin May 1, 1982
Air Botswana July 1, 1974
Air Botswana April 1, 1977
Air Botswana January 2, 1984 (From the collection of Marc Pfitzer)
Air Botswana April 1, 1988
Air Bourbon Undated (2003)
Air Bourbon Until March 28, 2004
(issued c. July 2003)
Air Bourbon Until March 27, 2004
(issued c. October 2003)
Air Bourbon March 28, 2004
Air Bourbon November 1, 2004
Air Burkina June 1, 2004 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Cape September 1, 1983
Air Cape March 17, 1986
Air Comores November 1, 1970 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Comores November 1, 1972 (DZ)
Air Congo April 1, 1961 ¤ (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Air Congo June 1, 1966
Air Congo April 1, 1967 (From the collection of Peter Slowe)
Air Congo Undated (c. 1967-68) Jet flights
Air Djibouti April 1, 1974 ¤
(November 1, 1973 on the cover)
Air Djibouti April 1, 1981
Air Gabon April 1, 1974
Air Gabon June 1, 1977
Air Gambia October 30, 1991
Air Ivoire April 22, 1973
Air Ivoire November 12, 1979
Air Ivoire June 12, 1985
Airkenya (Airkenya Aviation) July 1, 1999
Airkenya (Airkenya Express) December 21, 2012
Airkenya Aviation June 1, 1990
Air Lesotho December 1, 1982 (From the collection of Steve Steigleder)
Air Liberia December 1, 1976
Air Madagascar (1940s-60s) Southern winter 1957
Air Madagascar (present) March 29, 1971
Air Madagascar (present) April 1, 1972
Air Madagascar (present) November 21, 1977
Air Madagascar (present) November 2, 1981 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Mahé Undated (1970s) (DZ)
Air Malawi November 1, 1970
Air Malawi March 1, 1977
Air Malawi June 16, 1979
Air Malawi April 1, 2001
Air Mali August 16, 1963 ¤
Air Mali June 1, 1970
Air Mali June 1, 1972
Air Mali October 15, 1972 (DZ)
Air Mali November 1, 1975
Air Mali November 1, 1978
Air Mali June 1, 1979
Air Mali June 1, 1982
Air Maroc February 1, 1951
Air Maroc June 15, 1951
Air Maroc August 15, 1951
Air Maroc October 21, 1951
Air Maroc October 20, 1952
Air Mauritanie July 6, 1970 ¤ (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Air Mauritanie November 1, 1973
Air Mauritanie November 2, 2002 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Mauritius April 1, 1974 ¤ Rogers & Co. timetable (GSA of Air Mauritius)
Includes flights of Air Mauritius
Air Mauritius November 1, 1977 Rogers & Co. timetable (GSA of Air Mauritius)
Includes flights of Air Mauritius
Air Mauritius June 30, 1978 (DZ)
Air Mauritius November 1, 1979
Air Mauritius October 28, 1984
Air Mauritius March 30, 1986
Air Namibia October 25, 1992
Air Réunion October 29, 1989. (DZ)
Air Rhodesia January 27, 1968 Includes flights of Air Malawi, Central African Airways, DETA, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Air Rhodesia November 1, 1968. Includes flights of Air Malawi, DETA, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Air Rhodesia November 1, 1969 Includes flights of Air Malawi, DETA, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Air Rhodesia November 1, 1970 ¤ Includes flights of Air Malawi, DETA, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Air Rhodesia November 1, 1973 Includes flights of Air Malawi, DETA, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Air Rhodesia April 1, 1976 Includes flights of South African Airways
Air Rhodesia July 1, 1977 Includes flights of South African Airways
Air Rhodesia November 1, 1978 Includes flights of South African Airways
Air Rhodesia August 1, 1979 Includes flights of South African Airways
Air Rwanda April 1, 1983 (DZ)
Air Rwanda April 1, 1986
Air Rwanda April 1, 1988
Air Sénégal November 20, 1972
Air Sénégal November 1, 1994
Air Sénégal January 1, 1996 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Sénégal International April 1, 2001 (From the collection of Arthur Na) Air Senegal International
Air Seychelles Undated (1981) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Seychelles October 26, 1983
Air Seychelles March 29, 1987
Air Seychelles March 29, 1992
Air Tanzania December 1, 1979
Air Tanzania May 16, 2005
Air Volta October 14, 1979
Air Zaïre January 1, 1972
Air Zaïre November 25, 1973
Air Zaïre June 1, 1977
Air Zaïre June 1, 1983
Air Zaïre November 1, 1987 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Zaïre March 27, 1988
Air Zaïre September 26, 1988 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Zimbabwe July 1, 1980
Air Zimbabwe May 1, 1982
Air Zimbabwe November 1985 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Zimbabwe July 1, 1987
Air Zimbabwe March 2006
Air Zimbabwe March 2007
Air Zimbabwe Rhodesia February 1, 1980
Alliance Air Until October 26, 1996
Antinea Airlines Until September 15, 2000
Antrak Air Undated (DZ)
Antrak Air Undated (c. 2005) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Antrak Air May 15, 2009 Germany-Ghana, German edition
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Avion Express Undated (c. 2004)
Avna Airlines September 1, 1975
Bellview Airlines Undated (2005). (From the collection of Christian Chaya)
Bop Air November 1, 1987
Botswana National Airways September 1, 1967 (From the collection of William White)
Camair-Co October 28, 2012 Front cover (DZ)
Cameroon Airlines November 1, 1973 (From the collection of Daniel Rubenson)
Cameroon Airlines April 1, 1974
Cameroon Airlines April 2, 1978
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1948 Mainline routes
Central African Airways - CAA May 15, 1950
Central African Airways - CAA August 1, 1950 "Copper Viking" route
Central African Airways - CAA August 1950
Central African Airways - CAA November 1950
Central African Airways - CAA January 1, 1951 Local routes in Southern Rhodesia
Central African Airways - CAA February 1951
Central African Airways - CAA April 1, 1951
Central African Airways - CAA January 1953
Central African Airways - CAA April 1, 1953 Local routes in Northern Rhodesia
Central African Airways - CAA April 1, 1953 Local routes in Southern Rhodesia
Central African Airways - CAA April 1953 (printing date) "Zambezi Service", UK edition
Central African Airways - CAA October 1953 "Zambezi" & mainline routes
Central African Airways - CAA November 1, 1954
Central African Airways - CAA December 1, 1955 Includes flights of South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1956 Mainline routes
Central African Airways - CAA Undated (1956) "Rhodesian Viscount" timetable, UK edition
Central African Airways - CAA October 1, 1956 Marked "L.E." (UK edition)
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA February 1, 1957 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1957 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA October 1, 1957 Marked "L" (UK edition)
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA August 1, 1958 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA November 1, 1958 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA April 1, 1959 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA November 1, 1959 Marked "R"
Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1961 Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA January 1, 1963 Includes flights of East African Airways and South African Airways
Central African Airways - CAA April 1, 1964 Includes flights of Air Malawi, Air Rhodesia, British United Airways, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1965 Includes flights of Air Malawi, Air Rhodesia, British United Airways, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Central African Airways - CAA July 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of Air Malawi, Air Rhodesia, British United Airways, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
Central African Airways - CAA January 1, 1967 Includes flights of Air Malawi, Air Rhodesia, British United Airways, East African Airways, South African Airways and Zambia Airways
CGTA Air Algérie May 17, 1953 Operated for Compagnie Générale Transatlantique - Services Aériens CGTA Air Algerie
CGTA Air Algérie June 26, 1954
CGTA Air Algérie February 1, 1956 ¤
CGTA Air Algérie October 14, 1956
CGTA Air Algérie Winter 1958-59 Paris edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
CGTA Air Algérie June 25, 1959 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
CGTA Air Algérie October 10, 1960
Chanchangi Airlines - CAL August 2005
Citi Air Undated
(List of fares dated March 1, 1988 inside)
(From the collection of Eddy Vanhaute)
Coastal Aviation Undated (c. early 2000s)
Coastal Aviation Undated (c. early 2000s) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Coastal Aviation 2010 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Comair February 1, 1969
Comair December 1, 1972
Comair January 1, 1978
Comair January 1, 1983
Comair April 1, 1987
Comair March 1, 1994 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Comair August 15, 1996
Comair March 29, 2009 British Airways (op'd by Comair)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
DETA 1940 or 1945?
DETA Undated (1940 or 1945?)
DETA July 1958
DETA October 1960
DETA November 1968
DETA June 1970 ¤
DETA April 1974
DETA May 1, 1975
DETA May 16, 1977 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
DETA April 1, 1978
DTA April 26, 1951 Luanda-Lourenço Marques
DTA March 2, 1953 ¤
DTA November 3, 1954
DTA October 20, 1958
DTA October 14, 1962
DTA November 1, 1969
DTA January 2, 1973
East African Airways October 1, 1950
East African Airways February 1953
East African Airways January 1954
East African Airways July 1954
East African Airways July 1956
East African Airways April 1957
East African Airways April 6, 1958
East African Airways July 1, 1960
East African Airways April 1, 1961 ¤
East African Airways April 1, 1963
East African Airways July 1, 1964
East African Airways July 1, 1965 ¤
East African Airways April 1, 1968
East African Airways April 1, 1970 ¤
East African Airways April 1, 1971 ¤
East African Airways April 1, 1973 ¤
East African Airways July 1, 1976
East African Airways December 10, 1976
EgyptAir November 1, 1971
EgyptAir May 15, 1977
Equatorial International Airlines of São Tomé and Príncipe October 1, 1987 Sao Tome Sao Tomé
Eritrean Airlines May 1, 2003
Ethiopian Airlines September 1, 1946
Ethiopian Air Lines June 1, 1949 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Ethiopian Airlines June 1, 1952
Ethiopian Airlines January 1, 1956
Ethiopian Airlines May 11, 1959
Ethiopian Airlines February 20, 1961
Ethiopian Airlines June 1, 1963
Ethiopian Airlines April 1, 1967. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Ethiopian Airlines July 1, 1968
Ethiopian Airlines May 12, 1969. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Ethiopian Airlines July 1, 1970 ¤ (Cover image from the collection of Daniel Rubenson)
(Interior images from the collection of Rauno Segersvärd.)
Ethiopian Airlines December 1, 1970
Ethiopian Airlines July 1, 1976. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Ethiopian Airlines April 1, 1977. (From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Flightlink 2015 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Flightlink March 1, 2019 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Flitestar August 3, 1992
Gambia Airways July 1, 1991 (DZ)
Gambia Bird Airlines October 29, 2012
Ghana Airways September 1, 1959
Ghana Airways Summer 1960
Ghana Airways September 15, 1961
Ghana Airways March 11, 1962 ¤
Ghana Airways November 1, 1962
Ghana Airways July 1, 1963 ¤
Ghana Airways April 1, 1966
Ghana Airways August 1, 1967 (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Ghana Airways November 1, 1967
Ghana Airways April 1, 1969
Ghana Airways November 1, 1970 ¤
Ghana Airways April 1, 1972
Ghana Airways April 1, 1974
Ghana Airways November 1, 1975
Ghana Airways April 1, 1977 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Ghana Airways Until October 31, 1979 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Ghana International Airlines 2009 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Giyani Airways Undated (c. 1985) (From the collection of Don Henchel)
Hunting-Clan African Airways April 1, 1957
Hunting-Clan African Airways January 15, 1958 Includes Hunting-Clan Air Transport "Africargo" flights
Hunting-Clan African Airways August 1, 1958
Hunting-Clan African Airways January 1, 1959
Inter Air September 1, 1994. (From the collection of Perry A. Sloan)
Inter Air Undated (c. 1995) (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Inter Air Undated (c. 1996). (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Inter Air April 1999 (DZ)
Inter Air September 4, 2000
International Air June 1967
Kenya Airways May 1, 1977
Kenya Airways April 1, 1978
Kenya Airways July 1, 1979
Kenya Airways April 1, 1982 (From the collection of Marc Pfitzer)
Kenya Airways October 28, 2007. (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Kenya Airways March 29, 2009. (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Kingdom of Libya Airlines April 1, 1966
Kingdom of Libya Airlines April 1, 1968 ¤ International routes
Kingdom of Libya Airlines November 1, 1968 International routes
Kingdom of Libya Airlines November 1, 1968 ¤ Domestic routes September 1, 2002 May 12, 2003
LAM - Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique December 1, 1981
LANA - Lignes Aériennes Nord-Africaines December 1, 1935 Alger-Constantine-Bône route
LANA - Lignes Aériennes Nord-Africaines December 1, 1935 Bône-Tunis route
Lesotho Airways July 1, 1979 International routes
Lesotho Airways November 1, 1986
Lesotho Airways April 1, 1991
Lesotho Airways April 1, 1996 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Liberian National Airlines April 1, 1967
Libyan Arab Airlines April 1, 1970
Libyan Arab Airlines December 1, 1971
Libyan Arab Airlines April 1, 1972 ¤
Libyan Arab Airlines April 1, 1974
Libyan Arab Airlines November 1, 1976 ¤
Libyan Arab Airlines May 1, 1978 ¤
Libyan Arab Airlines April 1, 1982
Libyan Arab Airlines October 30, 2003 Tripoli-Frankfurt, German edition
Link Airways May 30, 1990 ¤
Magnum Airlines May 19, 1980 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Magnum Airlines September 15, 1983 Includes flights of Border Air Services, Mmabatho Air Services, United Air and Venda Airways
Magnum Airlines October 29, 1984
Metavia Airlines March 1, 1993
Misrair Summer 1950. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair May 17, 1952. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair November 1, 1952. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair December 15, 1953. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair February 15, 1954. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair May 1, 1967
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines January 15, 1955. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines January 15, 1955 In Arabic
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines April 16, 1955
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines March 1, 1956
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines October 2, 1956. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines January 1, 1957. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misrair - Egyptian Airlines May 1, 1959 ¤ Italian edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Misrair - United Arab Airlines June 16 1959 Lebanese edition (system)
Misrair - United Arab Airlines November 14, 1959 ¤ Italian edition (system)
Front cover
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Misrair - United Arab Airlines July 16, 1960. UK edition (system)
(Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misr Airlines September 1, 1935
Misr Airlines December 15, 1935 ¤
Misr Airlines September 9, 1936
Misr Airlines October 7, 1936. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misr Airlines October 15, 1937. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misr Airlines May 15, 1938
Misr Airlines Winter 1939-40. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misr Airlines Winter 1944-45. ¤ (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Misr Airlines Summer 1946
Misr Airlines Summer 1948 ¤
Misr Airwork January 1, 1934
Misr Airwork September 1934. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
NAA Libiavia May 5, 1963 (date of fares list
NAA Libiavia 1964
NAC - National Airways Corporation Undated (c. 1977) Durban-Umtata
Namib Air (Suidwes Lugdiens) April 1, 1979
Namib Air September 1, 1984
Namib Air August 6, 1989
National Airlines - NAL April 1990 Includes flights of Namakwaland Lugdiens
National Airlines - NAL Undated (early 1990s?) Includes flights of Namakwaland Lugdiens
Nationwide Airlines November 15, 1996
Nigerian Airways February 1, 1959
Nigerian Airways November 1, 1959 ¤ Includes flights of Ghana Airways and Hunting-Clan/Airwork
Nigerian Airways April 1, 1960. ¤ Includes flights of Ghana Airways and Hunting-Clan/Airwork
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Nigeria Airways January 1, 1961 Domestic routes
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1961 ¤
Nigeria Airways October 30, 1961
Nigeria Airways May 1, 1963
Nigeria Airways April 1964 ¤
Nigeria Airways October 1964 ¤
Nigeria Airways Undated (c. October 1964) USA-Nigeria
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1966
Nigeria Airways November 1, 1968 International routes
Nigeria Airways August 1, 1970
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1972 UK edition (system)
Nigeria Airways November 1, 1973 ¤ International routes
Nigeria Airways November 1, 1973 Domestic routes
Nigeria Airways July 1, 1974 Domestic routes
Nigeria Airways November 1, 1975 ¤ International routes
Nigeria Airways January 1, 1977. Domestic routes
(From the collection of Perry Sloan)
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1977 ¤ International routes
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1978 ¤ International routes
Nigeria Airways June 1, 1983 International routes
Nigeria Airways June 1, 1983 Domestic routes
Nigeria Airways March 15, 1986 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Nigeria Airways November 27, 1989 Domestic routes
Nigeria Airways April 1, 1990 International routes
Nigeria Airways November 5, 1990 International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Nord Africa Aviazione May 1, 1933 (From the collection of Daniel Kusrow)
PrecisionAir December 1, 2003 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
PrecisionAir November 1, 2007
PrecisionAir March 20, 2009 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
RANA - Rhodesian and Nyasaland Airways October 10, 1938 Pocket timetable (system)
RANA - Rhodesian and Nyasaland Airways April 23, 1939 (From the collection of Peter Wingent)
RANA - Rhodesian and Nyasaland Airways April 23, 1939 Pocket timetable (system)
Regional Air Services February 1, 1998
Royal Air Inter April 1, 1971 (From the collection of Ian Dally)
Royal Air Maroc October 14, 1957
Royal Air Maroc June 26, 1959
Royal Air Maroc October 9, 1961 ¤
Royal Air Maroc November 1, 1963
Royal Air Maroc November 1, 1965 ¤
Royal Air Maroc April 1, 1968. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Royal Air Maroc June 26, 1970 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Royal Air Maroc April 1, 1974 ¤
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation December 3, 1979
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation November 1, 1980
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation May 1, 1982
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation May 1, 1983 (DZ)
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation November 1, 1988
Royal Swazi National Airways Corporation April 1, 1995
SA Airlink October 14, 1996
SA Express April 14, 1996
Safair March 26, 1989
Safair March 31, 1991
Safari Air Services Undated (c- mid/late 1960s) (From the collection of Craig Morris)
SAIDE - Services Aériens Internationaux d'Egypte Undated
(Winter 1951/52 in handwriting)
Sierra Leone Airlines May 9, 1984
Sierra Leone Airways April 1961
Sierra Leone Airways November 16, 1961 International route
Sierra Leone Airways March 25, 1962 International route
Sierra Leone Airways March 31, 1963
Sierra Leone Airways October 27, 1963
Société de Travail Aérien November 1, 1971 Hassi-Messaoud edition
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Somali Airlines September 1, 1969 (From the collection of Daniel Rubenson)
Somali Airlines November 1, 1970
Somali Airlines April 1, 1974
Somali Airlines April 1, 1974 Main international routes, European edition
Somali Airlines Until March 31, 1976 ¤ Front cover (DZ)
(Interior images courtesy of Klaus Vomhof).
Somali Airlines July 1, 1977. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Somali Airlines November 1, 1979
Somali Airlines April 1, 1983
Somali Airlines October 30, 1988
South African Airways - SAA September 1, 1935 (Courtesy of George Stewart)
South African Airways - SAA November 1, 1938
South African Airways - SAA November 1, 1947
South African Airways - SAA May 1, 1950 Intercontinental routes
Includes flights of BOAC
South African Airways - SAA February 1, 1958
South African Airways - SAA February 1, 1960 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
South African Airways - SAA February 28, 1962 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
South African Airways - SAA April 1, 1963 Includes flights of BOAC, Central African Airways and DETA
South African Airways - SAA November 1, 1964 Includes flights of BOAC, Central African Airways and DETA
South African Airways - SAA April 1, 1967 ¤ Includes flights of Air Rhodesia, Central African Airways, DETA and DTA
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
South African Airways - SAA April 1, 1968 Includes flights of Air Rhodesia, Botswana National Airways, DETA, DTA and Lesotho Airways
South African Airways - SAA August 1, 1971 ¤ UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
South African Airways - SAA September 1, 1972 Includes flights of Air Cape, Air Malawi, Air Rhodesia, Botswana Airways Corporation, Comair, DETA, DTA, Margate Air Services, Namakwaland Air Services, Suidwes Lugdiens and Swazi Air
South African Airways - SAA April 1, 1980 ¤ UK edition
(From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
South West Air Transport March 1, 1951
SRAS - Southern Rhodesia Air Services April 28, 1940
Sudan Airways September 1, 1948
Sudan Airways July 1, 1950
Sudan Airways July 1, 1955
Sudan Airways May 15, 1958
Sudan Airways November 1, 1959
Sudan Airways May 15, 1961
Sudan Airways May 1, 1964
Sudan Airways November 1, 1965 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Sudan Airways April 1, 1968
Sudan Airways November 1, 1973 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Sudan Airways April 1, 1974
Sudan Airways April 1, 1977
Sudan Airways April 1, 1979
Sudan Airways April 1, 1987 ¤
Suidwes Lugdiens March 16, 1971
Suidwes Lugdiens May 1, 1978
Sun Air April 11, 1994
Sun Air March 1, 1997 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Swazi Air July 1, 1974
TAAG - Angola Airlines February 25, 1974
TAAG - Angola Airlines April 1, 1977
TAAG - Angola Airlines November 5, 1991 International routes, European edition
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde Undated (1960s)
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde November 1, 1972
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde November 1986
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde April 20, 1987
TACV - Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde March 31, 2002
TAG - Transports Aériens du Gabon December 2, 1954
Theron Airways Undated (c. 1993)
Transkei Airways Undated (1978)
Transkei Airways November 1, 1979
Transkei Airways October 28, 1984
Transkei Airways October 30, 1988
Transsaharienne 1934 ¤
Trek Airways March 28, 1960 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways June 1962 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways January 4, 1963 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways July 1, 1966 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways May 2, 1967 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways October 1, 1968. German edition (system)
(Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
Trek Airways October 7, 1968 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways August 4, 1969 UK edition (system)
Trek Airways March 2, 1970 UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Richard Wright)
Trek Airways August 3, 1970
Tuninter March 30, 1997
Tunis Air April 15, 1951
Tunis Air October 22, 1951
Tunis Air October 11, 1954
Tunis Air April 2, 1956
Tunis Air Summer 1957
Tunis Air October 13, 1958
Tunis Air June 26, 1959
Tunis Air November 4, 1960
Tunis Air October 8, 1962
Tunis Air April 1, 1963
Tunis Air April 1, 1964
Tunis Air April 1, 1966 ¤
Tunis Air April 1, 1967 ¤
Tunis Air November 1, 1967. ¤ (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
Tunis Air April 1, 1968 ¤
Tunis Air November 1, 1970
Tunisavia November 1, 1990
Uganda Airlines April 1, 1982
Uganda Airlines March 30, 1986
Uganda Airlines April 1, 1987
Union Airways November 1, 1933 Timetable in network (route map) format
Includes flights of South West African Airways
United Arab Airlines - UAA January 1, 1961
United Arab Airlines - UAA July 1, 1962
United Arab Airlines - UAA December 15, 1963 UK edition (system)
United Arab Airlines - UAA November 1, 1965
United Arab Airlines - UAA May 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of Misrair
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
United Arab Airlines - UAA April 1, 1968 ¤ UK edition (system)
Includes flights of Misrair
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
West African Airways - WAA September 28, 1987
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation May 13, 1948
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation June 1, 1951
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation June 15, 1952
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation April 1953
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation October 1954
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation October 1, 1955
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation April 1, 1957
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation January 5, 1958
WAAC - West African Airways Corporation July 1, 1958 ¤
Wilson Airways Undated
(Rates sheet insert dated October 1932)
Wilson Airways February 1, 1936 (From the collection of Peter Wingent)
Wilson Airways May 1, 1936 (From the collection of Peter Wingent)
Wilson Airways September 1936
Wilson Airways Undated (1937?)
Zambia Airways May 5, 1969 Includes flights of Botswana National Airways
Zambia Airways April 1, 1970
Zambia Airways November 1, 1971 (From the collection of Oliver Heck)
Zambia Airways April 1, 1973
Zambia Airways Until October 31, 1978
Zambia Airways April 1, 1981
Zambia Airways November 1, 1983 ¤
Zambia Airways October 27, 1991
Zambian Airways November 1, 2004 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ZanAir July 1, 2004 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ZanAir July 1, 2005 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ZAS Airline of Egypt October 1, 1988
ZAS Airline of Egypt October 1, 1989 Domestic routes
ZAS Airline of Egypt October 1, 1992 International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
ZAS Airline of Egypt October 1, 1992 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
ZAS Airline of Egypt October 1, 1993 International routes
Zimbabwe Express Airlines February 1, 1996
Zimbabwe Express Airlines January 15, 1997

Aden Airways February 1951
Aden Airways May 1, 1952
Aden Airways May 1, 1954 Includes flights of Arab Airways (Jerusalem)
Aden Airways November 1, 1954
Aden Airways September 21, 1957
Aden Airways January 1, 1961
Aden Airways April 11, 1963
Aero Asia April 1, 1995
Air Arabia May 1, 2004 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Cambodge April 1, 1970
Air Ceylon December 1, 1949
Air Ceylon November 1950
Air Ceylon October 16, 1951
Air Ceylon January 1954
Air Ceylon March 1, 1955
Air Ceylon April 1, 1958. International routes (except regional routes to/from India)
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Air Ceylon March 31, 1959 International routes (except regional routes to/from India)
Air Ceylon November 3, 1959 International routes (except regional routes to/from India)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Ceylon October 1967
Air Ceylon April 1, 1970
Air Ceylon April 1, 1972 International routes
Air Ceylon May 2, 1974 European edition
Air China November 16, 1988 ¤ Domestic routes
Air Do January 1, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air-India (1940s-50s) May 17, 1948
Air-India (1940s-50s) August 11, 1948
Air-India (1940s-50s) January 4, 1949
Air-India (1940s-50s) August 2, 1949
Air-India (1940s-50s) July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
Air-India August 1959 Includes flights of Indian Airlines
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air-India February 1960 ¤ Includes flights of Indian Airlines
Air-India May 3, 1960
Air-India March 1963 Includes flights of Indian Airlines
Air-India October 1965 Includes flights of Indian Airlines
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Air-India Until August 31, 1968 Includes flights of Indian Airlines
Air-India June 15, 1970 Slim-size edition (system)
Air-India May 24, 1971 Slim-size edition (system)
Air-India April 1, 1974
Air-India April 1, 1975. ¤ (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
Air-India April 1, 1977 ¤ Includes flights of Indian Airlines
Air-India April 1982 (From the collection of Todd Budish)
Air-India March 26, 1989 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Air India Express March 29, 2009 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air-India International November 1, 1948 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International September 1950 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International November 1, 1952 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International June 1, 1953 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International April 3, 1954 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International April 1, 1955
Air-India International June 1, 1956 Includes flights of Air-India
Air-India International August 1957
Air-India International October 1957 German edition (system)
(Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
Air-India International June 1, 1958 Italian edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air-India International July 1, 1958
Air Jordan August 1, 1952
Air Jordan May 1, 1955 English and Arabic language editions
Air Jordan November 1, 1955
Air Jordan October 1, 1957 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Jordan October 1, 1959
Air Kazakstan May 10, 1999
Air KBZ November 1, 2014 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Koryo April 1, 1993 ¤ International routes
Air Koryo October 29, 1995 International routes
(From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Air Koryo March 30, 1997 International routes
(From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Koryo October 26, 1997 ¤ International routes
Air Koryo October 25, 1998 International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Koryo October 29, 2002 International routes
(Courtesy of Anthony Derrick)
Air Koryo March 28, 2004 International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Airlanka September 1, 1979 (DZ)
Air Laos November 1, 1955
Air Laos October 15, 1956
Air Laos June 24, 1957
Air Laos August 1, 1958 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Laos March 15, 1960
Air Liban Summer 1951. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Air Liban June 1, 1952
Air Liban Undated (Summer 1953)
Air Liban November 1, 1953
Air Liban Summer 1954
Air Liban November 30, 1954 Front & back covers (DZ)
Air Liban October 2, 1955
Air Liban December 4, 1957
Air Liban May 1,1959 Egyptian edition (system)
Air Liban May 10, 1959
Air Liban January 15, 1960
Air Liban May 23, 1960 Egyptian edition (system)
Air Liban August 10. 1961
Air Liban December 1, 1962
Air Liban April 1, 1963 Italian edition (system)
Air Nepal International - ANI August 17, 2005
Air Services of India December 25, 1949
Air Services of India July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
Air Siam December 12, 1972 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Siam January 12, 1973 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Siam October 1, 1973 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Siam April 28, 1974
airtransse December (no year)
Air Vietnam November 11, 1957
Air Vietnam Sptember 26, 1958
Air Vietnam April 18, 1960 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Vietnam February 24, 1961 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Air Vietnam April 25, 1962
Air Vietnam September 19, 1966 International routes
Air Vietnam October 2, 1967 International routes
Air Vietnam March 3, 1968 International routes
Air Vietnam July 29, 1968 International routes, Hong Kong edition
Air Vietnam December 30, 1968 International routes, Pocket ed
Air Vietnam May 1969 ¤ International and principal domestic routes
Air Vietnam October 19, 1969 International and principal domestic routes
Air Vietnam April 19, 1970 International routes, Japanese edition
Air Vietnam May 1, 1970 International routes, Hong Kong edition
Air Vietnam November 1, 1970 International and principal domestic routes
Air Vietnam December 4, 1970 International routes, Thai edition
Air Vietnam May 12, 1971 International routes, Singapore edition
Air Vietnam October 22, 1972 International and principal domestic routes
Air Vietnam April 22, 1973 International routes, Hong Kong edition
Air Vietnam November 1, 1974 Domestic routes
Air Vietnam November 1, 1974 International routes, Singapore edition
Airways (India) July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
Alia - Royal Jordanian Airlines November 1, 1964 (DZ)
Alia - Royal Jordanian Airlines July 20, 1968
Alia - Royal Jordanian Airlines November 1, 1968
Alia - Royal Jordanian Airlines June 1, 1976 (From the collection of Ian Dally)
Alyemda - Democratic Yemen Airlines May 1, 1983 (DZ)
Alyemda - Democratic Yemen Airlines October 29, 1988
Amakusa Airlines - AMX February 1, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ANA - All Nippon Airways December 1, 1959
ANA - All Nippon Airways February 1, 1961 (DZ)
ANA - All Nippon Airways August 1, 1961
ANA - All Nippon Airways December 1, 1961
ANA - All Nippon Airways July 1, 1962
ANA - All Nippon Airways May 1, 1964
ANA - All Nippon Airways February 1, 1966 ¤
ANA - All Nippon Airways February 1, 1971
Arab Airways (Jerusalem) August 23, 1953
Arab Airways (Jerusalem) March 1, 1954
Arab Airways (Jerusalem) April 1, 1956 #10
Arab Airways (Jerusalem) April 1, 1956 #10A (revised timetable)
Arab Airways (Jerusalem) April 1, 1958
Ariana Afghan Airlines November 1958. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Ariana Afghan Airlines October 1, 1960 ¤
Ariana Afghan Airlines December 1, 1966
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 12, 1969 International routes
Ariana Afghan Airlines June 22, 1969 Domestic routes
Ariana Afghan Airlines April 2, 1970 Domestic routes
Ariana Afghan Airlines July 17, 1970 International routes
Ariana Afghan Airlines April 15, 1972
(Revised May 9, 1972)
Ariana Afghan Airlines November 1, 1972 US edition (system)
Ariana Afghan Airlines December 19, 1972 UK edition (system)
Ariana Afghan Airlines November 1, 1974
Ariana Afghan Airlines December 1, 1976
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 21, 1978 UK edition (system)
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 22, 1982
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 22, 1983
Ariana Afghan Airlines October 23, 1983
Ariana Afghan Airlines May 22, 1988 International routes
(From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Arkia - Israel Inland Airlines March 14, 1965 (DZ)
Arkia - Israel Inland Airlines April 4, 1971
Armenian Airlines October 27, 1996
Asiana February 19, 1989 Domestic routes
Asiana January 10, 1990 International routes
Azerbaijan Airlines March 27, 1996
Azerbaijan Airlines March 27, 1997 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Azerbaijan Airlines March 26, 2000 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Bakhtar Afghan Airlines April 14, 1973
Bangkok Airways April 20, 1989 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Bangkok Airways June 2, 1992
Bangkok Airways October 29, 1995 (DZ)
Bangkok Airways March 29, 1998 (DZ)
Bangkok Airways March 28, 1999
Bangkok Airways October 31, 1998 (DZ)
Bharat Airways July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
Bharat Airways Undated (c. 1953). (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Winter (1973/74)
Biman Bangladesh Airlines April 1, 1977
Biman Bangladesh Airlines November 1, 1980
Biman Bangladesh Airlines March 30, 1986
Biman Bangladesh Airlines Undated (c. 1999) International routes, Thai edition
(From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Borneo Airways August 28, 1960 (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Borneo Airways August 1, 1961 (DZ)
Borneo Airways November 3, 1963
Borneo Airways February 15, 1964 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Borneo Airways January 1, 1965
Bouraq Indonesia Airlines July 1973
Burma Airways Corporation Undated (1980s) International routes
Burma Airways Corporation March 27, 1988 International routes
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China October 1, 1956 Includes flights of Aeroflot and UKAMPS (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China January 1, 1957 Includes flights of Aeroflot and UKAMPS (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 1, 1957 Timetable in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Aeroflot
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China October 1, 1958 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Aeroflot and UKAMPS (CAAK) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China July 1, 1959 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Aeroflot and UKAMPS (CAAK) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 1, 1961 ¤ Includes flights of MNR (Mongolia) and UKAMPS (CAAK) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China October 1, 1963 Includes flights of UKAMPS (CAAK) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China November 1, 1964 Includes flights of UKAMPS (CAAK) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 11, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of CAAK (UKAMPS) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 1, 1973 International and principal domestic routes
Includes flights of CAAK (UKAMPS) (North Korea)
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 1, 1978 International and principal domestic routes
Includes flights of CAAK - Chosonminhang
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China November 1, 1979 International and principal domestic routes, pocket edition
CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China April 1, 1980 ¤ Includes flights of CAAK - Chosonminhang
CAT - Civil Air Transport April 5, 1953 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport November 1, 1953 Domestic routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport July 1, 1955 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport July 1, 1956 Domestic routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport October 1, 1956 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport May 1, 1957 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport October 15, 1958 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport April 1, 1959 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport May 1, 1961 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport December 1, 1962 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport July 1, 1963 International routes, pocket edition
CAT - Civil Air Transport September 16, 1965 Domestic routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport August 3, 1966 International routes
(From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
CAT - Civil Air Transport April 17, 1967 International routes
CAT - Civil Air Transport January 10, 1968 International routes
Cathay Pacific Airways April 17, 1950 "Air cargo rates" (includes sytem timetable)
Cathay Pacific Airways February 15, 1953
Cathay Pacific Airways January 1956
Cathay Pacific Airways May 12, 1957
Cathay Pacific Airways July 16, 1959 ¤
Cathay Pacific Airways July 1, 1961
Cathay Pacific Airways June 1, 1963
Cathay Pacific Airways April 16, 1967. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Cathay Pacific Airways April 18, 1971 ¤
Cathay Pacific Airways December 4, 1976
China Airlines April 1, 1967 International routes
China Airlines October 5, 1967 International routes
China Airlines January 1, 1968 International routes
China Airlines April 10, 1970 Domestic routes
China Airlines April 22, 1973 International routes
China Airlines July 14, 1976 International routes
China Airways Co. (CKKK - Chuka Koku Kabushiki Kaisha) Undated (c. 1940) (DZ)
China Asia Airlines October 11, 1990
Chosonminhang - Korean Airways April 1, 1989 ¤ International routes
Chosonminhang - Korean Airways April 4, 1990 International routes
Chosonminhang - Korean Airways April 1, 1991 ¤ International routes
Front cover (DZ)
Chosonminhang - Korean Airways November 4, 1991 International routes
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation April 1, 1936
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation April 5, 1937 Shanghai-Peiping route
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation March 20, 1938
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation October 1, 1940
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation June 1, 1947 ¤ Front cover
CNAC - China National Aviation Corporation August 1, 1947 ¤
Compagnie Générale de Transports - CGDT May 1, 1947
Compagnie Générale de Transports - CGDT October 23, 1950
Dai Nippon Koku April 1, 1939 ¤ (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Deccan Airways April 5, 1950 (DZ)
Deccan Airways June 1951
Deccan Airways July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
De Kroonduif April 14, 1957
De Kroonduif December 1, 1957
De Kroonduif April 1, 1958
De Kroonduif April 21, 1958
De Kroonduif December 1, 1958
Dragonair April 14, 1991 Version 1 (system)
Eastar Jet August 1, 2009 Domestic routes
Eastar Jet October 28, 2012 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
East Star Airlines Undated (c. 2006-2009) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
East-West Scheduled Air Transport Co. (Tozai Teiki Kokukai) Undated (summer 1928) (DZ)
El Al Israel Airlines Undated (1951)
(Flight times correspond exactly to another El Al timetable dated April 29, 1951)
El Al Israel Airlines June 1, 1952 North American edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines November 1, 1952 North American edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines April 19, 1953 North American edition (system except Rome-Vienna leg missing)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
El Al Israel Airlines March 4, 1956 North American edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
El Al Israel Airlines June 3, 1956
El Al Israel Airlines October 18, 1959 UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Kevin Thorne)
El Al Israel Airlines March 27, 1960 UK edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines April 1, 1961 US edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines April 1, 1962 UK edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines March 17, 1963 US edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines October 13, 1963 US edition (system)
El Al Israel Airlines May 1, 1966
El Al Israel Airlines March 19, 1967. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
El Al Israel Airlines November 3, 1968. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
El Al Israel Airlines March 28, 1971
El Al Israel Airlines September 10, 1972. (From the collection of Jan Wollin)
El Al Israel Airlines June 24, 1973. UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
El Al Israel Airlines April 1, 1975
El Al Israel Airlines November 1, 1979 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
El Al Israel Airlines March 31, 1985
Emirates October 26, 1986 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Emirates October 25, 1987 Pocket edition (system)
Eurasia June 29, 1937 ¤
EVA Air July 1, 1994 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Far Eastern Airlines - FEA October 10, 1956 (DZ)
Far Eastern Airlines - FEA July 1, 1957
FDA - Fuji Dream Airlines July 23, 2009
FDA - Fuji Dream Airlines March 28, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
FDA - Fuji Dream Airlines March 26, 2023. Large folded sheet (system)
(From the collection of Sam Vaughn)
Filipinas Orient Airways December 21, 1972
First Cambodia Airlines February 25, 2004 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Formosa Airlines March 22, 1991
Formosa Airlines December 15, 1997. (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Foshing Airlines Undated (c. 1950s)
Foshing Airlines October 1, 1991
Fuji Air Lines September 1, 1963 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines October 1, 1963
Fuji Air Lines November 1, 1963 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines December 1, 1963 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines December 20, 1963 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines January 11, 1964 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines February 1, 1964 (DZ)
Fuji Air Lines March 1, 1964 (DZ)
Fujita Air Lines December 1, 1962 (DZ)
Fujita Air Lines April 20, 1963 Tokyo-Hachijo service
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Garuda Indonesian Airways September 1, 1950
Garuda Indonesian Airways May 1952 "Western Section" and "Eastern Section"
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Garuda Indonesian Airways October 1, 1954
Garuda Indonesian Airways August 8, 1956
Garuda Indonesian Airways August 1, 1957
Garuda Indonesian Airways August 1, 1961
Garuda Indonesian Airways January 1, 1962 International routes
Garuda Indonesian Airways August 15, 1963 International routes
Garuda Indonesian Airways April 1, 1964 International routes
Garuda Indonesian Airways March 29, 1965 International routes
Garuda Indonesian Airways April 18, 1966 International routes
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Garuda Indonesian Airways April 1, 1968 International routes
Garuda Indonesian Airways November 23, 1969 International routes
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
Garuda Indonesian Airways April 1, 1975 International routes
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
Garuda Indonesian Airways April 1, 1982 Includes routes of Merpati Nusantara Airlines
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Golden Myanmar Airlines Undated (c. April 2013) (DZ)
Great China Airlines February 2, 1989 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines November 1, 1989 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines April 1, 1990
Great China Airlines August 1, 1990 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines November 1, 1990 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines March 28, 1991 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines May 1, 1991 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Great China Airlines August 1, 1991 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Gujarat Airways July 17, 1998 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Gulf Air July 1, 1974
Gulf Aviation July 1, 1952. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Gulf Aviation April 1, 1954. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Gulf Aviation August 1, 1955. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Gulf Aviation October 9, 1960. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Gulf Aviation November 1, 1961
Gulf Aviation February 4, 1965
Gulf Aviation April 1, 1970
Gulf Aviation June 7, 1971. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
GX Airlines Undated (c. 2015) (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
GX Airlines 2019
(one route dated October 16)
International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
HAC - Hokkaido Air System April 1, 2012
Hàng Không Viêt Nam Until October 31, 1984 International routesHang Khong Viet Nam
Hàng Không Viêt Nam November 1, 1984 International routesHang Khong Viet Nam
Hong Kong Airways February 26, 1948
Hong Kong Airways November 8, 1955
Hong Kong Airways March 1, 1957
Hong Kong Airways September 1, 1958
Hong Kong Airways January 1, 1959
Hunnu Air March 31, 2013
Hunnu Air March 26, 2018 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Indian Airlines - IAC August 1, 1953 "Line 6" (ex-Air-India routes)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Indian Airlines - IAC October 1953
Indian Airlines - IAC March 15, 1954 "Lines 6 & 7" (ex-Air-India & Air Services of India routes)
Indian Airlines - IAC February 1958 Includes flights of Air-India International and Iranian Airways
Indian Airlines - IAC October 1, 1961
Indian Airlines - IAC May 1, 1963 ¤
Indian Airlines - IAC April 1, 1964
Indian Airlines - IAC June 15, 1970
Indian Airlines - IAC October 1972 ¤
Indian Airlines - IAC November 1, 1974
Indian Airlines - IAC April 1, 1977
(Updated July 4, 1977)
Indian National Airways December 10, 1933
Indian National Airways November 1938
Indian National Airways May 1, 1947 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Indian National Airways January 1948
Indian National Airways July 25, 1950
Indian National Airways July 1952 Official Airline Guide published by Air Transport Association of India
Includes flights of Air-India, Air Services of India, Airways (India), Bharat Airways, Deccan Airways and Indian National Airways
Indonesian Airlines Undated (2002) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Iranair (Iranian Airways) October 23, 1957 ¤
Iranair (Iranian Airways) July 1, 1958 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iranair (Iranian Airways) November 1, 1958
Iranair (Iranian Airways) June 1, 1959 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iranair (Iranian Airways) November 1, 1959
Iran Air June 6, 1964
Iran Air November 1, 1967 ¤ (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iran Air April 1, 1968
Iran Air June 1, 1972
Iran Air April 1, 1976 UK edition
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Iraqi Airways May 15, 1946
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1948
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1949
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1950
Iraqi Airways August 1, 1951
Iraqi Airways February 1, 1952
Iraqi Airways February 1, 1952 In Arabic
Iraqi Airways April 1, 1954
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1955
Iraqi Airways October 1, 1955
Iraqi Airways February 1, 1957
Iraqi Airways October 6, 1957
Iraqi Airways April 1, 1958
Iraqi Airways January 1, 1961
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1962
Iraqi Airways May 15, 1964
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1966 (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1967 (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1968
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1969
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1970
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1971 (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iraqi Airways July 1, 1973 ¤ (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iraqi Airways May 1, 1974
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1974 ¤ (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1975
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1976
Iraqi Airways April 1, 1977
Iraqi Airways November 1, 1979
Israir March 31, 2000 (DZ)
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 15, 1952 Brochure w/tt enclosure dated April 17, 1952
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 15, 1953 Brochure w/tt enclosure dated July 15, 1953
JAL - Japan Air Lines February 1, 1954 International routes, In Japanese
JAL - Japan Air Lines August 1, 1954 Domestic routes, In Japanese
JAL - Japan Air Lines October 1, 1954 Domestic routes
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 1, 1955
(Domestic routes: October 16, 1955)
In Japanese (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 15, 1955 US edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines December 1, 1955
(Domestic routes: November 15, 1955)
In Japanese (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 29, 1956 US edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 28, 1957 US edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 1, 1957 US edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines May 8, 1958
JAL - Japan Air Lines August 1, 1958 In Japanese (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 1, 1959 Domestic routes
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 1, 1959 US edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines May 15, 1959 In Japanese (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines July 1, 1959 ¤ (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 1, 1959. (From the collection of Jan Wollin)
JAL - Japan Air Lines June 1, 1960 UK edition (system)
JAL - Japan Air Lines December 1, 1961
JAL - Japan Air Lines August 1, 1962 ¤
JAL - Japan Air Lines October 1, 1962. Domestic routes
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 1, 1963 ¤
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 1, 1964 ¤
JAL - Japan Air Lines November 1, 1966. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
JAL - Japan Air Lines Until March 31, 1969 ¤
(December 1968 edition)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
JAL - Japan Air Lines Until March 31, 1970. ¤
(March edition)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
JAL - Japan Air Lines April 1, 1974. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
JAL - Japan Air Lines September 1, 1988 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1930 In Japanese
Japan Air Transport Co. August 31, 1931 (revised June 1) (DZ)
Japan Air Transport Co. November 1931 (DZ)
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1, (1932) In Japanese
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1, 1932 (DZ)
Japan Air Transport Co. November 1, 1933 In Japanese
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1, 1934
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1935 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Japan Air Transport Co. October 1, 1936 Timetable in network (route map) format
Japan Air Transport Co. April 1, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format
Japan Asia Airways September 1, 1975 (DZ)
Japan Asia Airways December 1, 1977 (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Japan Asia Airways July 1, 1983
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA November 1, 1964
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA June 1, 1965
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA December 1, 1966
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA April 1, 1967
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA August 1, 1968
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA May 1, 1969
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA November 1, 1969 (valid until November 30) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA November 1, 1969 (valid until December 31)
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA October 1, 1970 ¤
Japan Domestic Airlines - JDA May 1, 1971 ¤
Japan Sea Air Transport Co. (Nihon-Kai Koku Kabushiki Kaisha - NKKKK) Undated (c. 1932) (DZ)
Jetstar Japan March 31, 2019 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
JHAT - Japan Helicopter & Aeroplane Transports Co. Undated (c. Spring 1954)
JHAT - Japan Helicopter & Aeroplane Transports Co. May 15, 1956 (DZ)
JHAT - Japan Helicopter & Aeroplane Transports Co. May 15, 1956 Kokura edition
KAK - Kanki Airlines March 1964 (From the collection of Don Henchel)
KAL - Korean Air Lines November 15, 1965 Domestic routes
KAL - Korean Air Lines March 7, 1966 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
KAL - Korean Air Lines August 12, 1967 International routes
KAL - Korean Air Lines July 25, 1968 International routes
KAL - Korean Air Lines July 1, 1969
KAL - Korean Air Lines December 20, 1970 International routes
KAL - Korean Air Lines October 17, 1971 International routes
KAL - Korean Air Lines July 1, 1974 International routes
Kampuchea Airlines October 27, 1997.
Kish Airlines Undated (c. 2015) Kish-UAE, Dubai edition
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
KNA - Kuwait National Airways February 6, 1955. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 1, 1930 (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways October 15, 1930 ¤ (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 1931
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 2, 1932 ¤
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways November 1, 1932
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 1, 1933
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways November 5, 1935 Dutch language edition
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways November 5, 1935 English language edition
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 1, 1938
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways July 3, 1938 Batavia-Sydney route
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways October 2, 1938 Joint KLM/KNILM timetable for the Europe-Australia route
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways November 18, 1940
KNILM - Royal Netherlands Indies' Airways May 1, 1941 ¤ System except Batavia-Sydney
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Korean Air April 26, 1986 International routes
(From the collection of Todd Budish)
Koreanair (KNA - Korean National Airlines) February 1, 1961
Kunming Airlines November 1, 2009 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Kuwait Airways June 10, 1957. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Kuwait Airways February 15, 1963
Kuwait Airways May 1, 1968 US edition (system)
Kuwait Airways April 1, 1971 US edition (system)
Kuwait Airways June 1, 1977
Lao Aviation August 5, 1986 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Lao Aviation October 25, 1989
Lao Aviation Undated (c. 1994) International routes
Lao Aviation Undated (c. 1995)
Lao Aviation April 1, 1996 International routes
Lao Central Airlines Undated (2013)
LIA - Lebanese International Airways June 15, 1958
LIA - Lebanese International Airways Summer 1964 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LIA - Lebanese International Airways January 2, 1967 (From the collection of Wassim Chemaitilly)
LIA - Lebanese International Airways April 15, 1967 Joint MEA/LIA timetable
LIA - Lebanese International Airways August 1, 1967 Joint MEA/LIA timetable
Makung Airlines April 16, 1990
Makung Airlines March 1, 1991
Makung Airlines November 21, 1992
Malayan Airways February 1948 Domestic routes
Malayan Airways April 1948 International routes
Malayan Airways January 1, 1950
Malayan Airways December 10, 1952 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Malayan Airways August 24, 1953
Malayan Airways November 1, 1955
Malayan Airways April 12, 1960
Malayan Airways April 1, 1961 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Malayan Airways May 1, 1963 Includes flights of Borneo Airways
Malayan Airways November 3, 1963 Includes flights of Borneo Airways
Malaysian Airways January 1, 1966
Manchuria Aviation Co. Undated (c. late 1932)
Mandala Airlines March 5, 2008 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
MAS - Malaysian Airline System April 1, 1975
MEA - Middle East Airlines February 1, 1950
MEA - Middle East Airlines December 15, 1952
MEA - Middle East Airlines May 25, 1953
MEA - Middle East Airlines December 1, 1955
(November 1, 1955 on the cover)
MEA - Middle East Airlines April 15, 1957. (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
MEA - Middle East Airlines October 7, 1957
MEA - Middle East Airlines November 1, 1958
MEA - Middle East Airlines April 1, 1960
MEA - Middle East Airlines November 1, 1960
MEA - Middle East Airlines September 1, 1962
MEA - Middle East Airlines June 1, 1963
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban April 1, 1964
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban November 1, 1966
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban April 15, 1967 Joint MEA/LIA timetable
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban August 1, 1967 Joint MEA/LIA timetable
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban July 1, 1969
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban July 15, 1970. (From the collection of Rauno Segersvä:rd)
MEA - Middle East Airlines Air Liban November 1, 1972
Merpati Nusantara Airlines November 15, 1970
Merpati Nusantara Airlines c. 1971-72 Indonesia-Australia
Merpati Nusantara Airlines March 1, 1974
Merpati Nusantara Airlines March 1975 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Merpati Nusantara Airlines January 1976
MIAT Mongolian Airlines March 30, 2003
Mindanao Express October 8, 1997
Mongolian Airlines Group March 25, 2012 German edition (system)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
MSA - Malaysia-Singapore Airlines May 1, 1967
MSA - Malaysia-Singapore Airlines August 21, 1969 ¤
MSA - Malaysia-Singapore Airlines August 1, 1972 ¤
Myanmar Airways International March 27, 1994 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Nagasaki Airways - NAW January 16, 1967 (DZ)
Nagasaki Airways - NAW 1982 (DZ)
Nagasaki Airways - NAW 1983
Nagasaki Airways - NAW December 1, 1997
Nagasaki Airways - NAW January 1, 2000
Naka Nihon Air Service Undated (c. 1963) (DZ)
NAL - Naka Nihon Airlines Undated (1991)
New Central Airservice - NCA Undated
(connecting flights dated December 1980)
New Central Airservice - NCA March 1981
New Central Airservice - NCA Undated (DZ)
New Central Airservice - NCA Undated (DZ)
Nihon-Kai Koku Kabushiki Kaisha - NKKKK (Japan Sea Air Transport Co.) Undated (c. 1932) (DZ)
Nippon Yuran Airlines October 1 (no year; mid to late 1950s?) (DZ)
Nippon Yuran Airlines July 1, 1959
Nitto Air Lines September 10, 1960 (DZ)
Nitto Air Lines September 10, 1960 (DZ)
Nitto Air Lines 1961 Reprint issued by the Ehime Prefectural Science Museum in 2007
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
NJA - North Japan Airlines Undated (c. 1957) (DZ)
NJA - North Japan Airlines October 1, 1963
NKA - Nihon Kinkyori Airways April 1984
NKYK - Nippon Koku Yuso Kenkyujo Undated (c. late 1930s) (DZ)
NNA - Nippon Naigai Airways March 1981 (DZ)
Nok Air March 28, 2007
Nok Air December 1, 2012
OK Air Winter/spring 2010-11
ORC - Oriental Air Bridge April 1, 2001
ORC - Oriental Air Bridge February 1, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Orient Express Air 1996
Orient Thai Airlines Winter 1997
Orient Thai Airlines/One-Two-GO Airlines Undated (c. 2004)
Palestine Airways February 1940 (Courtesy of Israstamps)
PATCO - Philippine Aerial Taxi Co. Undated (c. mid-1930s)
PATCO - Philippine Aerial Taxi Co. Undated (c. 1936)
Pelangi Air April 1, 1988
Pelangi Air September 1, 1994 (DZ)
Persian Air Services - PAS June 20, 1960
Persian Air Services - PAS October 30, 1960 ¤
Philippine Air Lines April 1947 Int'l routes
Philippine Air Lines September 1, 1947 Transpacific & Far East services, US edition
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Philippine Air Lines February 1948 Domestic routes
Philippine Air Lines September 1, 1948 Transpacific & Hong Kong services, US edition
(From the collection of Amtonio Bordoni)
Philippine Air Lines April 1, 1949 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines October 22, 1949 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines November 15, 1950 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines May 15, 1951 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines August 1, 1952 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines July 16, 1953 Domestic routes
Philippine Air Lines October 1, 1953 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines August 30, 1954 International routes
Philippine Air Lines Undated (1957; summer or autumn) Manila-Hong Kong route
Philippine Air Lines August 1, 1958 Manila-Hong Kong route
Philippine Air Lines October 6, 1958 Domestic routes
Philippine Air Lines June 18, 1961
Philippine Air Lines June 1962 International routes
Philippine Air Lines September 15, 1962 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines November 1, 1963 International routes
Philippine Air Lines June 1964 "Domestic system" (= domestic & international routes)
(From the collection of Peter Slowe)
Philippine Air Lines May 1, 1966 International routes, slim-size edition
Philippine Air Lines January 1, 1967 International routes, slim-size edition
Philippine Air Lines April 15, 1968 Domestic routes
Philippine Airlines April 1, 1970 International routes
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
Philippine Airlines April 1, 1970 International routes, slim-size edition
Philippine Airlines November 1, 1970 International routes
Philippine Airlines November 1, 1970 International routes, US edition
Philippine Air Lines August 1, 1976 ¤ Domestic routes
Philippine Airlines April 1, 1978 International routes
Philippine Airlines November 1, 1980 International routes
Philippine Airlines June 1, 1999 Revised August 1999
Philippine Airlines October 26, 2003 (From the collection of Amtonio Bordoni)
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines January 1956
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines March 1, 1957
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 20, 1958
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 15, 1959
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 10, 1960. ¤ June edition
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 16, 1961
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines June 16, 1961
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines February 1, 1962
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines December 16, 1962
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines October 27, 1963
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 1, 1964 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines July 1, 1964
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines November 1966 ¤
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 1, 1968 ¤
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 1, 1970
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines January 1, 1972. (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines November 1, 1972 International routes
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 15, 1974
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines April 1, 1977
PIA - Pakistan International Airlines May 1, 1980
RAC - Ryukyu Air Commuter Undated (c. late 1980s)
Regent Airways March 26, 2017 (DZ)
Royal Air Cambodge November 1, 1966
Royal Air Cambodge April 1, 1970
Royal Air Lao January 1, 1975
Royal Nepal Airlines October 15, 1965
Royal Nepal Airlines October 1, 1967
Royal Nepal Airlines September 15, 1972 International routes
Royal Nepal Airlines February 1, 1990
Royal Nepal Airlines March 30, 2003
Saudi Arabian Airlines September 9, 1947 (deleted)
(List of fares dated March 1, 1948 inside)
Saudi Arabian Airlines November 1, 1964
Saudi Arabian Airlines October 28, 1968
Saudi Arabian Airlines October 1, 1969
Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) April 1, 1975 ¤ (From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
Shanghai Airlines October 25, 1992
Shanxi Airlines January 9, 2001
Shanxi Airlines August 1, 2001
Siem Reap Airways International March 25, 2001
Singapore Airlines May 1, 1976 Slim size edition
SKOGA April 1, 1954
SKOGA Undated
(List of fares dated May 1954 inside)
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Skymark Airlines March 28, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Skymark Airlines March 26, 2023. ¤ (From the collection of Sam Vaughn)
Solaseed Air March 28, 2021 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
SpiceJet Winter 2009-10 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Spring Japan Airlines June 1, 2015
Sri Lankan Air Taxi Undated (c. 2010) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
SWAL - Southwest Air Lines April 1, 1971
SWAL - Southwest Air Lines December 1, 1979
Syrian Arab Airlines October 1, (1963)
Syrian Arab Airlines March 8, (1964) ¤ (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Syrian Arab Airlines July 16, 1966
Syrian Arab Airlines November 18, 1970
Syrian Arab Airlines November 1, 1974
Syrian Arab Airlines February 1, 1976
Syrian Arab Airlines November 1, 1988 ¤ (From the collection of Piotr Topolski) (schedule part: BL)
TAC - Thai Airways Undated
(List of fares dated December 1, 1951 inside)
International routes, Japanese edition
(From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
TAC - Thai Airways October 1, 1952
TAC - Thai Airways September 15, 1953
TAC - Thai Airways December 1954
TAC - Thai Airways November 16, 1958
TAC - Thai Airways January 1, 1967
TAC - Thai Airways July 1, 1970 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
TAC - Thai Airways January 1, 1971 ¤
TAC - Thai Airways December 15, 1973
TAC - Thai Airways January 15, 1977
TAC - Thai Airways June 1, 1979
TAC - Thai Airways October 15, 1980 ¤
TAC - Thai Airways November 1, 1982
TAC - Thai Airways June 1, 1984 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
TAC - Thai Airways June 1, 1985 ¤
TAC - Thai Airways June 1, 1987 ¤ (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
TAIP - Transportes Aéreos da Índia Portuguesa Summer 1960 Transportes Aereos da India Portuguesa
Tata Air Lines (Tata Air Services) 1938. (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Tata Air Lines November (1940?)
Tata Air Lines Undated (c. October 1941). (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Tata Sons c. 1933. (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
TDA - Toa Domestic Airlines June 1, 1971
TDA - Toa Domestic Airlines April 1, 1974 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
TDA - Toa Domestic Airlines May 1, 1982 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Thai Airways International May 1, 1960 Revised edition (though not stated) (system)
Thai Airways International August 1, 1960
Thai Airways International December 1, 1960 ¤ Front cover
Thai Airways International May 15, 1962
Thai Airways International January 2, 1964
Thai Airways International April 1, 1966
Thai Airways International April 1, 1969
Thai Airways International January 1, 1972 ¤
Thai Airways International April 1979 ¤
THAI Smile July 7, 2012 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
TMA - Trans Mediterranean Airways July 1967 Thai edition (system)
TMA - Trans Mediterranean Airways April 1, 1970
TMA - Trans Mediterranean Airways July 1, 1972
Toa Airways - TAW July 10, 1963 (DZ)
Toa Airways - TAW March 1, 1964. (From the collection of Perry A. Sloan)
Toa Airways - TAW August 1, 1966
Toa Airways - TAW April 1, 1968
Toa Airways - TAW February 1, 1970 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Tokyo Koku Yuso Kabushiki Kaisha (Tokyo Air Transport Co.) Undated (c. 1931)
Tozai Teiki Kokukai (East-West Scheduled Air Transport Co.) Undated (summer 1928) (DZ)
Tradewinds October 29, 1989 (DZ)
Trans Arabia Airways March 1, 1963
Trans Arabia Airways November 17, 1963
Trans Arabia Airways January 15, 1964 (DZ)
T'way Airlines June 1, 2018 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
T'way Airlines March 1, 2019 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Union of Burma Airways October 1, 1955 International routes
Union of Burma Airways August 28, 1958 International routes
(From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Union of Burma Airways October 19, 1969 International routes
United Airways August 16, 2008
Urumqi Air 2019 (fares effective July 1, 2019) Ürümqi-Wuhan-Singapore
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Urumqi Air Undated (c. 2019) Ürümqi-Wuhan-Singapore
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Valuair March 27, 2005 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Valuair March 27, 2005 Chinese edition (system)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Vanilla Air March 26, 2017
Vietnam Airlines November 1, 1991
Vietnam Air Services Co. March 27, 2011 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
West Air Undated (c. 2019) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Yemen Airways June 9, 1977
Yokohama Koku - YHK July 1, 1971 (DZ)
Zhongyuan Airlines March 29, 1998

ABA - AB Aerotransport (Summer) 1924 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport Summer 1926 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM and Lignes Farman
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 19, 1927 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM, LOT ("Polska Linja Lotnicza") and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG OLAG
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 10, 1928 ¤ Includes flights of Ad Astra Aero, Aero O/Y, Air Union, Balair, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Farman, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG and SABENA OLAG
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 10, 1928 Joint DDL/KLM/ABA timetable, Danish edition
(From the collection of Daniel Kusrow)
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 8, 1928 Includes flights of KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport 1931 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM, Lignes Farman and SABENA
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1932 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM, Lignes Farman and SABENA
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1932
ABA - AB Aerotransport September 1, 1932 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM, Lignes Farman and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, 1932
ABA - AB Aerotransport March 1, 1933 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1933 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air Union, Austroflug, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost (Avioslava), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Farman, LOT, Malert, SABENA, SAM and Swissair
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda) CLS
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, 1933 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Austroflug, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost (Avioslava), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda) CLS
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1934 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air France, Austroflug, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost (Avioslava), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM, LOT, SABENA and Swissair
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda) CLS
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, 1934 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Austroflug, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost (Avioslava), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda) CLS
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 1, 1935 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air France, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LAPE - Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas, LOT, SABENA and Swissair
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 6, 1935 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air France, Austroflug, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost (Avioslava), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LOT, Sabena and Swissair
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 19, 1936 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air France, BAL - British Airways, BCA - British Continental Airways, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LOT and Sabena
ABA - AB Aerotransport January 1, 1937 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, Air France, BAL - British Airways, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and Sabena
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 4, 1937. (From the collection of Mikael Öqvist)
ABA - AB Aerotransport July 1, 1937 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Western Europe-Moscow ("Kremlin Air Express")
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 3, 1937.
ABA - AB Aerotransport March 27, 1938 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport July 18, 1938 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Western Europe-Moscow ("Moscow Air Express")
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport July 18, 1938 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 2, 1938 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 16, 1939 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of Aeroflot, Aero O/Y, Air France, BAL - British Airways, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, KLM, LOT and Swissair
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 3, (1939) Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow ("Moscow Air Express")
ABA - AB Aerotransport Undated (November 1939) Timetable in network (route map) format
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 12, 1939 Joint Aeroflot/ABA timetable, Moscow-Stockholm
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, (1939) Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport February 1, 1940 Timetable in network (route map) format
ABA - AB Aerotransport June 1, 1940 Timetable in network (route map) format
ABA - AB Aerotransport July 1, 1940 Joint ABA/Aero O/Y timetable, "Special Olympic Air Traffic" (Stockholm/Tallinn-Helsinki)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 11, 1940 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 20, 1940 Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 5, 1941 Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 1, 1942 Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 5, 1942 Includes flights of Aero O/Y, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and Deutsche Luft Hansa
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport February 1, 1943 No flight times due to wartime conditions
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport January 1, 1944 No flight times due to wartime conditions
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, 1944 No flight times due to wartime conditions
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1945 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport 1945 (c. May) "Rikslinjen" (National route) Malmö-Stockholm-Luleå)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport August 1, 1945
ABA - AB Aerotransport November 1, 1945 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport December 1, 1945 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport December 1, 1945 English language edition (system)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport February 1, 1946 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport March 1, 1946 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport March 1, 1946 English language edition (system)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 1, 1946 English language edition (system)
ABA - AB Aerotransport May 1, 1946
ABA - AB Aerotransport June 1, 1946 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Includes flights of SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport July 1946 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport August 1, 1946 Includes flights of SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport September 1, 1946 Includes flights of SAS ("Scandinair") and SILA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 1946 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS and SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport January 1947 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS and SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport March 1947 Includes flights of SAS and SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport April 1, 1947 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS and SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport June 1, 1947 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS and SILA
ABA - AB Aerotransport August 10, 1947 Includes flights of SAS
ABA - AB Aerotransport October 6, 1947 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS
ABA - AB Aerotransport December 1947 English language edition (system)
Includes flights of SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aberdeen Airways October 29, 1989
Adria Airways March 29, 1992
Aeralpi March 16, 1967
Aerea Teseo April 15, 1947
Aerea Teseo July 1, 1947
Aer Lingus (see also Irish Sea Airways) October 8, 1945
Aer Lingus August 12, 1946
Aer Lingus October 6, 1946
Aer Lingus May 1, 1947
Aer Lingus April 18, 1948
Aer Lingus July 1948
Aer Lingus April 3, 1949
Aer Lingus October 22, 1950
Aer Lingus April 20, 1952
Aer Lingus April 11, 1954
Aer Lingus April 22, 1956
Aer Lingus October 5, 1958 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aer Lingus April 1, 1960 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Aer Lingus April 1, 1961
Aer Lingus November 1, 1962 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Aer Lingus April 1, 1963 "Final edition" (system)
Aer Lingus April 1, 1965 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aer Lingus April 1, 1966 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aerlínte Éireann March 22, 1948 Westbound flights only (no return flights)
Aero Espresso Italiana - AEI Winter 1928-29 In English (system)
Aero Espresso Italiana - AEI March 1, 1933
Aero Espresso Italiana - AEI September 1, 1933 Italian ed (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aeroflot November 1, 1936
Aeroflot July 1, 1937 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Western Europe-Moscow ("Kremlin Air Express")
Aeroflot July 18, 1938 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Western Europe-Moscow ("Moscow Air Express")
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aeroflot July 18, 1938 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aeroflot May 3, (1939) Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow ("Moscow Air Express")
Aeroflot November 12, 1939 Joint Aeroflot/ABA timetable, Moscow-Stockholm
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aeroflot November 11, 1940 Joint ABA/Aeroflot timetable, Stockholm-Moscow
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aeroflot September 20, 1946
Aeroflot Winter 1956-57 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC ("Minhaiduy") and UKAMPS (North Korea)
Aeroflot Winter 1957-58 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC ("Minhaiduy") and UKAMPS (North Korea)
Aeroflot Winter 1958-59. International routes
Includes flights of CAAC, MNR (Mongolian Airlines) and UKAMPS (North Korea)
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Aeroflot Summer 1959 ¤ International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot Winter 1961-62 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot Winter 1962-63 ¤ International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of CAAC, Ghana Airways and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot April 1, 1963 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of CAAC, Ghana Airways and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot April 1, 1964 International routes, USSR QR
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot April 1, 1965 International routes, USSR QR
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aeroflot Summer 1966 International routes, USSR QR
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aeroflot April 1, 1967 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aeroflot April 1, 1968 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot April 1, 1969 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aeroflot April 1, 1970 ¤ International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot April 1, 1971 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Aeroflot June 20, 1972 ¤ International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
(Courtesy of Ben Brans)
Aeroflot April 1, 1973 Aeroflot Estonian Directorate (local routes in the Estonian SSR and routes from Estonia to other parts of the USSR)
Aeroflot November 1, 1973 International routes
Includes flights of CAAC and MIAT - Air Mongol
Aeroflot April 1, 1977 ¤ International routes
Includes flights of CAAC, CAAK - Chosonminhang and MIAT - Air Mongol
Aero Lloyd October 31, 1988 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Aero Lloyd October 30, 1989 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Aero Lloyd Summer 1998 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Aéromaritime Undated (c. 1938) Dakar-Pointe Noire
Aéromaritime 1939 ¤
Aéromaritime October 16, 1940 "Réseau Aérien Français" (Air France/Air Afrique/Aéromaritime)
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Aero O/Y April 15, 1933 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport
Aero O/Y March 27, 1938 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Air France, Alpar, BAL - British Airways, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LOT, Sabena and Swissair
Aero O/Y July 1, 1940 Joint ABA/Aero O/Y timetable, "Special Olympic Air Traffic" (Stockholm/Tallinn-Helsinki)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Aero O/Y April 16, 1950 All routes in network (route map) format
Aero O/Y October 2, 1955 Includes flights of Karhumäki Airways Karhumaki Airways
Aero Portuguesa Winter 1937-38 (From the collection of Joaquim Freire)
Aero Portuguesa Summer 1939 Includes flights of Air France
Aéropostale April 1928
Aéropostale April 1, 1933 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aéropostale April 1, 1933 UK edition (system)
Aeroput May 1, 1936 Belgrade-Zagreb-Ljubljana route
(From the collection of Josip Novak)
AeroSvit October 27, 2002
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) April 1, 1950
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) March 15, 1951
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) January 20, 1952
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) August 1, 1952 (Courtesy of Pascal Bart)
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) September 15, 1952
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) March 1, 1953
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) July 1, 1953
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) October 1, 1953
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) June 1, 1954
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) June 4, 1954 Madagascar route
Aigle Azur (1940s-50s) February 1, 1955 Includes flights of Air Laos and Air Vietnam
Aigle Azur (1980s-2010s) September 28, 1987
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) August 1, 1935 Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) January 4, 1936 Version 1 (system)
Includes flights of SABENA
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) January 4, 1936 Version 2 (system)
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) April 5, 1936 Includes flights of SABENA Regie Air Afrique
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) November 1936 Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) May 30, 1937 (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 3, 1937 Algiers-Tunis & Algiers-Oran
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) May 1, (1938) Europe-Congo-Madagascar
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) Undated (summer 1938) Alger-Gao-Bamako
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 1938 Oran-Alger-Tunis
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) April 1939 Europe-Congo-Madagascar & Gao-Bamako
English language version
Includes flights of SABENA
Air Afrique (Régie Air Afrique) October 16, 1940 "Réseau Aérien Français" (Air France/Air Afrique/Aéromaritime)
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Air Alpes April 1, 1973
Air Alps Until March 30, 2002 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Alps October 27, 2002 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Alsace November 1, 1975 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Anglia April 1, 1972
Air Anglia April 1, 1974
Air Anglia March 20, 1977
Air Anjou Transports Undated (c. 1978) ¤
Air Aquitaine September 27, 1976
Air Atlantique (UK) May 20, 1988
Air Baltic May 5, 1996
Air Berlin USA Undated (c. 1981)
Airborne March 31, 1996
Air Botnia November 1, 1993 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Air Bretagne Summer 2000 (From the collection of Alain Gosset)
Air Business March 30, 1986
Air Charter October 2, (1955) "Channel Air Bridge"
Air Charter October 1, 1956 Channel Air Bridge Division
Air Charter April 1, 1957 Channel Air Bridge Division
Air Charter April 1, 1958. Channel Air Bridge Division
Brochure w/separate timetable enclosure (system)
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Air Charter April 1, 1959 Channel Air Bridge Division
Air Connect Undated (c. early 1980s) (From the collection of Detlef Döbberthin)
Air Corse June 1, 1985
Air Dispatch June 28, (1935) London-Le Touquet route
Air Dolomiti June 1, 1992 (DZ)
Air Emilia Undated (Summer 2003)
Air Enterprises May 1, 1949
Air Enterprises May 1951
(revision pasted over orginal May 20, 1950 schedule)
Air Europe (UK) May 2, 1986
Air Exel (France) Undated (1989)
Air Exel Commuter (Netherlands) October 26, 1997
Air Express November 22, 1993
Air Express March 30, 1997
Air Express January 10, 2000
Air Ferry Summer 1964 (From the collection of Kevin Thorne)
Air France September 1, 1933 ¤ European routes, UK edition
(From the collection of Dacre Watson + BL)
Air France October 5, 1933 ¤ Intercontinental routes
Air France May 1, 1934 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, KLM and Swissair
Air France September 1, 1934 UK edition (system)
Air France November 1, 1934 UK edition (system)
Air France April 1, 1935 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Ala Littoria, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, SABENA and Swissair CLS
Air France January 1, 1936 Air mail timetable, France-South America
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France April 19, 1936 Pocket edition (system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero Portuguesa, Ala Littoria, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LAPE, Régie Air Afrique, SABENA and Swissair CLS Regie Air Afrique
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France April 19, 1936 Paris edition (system)
Air France October 4, 1936 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Aero Portuguesa, Ala Littoria, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, Régie Air Afrique and SABENA Regie Air Afrique
Air France April 4, 1937 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aeromaritime, Aero Portuguesa, Ala Littoria, Avio Linee Italiane, ČLS, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LAPE, Régie Air Afrique, SABENA and Swissair CLS Regie Air Afrique
Air France April 4, 1937 Paris edition (system)
Air France October 3, 1937 Paris edition (system)
Air France March 27, 1938 ¤ Includes flights of ABA, Aeromaritime, Aero Portuguesa, Ala Littoria, Avio LInee Italiane, ČLS, ČSA, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, Régie Air Afrique, SABENA and Swissair CLS CSA Regie Air Afrique
Air France March 30, 1938 Route to/from the Far East, UK edition
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air France October 2, 1938 UK edition (system)
Includes flights of Ala Littoria, ČSA, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, SABENA and Swissair CSA
Air France October 2, 1938 Lyon edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France April 16, 1939 Includes flights of ABA, Aeromaritime, Aero Portuguesa, Ala Littoria, Avio Linee Italiane, ČLS, ČSA, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, Palestine Airways, Régie Air Afrique, SABENA and Swissair CLS CSA Regie Air Afrique
Air France October 16, 1940 "Réseau Aérien Français" (Air France/Air Afrique/Aéromaritime)
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Air France July 12, 1946 North American edition
Air France February 1, 1947 Includes flights of Aero Portuguesa and Air Atlas
Air France January 15, 1948 Includes flights of Aero Portuguesa and Air Atlas
(Timetable enclosure to Winter 1947-48 booklet containing general info etc.)
Air France April 1948 Includes flights of Air Atlas
(Timetable enclosure to Summer 1948 booklet containing general info etc.)
Air France November 25, 1949 Routes to/from West & Equatorial Africa
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France May 1950 ¤ Includes flights of Aero Portuguesa, Air Atlas, CGDT - Compagnie Générale de Transports and Tunis Air Compagnie Generale de Transports
Air France Summer 1950 UK edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France January 1951 ¤ Includes flights of Aero Portuguesa, Air Atlas, CGDT - Compagnie Générale de Transports, Tunis Air and UAT Compagnie Generale de Transports
Air France February 15, 1952 Lyon edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France April 1952 Paris-North Africa
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France April 19, 1953 Includes flights of Air Atlas, Air Vietnam and Tunis Air
(From the collection of Jorge Fernandez)
Air France November 15, 1953 Lyon edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France March 5, 1954 ¤ Includes flights of Air Liban, Air Vietnam and Tunis Air
Air France April 11, 1954 South America-France, Brazilian edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France March 21, 1955 Paris edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air France August 15, 1957 ¤ Includes flights of Air Laos, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Maroc and Tunis Air
Air France June 26, 1958 Includes flights of Air Laos, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Maroc, SAGETA and Tunis Air
Air France April 1, 1959 London-Paris/Nice
(Courtesy of JYR Collection/Olivier Rebours)
Air France August 15, 1959 ¤ Includes flights of Air Laos, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Maroc and Tunis Air
Air France February 15, 1960 ¤ Includes flights of Air Laos, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Maroc, TAI and Tunis Air
Air France August 15, 1960 Includes flights of Air Laos, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Maroc, TAI and Tunis Air
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air France January 1, 1962 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Inter, Air Liban, Air Vietnam, LIA - Lebanese International Airways, Madair, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Lao, Royal Air Maroc, TAI, Tunis Air and UAT
Air France April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Inter, Air Liban, Air Madagascar, Air Mali, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Lao, Royal Air Maroc, TAI, Tunis Air and UAT
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air France June 28, 1964 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Mali, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Lao, Royal Air Maroc, Tunis Air and UTA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air France September 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Mali, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Lao, Royal Air Maroc and UTA
Air France May 1, 1969 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Algérie, Air Comores, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Mali, Air Vietnam, Royal Air Cambodge, Royal Air Lao, Royal Air Maroc and UTA Air Algerie
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Air France May 15, 1973 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Alpes, Air Cambodge, Air Comores, Air Djibouti, Air Guadeloupe, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Vietnam, Cameroon Airlines, Royal Air Lao, Royal Nepal Airlines and UTA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air France April 1, 1974 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Alpes, Air Cambodge, Air Comores, Air Djibouti, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Mali, Air Vietnam, Cameroon Airlines, Royal Air Lao and UTA
Air France April 1, 1975 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Alpes, Air Cambodge, Air Comores, Air Djibouti, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Air Vietnam, Cameroon Airlines, Royal Air Lao and UTA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Air France January 21, 1976 Paris-Rio de Janeiro, Concorde timetable
(Courtesy of JYR Collection/Olivier Rebours)
Air France Summer 1977 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Alpes, Air Comores, Air Djibouti, Air Guadeloupe, Air Inter, Air Madagascar, Cameroon Airlines and UTA
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Air France November 1977 Concorde routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Greece September 29, 1997
Air Inter 1960 (various dates) (From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
Air Jet October 25, 1987
Air Kruise Summer 1953
Air Kruise Summer 1953 Revised edition? (system)
Air Languedoc November 1, 1975
Air Liberté July 1, 1991 Joint Air Liberté/Minerve timetable (system)
Air Lib Express March 31, 2002 (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Air Limousin May 1, 1970 Joint Air Limousin/Air Périgord/TAT timetable (system)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Limousin - ALTA Spring/summer 1975
Air Limousin - ALTA April 21, 1982
Air Limousin - ALTA March 30, 1986
Air Lithuania March 31, 1996
Air Lithuania March 28, 1999
Air Lithuania March 31, 2002
Air Littoral November 1, 1976
Air Littoral March 29, 1982 ¤
Air Lloyd April 29, 1962 Hanover Fair timetable
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Lloyd May 11, 1964 Dusseldorf/Luxembourg/Essen/Cologne routes
Air Luxor October 26, 2003 ¤ "Air Luxor Light", UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Air Malta (1940s-50s) May 1, 1948
Air Malta (1940s-50s) December 15, 1949
Air Malta (present) April 1, 1974
Airone March 1, 1949
Air Nordic Swe Aviation April 1993
Air Nordic Swe Aviation Until March 30, 1996 ¤
Air Orient Summer 1931 (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
Air Orient October 16, 1932 Issued for Wagons-Lits Cook (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Orient March 1, 1933
Air Outre Mer - AOM June 17, 1991
Air Paris April 1, 1973
Air Pegasus Undated (c. 1986) (DZ)
Air Périgord May 1, 1970 Joint Air Limousin/Air Périgord/TAT timetable (system)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Rouergue September 3, 1973
Air Rouergue April 1, 1975 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Sarnia November 1, 1989
Air Sea Service November 1, 1977
Air Service Hungary September 1, 1992
Air Stord March 30, 1992 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Air Stord October 28, 1996
Airtask Group February 20, 2017 (Courtesy of Anthony Derrick)
Airtask Group June 25, 2018
Air Ukraine International March 29, 1993
Air Ulster Until September 30, 1968
Air Ulster November 25, 1969 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Union Undated (c. 1925) Paris-London
(Courtesy of Björn Ramert)
Air Union Undated (c. mid-1920s) London-Paris, UK edition
Air Union April 23, 1928 UK edition (system)
Air Union Winter 1928-29 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Union April 1930 UK edition (system)
Air Union April 14, 1930 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Union May 2, 1932
Air Union Winter 1932-33 UK edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Union May 1, 1933 ¤ Joint Air Union/Farman timetable
UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Dcare Watson)
Interior views
Air Union Summer 1933 UK edition (system)
Air Vendée March 27, 1988 ¤ Air Vendee
Air Vitkovice March 28, 1993
Air Vosges April 1, 1973 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Wales (1990s-2000s) Summer 2004 (Courtesy of Tim Lee)
Air West (France) October 24, 1996
Air West (France) Summer 1997 ¤ (From the collection of Stéphane Talbotec)
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport June 14, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport Until October 3, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport October 3, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 1, 1955 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 22, 1956 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from Central Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport November 1, 1956 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 14, 1957 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport October 1957 (printing date) "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa & Gibraltar
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport December 1, 1957 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East & Central Africa
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport January 1, 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport October 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport May 1959 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Airwork/Hunting-Clan Air Transport October 1959 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
ALAG - Alpine Luft-Transport December 18, 1964 ¤
Ala Littoria April 1, 1935 ¤ Includes flights of Nord-Africa Aviazione
Ala Littoria October 6, 1935 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
Ala Littoria July 1, 1936 Venice edition
Ala Littoria April 4, 1937 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Ala Littoria Summer 1937 UK edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Ala Littoria Until October 2, 1937 German edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Ala Littoria October 3, 1937 Routes to Sardinia/Sicilia/Western Europe & North Africa
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Ala Littoria March 27, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Ala Littoria Summer 1938 French edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Ala Littoria Summer 1938 ¤ UK edition
(Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Ala Littoria June 1, 1938
Ala Littoria October 2, 1938 ¤
Ala Littoria October 2, 1938 Routes to Northern & Central Europe/Adriatic & Eastern Mediterranean
Ala Littoria November 15, 1939
Ala Littoria April 1, 1940 ¤ Temporary timetable (system)
Front and back cover (this image from the collection of Germain Mentgen)
ALG - Aeroleasing December 20, 1985
Algenova May 15, 1965 (From the collection of Richard Wright)
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane May 1, 1933 ¤
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane September 1, 1934
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane October 4, 1937 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane March 27, 1938 UK-Italy
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane April 16, 1939 Includes flights of Aeroput, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, Lares, LOT and Malert
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane April 16, 1939 UK-Italy
ALI - Avio Linee Italiane August 15, 1948
ALI-Flotte Riunite July 18, 1949 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
ALI-Flotte Riunite December 1, 1949
ALI-Flotte Riunite March 1, 1950
ALI-Flotte Riunite July 1, 1950
ALI-Flotte Riunite October 23, 1950
ALI-Flotte Riunite October 21, 1951
Aliadriatica October 27, 1991 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Aligiulia July 4, 1983
Alisarda October 1, 1967
Alisarda April 1, 1968 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Alisarda May 1, 1970 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Alisarda November 1, 1971 (From the collection of R. Damtoft)
Alisarda April 1, 1972
Alisarda June 1, 1978
Alitalia August 10, 1948
Alitalia June 20, 1949
Alitalia October 2, 1949
Alitalia August 10, 1950
Alitalia April 15, 1951 Rome-Buenos Aires
Alitalia April 15, 1951 Rome-Caracas
Alitalia April 15, 1951 Rome-Tripoli
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Alitalia August 9, 1951 Rome-Mogadishu
Alitalia May 15, 1952
Alitalia February 15, 1953 ¤
Alitalia October 4, 1953 Preliminary edition (system)
Alitalia May 15, 1954 ¤ French edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Alitalia December 18, 1954
Alitalia April 17, 1955 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Alitalia October 2, 1955 Preliminary edition (system)
Alitalia April 22, 1956 Preliminary edition (system)
Alitalia April 22, 1956 ¤
Alitalia October 1956
Alitalia July 1, 1957 ¤ Cover and route map (these images from the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Alitalia October 6, 1957 "Temporary issue" (system)
Includes flights of LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane
Alitalia November 1, 1957 ¤
Alitalia April 1, 1958 ¤
Alitalia January 1, 1959
Alitalia June 1, 1960 Includes flights of Elivie
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Alitalia August 1, 1961 Includes flights of Elivie
Alitalia April 1, 1962 Includes flights of Elivie and SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Societa Aerea Mediterranea
Alitalia June 1, 1962 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Diego Meozzi)
Alitalia August 1, 1963 Includes flights of Elivie and SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Societa Aerea Mediterranea
Alitalia November 1, 1965 ¤ Includes flights of ATI and Elivie
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Alitalia June 1, 1968 Includes flights of Alisarda, ATI, Elivie and Itavia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Alitalia April 1, 1969 ¤ Includes flights of Alisarda, ATI, Elivie and Itavia
Alitalia April 1, 1971 Includes flights of Alisarda, ATI, Elivie, Itavia and SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Societa Aerea Mediterranea
Alitalia June 1, 1972 ¤ Includes flights of Alisarda, ATI and SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea Societa Aerea Mediterranea
Allied Airways (Gandar Dower) Summer 1938
Allied Airways (Gandar Dower) May 15, 1939
Alpar Summer 1939
AMA Air Express March 28, 1983
AMA-Flyg Norving June 8, 1996
AME - Aeroporike Metaphore Ellados May 20, 1951 Joint TAE/HELLAS/AME timetable (system)
(From the collection of Gklavas Athanasios)
Aquila Airways January 4, 1952 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Aquila Airways Winter 1955 Portuguese edition (system?)
Aquila Airways April 1956
Aquila Airways April 18, 1958
Arcus Air Logistic Summer 1988 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Arcus Air Logistic September 1, 1995 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
ArkeFly July 1, 2005 Days of operation only - no flight times
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Atlantic Airways (Spain) March 29, 1999
(fares list)
(From the collection of William White)
Aurigny Air Services March 17, 1974. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
Aurigny Air Services March 18, 1979
Aurigny Air Services October 24, 1982
Aurigny Air Services April 1, 1987 (Courtesy of Paul Tomlin)
Aurigny Air Services March 28, 1993
Aurigny Air Services March 31, 1996
Aurigny Air Services March 29, 1998 French edition
(From the collection of Alain Gosset)
Aurora Airlines March 29, 2015 Yuzhno Sakhalinsk-Japan routes, Japanese edition
Austrian Airlines Undated (c. March 1958) Preliminary edition (system)
Austrian Airlines May 1958 UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Austrian Airlines May 27, 1958 Preliminary edition (system)
Austrian Airlines June 28, 1958
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1960 ¤ (From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
Austrian Airlines November 1, 1960 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Austrian Airlines May 1, 1961
Austrian Airlines November 1, 1961 Preliminary edition (system)
Austrian Airlines November 1, 1962 Preliminary edition (system)
Austrian Airlines December 1, 1962
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1964
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1965 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Austrian Airlines November 1, 1965 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1966 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1969
Austrian Airlines April 1, 1971 ¤
Autair International Airways April 1, 1966
Autair International Airways April 1, 1968
Avair October 26, 1981
Avair May 30, 1983
Avia August 18, (1991)
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio July 2, 1951
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio October 1, 1954 Supplement to August 1, 1954 timetable (system)
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio October 2, 1955 ¤
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio November 1, 1957 ¤
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio April 1, 1958
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio July 12, 1959
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio April 1, 1962 ¤
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio April 1, 1963 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio Until October 31, 1964 ¤
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio Until October 31, 1966
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio Until October 31, 1969 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Aviaco - Aviación y Comercio April 1, 1974 ¤
Avioimpex October 25, 1998
Avioimpex March 26, 2000
Azur Hélicoptère Winter 2007 (From the collection of Alain Gosset)
Azzurra Air October 26, 1997 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
BAF - British Air Ferries April 1, 1969
BAF - British Air Ferries April 1, 1972
BAF - British Air Ferries April 1, 1973 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Balair (1920s-30s) Undated (c. 1926) Includes flights of Deutsche Luft Hansa and Imperial Airways
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines May 1, 1968 ¤ Domestic routes
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines Until October 31, 1968 International routes
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines November 1, 1969 International routes
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines April 1, 1970 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines April 1, 1974
Balkan Bulgarian Airlines November 1, 1978
Baltic Airlines January 17, 1989
Baltic International Airlines October 28, 1992
Baltic International Airlines Summer (no year; c. 1993) (DZ)
Baltic International Airlines March 27, 1994 (DZ)
Bata Aerodrome (Letiště Baťov) Undated (c. latter half of the 1930s) Flights of Bata Shoes corporate airline
(Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
Bavaria Fluggesellschaft May 15, 1972 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
BEA Local & regional timetables 1946-50 This section features timetables (too many to be separately listed on this page) from the years before BEA issued its first complete system timetable in 1951
BEA October 2, 1949 Preliminary edition, Domestic routes
BEA October 30, 1949 International routes
BEA April 16, 1950 International routes
BEA April 16, 1950 Domestic routes
BEA October 1, 1950 Preliminary edition, Domestic routes
BEA October 23, 1950 International routes
BEA April 15, 1951
BEA October 1, 1952 Preliminary edition, Domestic routes
BEA October 26, 1952 Preliminary edition, International routes
BEA January 1 1953 ¤
BEA April 1, 1953 International routes
BEA April 19, 1953
BEA April 17, 1955 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
BEA June 1, 1956 ¤ Includes flights of Cyprus Airways and Gibraltar Airways
BEA August 18, 1957 ¤ Includes flights of Cyprus Airways and Gibraltar Airways
BEA February 1, 1958 Includes flights of Cyprus Airways and Gibraltar Airways
BEA November 1, 1958 ¤ Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways and Olympic Airways
BEA September 1, 1959 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines and Olympic Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA November 1, 1960 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines, Olympic Airways and Skyways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA April 1, 1961 Domestic routes ("British Isles" edition)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA July 1, 1961 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines, Olympic Airways and Skyways
BEA July 1, 1962 Domestic routes ("British Isles" edition)
(From the collection of Bill Mellor)
BEA September 1, 1962 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Elivie, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines, Olympic Airways and Skyways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA July 1, 1963 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines, Olympic Airways and Skyways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA July 1, 1963 Domestic routes ("British Isles" edition)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA April 1, 1964 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines, Olympic Airways and Skyways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BEA April 1, 1967 ¤ International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines and Olympic Airways
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
BEA April 1, 1967 ¤ Domestic routes ("British Isles" edition)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
BEA June 17, 1968 International & selected domestic routes
Includes flights of Cyprus Airways, Gibraltar Airways, The Malta Airlines and Olympic Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Berline April 1993
Berliner Spezial Flug - BSF March 30, 1992
Berliner Spezial Flug - BSF March 28, 1993
Berlin Regional UK February 1, 1988
BFD - Bayerischer Flugdienst November 1, 1972. (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
BFD - Bayerischer Flugdienst April 1, 1973
BIA - British Island Airways (1970s-80s) November 1, 1976 Advance timetable (system)
BIA - British Island Airways (1970s-80s) November 1, 1979 ¤
BIA - British Island Airways (1980s-90s) April 1, 1989
Binter Canarias November 11, 2002 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Birmingham European Airways - BEA October 29, 1989 ¤
Birmingham Executive Airways Until October 22, 1983
Birmingham Executive Airways April 1, 1984
Birmingham Executive Airways April 1, 1985 ¤
BKS Air Transport Summer 1957
BKS Air Transport April 1, 1958
BKS Air Transport October 3, 1960
BKS Air Transport May 1, 1963
BKS Air Transport April 1, 1966
BKS Air Transport April 1968
BKS Air Transport April 1969
Blackpool & West Coast Air Services Autumn 1935-Spring 1936
Blackpool & West Coast Air Services September 14, 1936
BOAC January 1, 1946 "British Airways"
Baltimore-Bermuda/London (Poole), US edition
BOAC March 1947 Baltimore-Bermuda
BOAC September 1, 1947 North American edition (system)
Includes flights of Qantas Empire Airways and TEAL
BOAC June 15, 1948 ¤ Includes flights of Qantas Empire Airways
BOAC March 1, 1949 Includes flights of Air-India, Bharat Airways, Central African Airways, Hong Kong Airways, Iraqi Airways, Malayan Airways, Misr Airlines, Orient Airways, Qantas Empire Airways, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC July 1, 1950 ¤ Includes flights of Air-India, Bahamas Airways, Bharat Airways, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Hong Kong Airways, Indian National Airways, Malayan Airways, Orient Airways, Qantas Empire Airways, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC July 1, 1951 Includes flights of Aden Airways, BCPA, Bharat Airways, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Qantas, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC June 1, 1953 Includes flights of Aden Airways, BEA, BWIA (not mentioned; BA flight numbers), Central African Airways, East African Airways, Garuda Indonesian Airways, Malayan Aitways, Qantas, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC July 1, 1953 ¤ Includes flights of Aden Airways, BEA, BWIA (not mentioned; BA flight numbers), Central African Airways, East African Airways, Malayan Airways, Qantas, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC October 1, 1954 ¤ Western Hemisphere edition (system)
Includes flights of Bahamas Airways, BEA, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Qantas and South African Airways
BOAC April 14, 1957 ¤ Includes flights of Aden Airways, Arab Airways (Jerusalem), Bahamas Airways, BEA, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Gulf Airways, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, MEA, Qantas, Seaboard & Western Airlines, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC March 1, 1958 Includes flights of Aden Airways, Arab Airways (Jerusalem), Bahamas Airways, BEA, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Gulf Aviation, Hong Kong Airways, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, MEA, Qantas, Seaboard & Western Airlines, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC October 26, 1958 ¤ Includes flights of Aden Airways, Arab Airways (Jerusalem), Bahamas Airways, BEA, BWIA, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Ghana Airways, Gulf Aviation, Hong Kong Airways, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, MEA, Qantas, Seaboard & Western Airlines, South African Airways, TEAL and WAAC
BOAC September 1, 1959 ¤ Includes flights of Aden Airways, BEA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Ghana Airways, Gulf Aviation, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, Malayan Airways, MEA, Nigerian Airways, Qantas, Seaboard & Western Airlines, South African Airways and TEAL
BOAC April 24, 1960 Includes flights of Aden Airways, Air-India International, BEA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Ghana Airways, Gulf Aviation, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, Malayan Airways, MEA, Nigerian Airways, Qantas, Seaboard & Western Airlines, South African Airways, TCA and TEAL
BOAC August 1, 1961 ¤ Includes flights of Aden Airways, Air-India International, Bahamas Airways, BEA, BUA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda), East African Airways, Ghana Airways, Gulf Aviation, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, Malayan Airways, MEA, Nigeria Airways, Qantas, South African Airways, TCA and TEAL
BOAC October 1, 1962 Includes flights of Aden Airways, Air Ceylon, Air-India, Bahamas Airways, BEA, BUA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas), Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda), East African Airways, Fiji Airways, Ghana Airways, Gulf Aviation, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, Malayan Airways, MEA, Nigeria Airways, Qantas, South African Airways, TCA and TEAL
BOAC March 22, 1964 Edition for European Continent (system)
Includes flights of Air Canada, Air Ceylon, Air-India, Bahamas Airways, BEA, BUA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas), Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda), East African Airways, Iraqi Airways, MEA, Nigeria Airways, Qantas, South African Airways and TEAL
Insert due to changes from winter to summer schedules valid March 22-April 25
BOAC/BOAC-Cunard June 1, 1964 ¤ Includes flights of Air Canada, Air Ceylon, Air-India, Bahamas Airways, BEA, BUA, BWIA, Cathay Pacific Airways, Central African Airways, East African Airways, Iraqi Airways, Kuwait Airways, MEA, Nigeria Airways, Qantas, South African Airways and TEAL
BOAC/BOAC-Cunard June 1, 1966 Edition for European Continent (system)
Includes flights of Air Canada, Air Ceylon, Air-India, Air Jamaica, Air New Zealand, Bahamas Airways, BEA, BUA, BWIA, East African Airways, Kuwait Airways, MEA, Nigeria Airways, Qantas and South African Airways
BOAC April 1, 1971 ¤ Includes flights of Air Canada, Air Ceylon, Air-India, Air New Zealand, BUA, Cathay Pacific Airways, East African Airways, Gulf Aviation, Iran Air, MEA, MSA, Qantas, Saudi Arabian Airlines, South African Airways, Zambia Airways
(From the collection of Bill Mellor)
Braathens SAFE January 1, 1951
Braathens SAFE Undated (c. Autumn 1952) Domestic route
Braathens SAFE May 16, 1956
Braathens SAFE September 1, 1958. (From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Braathens SAFE June 1, 1961
Braathens SAFE November 1, 1963
Braathens SAFE April 1, 1967
Braathens SAFE April 1, 1968
Braathens SAFE November 1, 1974
Brit Air March 25, 1984 ¤
Brit Air March 26, 1995
British Air Navigation Co. (BANCO) May 1934 Includes flights of Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation
British Airways (1930s) December 1, 1935
British Airways (1930s) July 1, 1936
British Airways (1930s) June 5, 1937 Paris-London
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
British Airways (1930s) July 1, 1937
British Airways (1930s) July 1, 1937 Paris-London
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
British Airways (1930s) April 10, 1938
British Airways (1930s) April 16, 1939
British Airways (op'd by Comair) March 29, 2009 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
British Caledonian Airways April 1, 1973 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
British Caledonian Airways Until October 23, 1976 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
British Caledonian Airways March 18, 1979 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
British Continental Airways Undated (Winter 1935-36)
British Continental Airways April 20, 1936
British Eagle International Airlines May 1, 1964 Includes flights of Starways
British Eagle International Airlines April 1, 1966 Includes flights of Luxair
British Eagle International Airlines April 1, 1968 Includes flights of Luxair
British Midland Airways Winter 1964-65
British Midland Airways April 1, 1968
British Midland Airways April 1, 1970 ¤
British Midland Airways April 1, 1974 # 1
British Midland Airways April 1, 1976 ¤
British Midland Airways March 30, 1981 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
British Midland Airways March 28, 1988 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
British Midland Airways March 27, 1994 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
British Midland Airways April 29, 1996 ¤ (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
British United Air Ferries January 1, 1963
British United Air Ferries April 1, 1966
British United Airways (C.I.) April 1, 1968 Channel Islands routes
Includes flights of Morton Air Services
British United (C.I.) Airways April 1, 1963 International routes, Advance timetable
British United (C.I.) Airways Summer 1963 Domestic routes, Advance timetable
Front cover
British United (C.I.) Airways April 1, 1963 ¤ International routes
British United (C.I.) Airways April 1, 1963 "British Isles" routes (= Domestic routes)
British United (C.I.) Airways October 1, 1963 Advance timetable (system)
British United (C.I.) Airways April 1, 1964 Channel Islands routes
British Westpoint Airlines October 1964
BSAA - British South American Airways September 14, 1947 "Caribbean and Peruvian Schedule"
BSAA - British South American Airways April 1948
BSAA - British South American Airways April 1948 US edition (system)
BSAA - British South American Airways September 1948
BSAA - British South American Airways September 15, 1948 US edition (system)
BSAA - British South American Airways December 1, 1948 Includes flights of BWIA
BSAA - British South American Airways July 11, 1949 Includes flights of Bahamas Airways and BWIA
BSAA - British South American Airways November 1, 1949 Joint BSAA/BOAC tt for South American routes (BSAA system)
Includes flights of Bahamas Airways and BWIA
BUA - British United Airways October 1960 "Safari" timetable (UK-AFrica)
BUA - British United Airways November 1, 1961
BUA - British United Airways May 1, 1962 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways October 29, 1962 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways May 1, 1963 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways October 27, 1963 Advance timetable (system)
Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways April 1, 1964 Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
BUA - British United Airways November 1, 1964 Includes flights of British United Air Ferries, British United (C.I.) Airways, British United (Manx) Airways, Morton Air Services and Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways April 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of British United Air Ferries, British United (C.I.) Airways, British United (Manx) Airways, Morton Air Services and Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways April 1, 1968 ¤ Includes flights of British United Air Ferries, British United Airways (C.I.), British United Airways (Manx), Morton Air Services and Sierra Leone Airways
BUA - British United Airways April 1, 1969 Advance timetable (system)
Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
BUIA - British United Island Airways November 1, 1968
BUIA - British United Island Airways April 1, 1969 ¤
Bursa Airlines - BHY November 1, 1978
BVS November 1, 1948 General information brochure w/separate timetable enclosure
Caledonian/BUA April 1, 1971 ¤ Includes flights of Sierra Leone Airways
(From the collection of David Howlett)
CAL - Compagnie Aérienne du Languedoc April 1, 1982
CAM Summer 1988 (Courtesy of Marc Pfitzer)
Cambrian Air Services October 1, 1951
Cambrian Air Services May 3, 1952
Cambrian Air Services May 2, 1953
Cambrian Airways April 2, 1956
Cambrian Airways April 20, 1958
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1960
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1962 International services
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1962 British Isles services
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1962 Channel Isles services
Cambrian Airways November 1, 1964 Includes flights of Starways
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1966
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1968
Cambrian Airways April 1, 1970 ¤ Includes flights of BKS Air Transport
Cambrian Airways November 1, 1971 ¤ Includes flights of Northeast Airlines
CANA Undated Separate enclosure dated May 1948
Canarias Regional Air May 1, (1998?)
Carpatair October 26, 2009 Italian edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Centennial Airlines Winter 1995-96 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Channel Air Bridge April 9, 1960
Channel Air Bridge October 16, 1960
Channel Air Bridge March 18, 1961
Channel Air Bridge March 25, 1962
Channel Air Ferries Undated (Summer 1938) Joint Irish Sea Airways/Channel Air Ferries timetable, published under the Olley Air Service title
"Channel Airways" (East Anglian Flying Services) April 20, (1958) Southend-Rotterdam route
"Channel Airways" (East Anglian Flying Services) Summer 1962 Provisional timetable (system)
Channel Airways October 1963 Provisional timetable (system)
Channel Airways March 1965 Provisional timetable (system)
Channel Airways May 13, 1967
Channel Airways Winter 1970-71
Channel Islands Airways November 1, 1946
CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne Until April 30, 1932
CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne May 2, 1932 Pocket edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne May 1, 1933 Pocket edition
CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne May 1, 1933 English language edition
Cimber Air April 1, 1973 Joint Cimber Air/IFG timetable, German domestic routes
Cimber Air March 30, 1987
Cimber Air October 29, 1995 Domestic routes
Cimber Air GmbH March 28, 1988
Cirrus Airlines March 30, 2008 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
City Bird March 27, 1997 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
CityJet Summer 1998
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost April 1, 1929 UK edition (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost May 1, 1931 Timetable in network (route map) format (system) CLS - Ceskoslovenska Letecka Spolecnost
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost April 1, 1933 UK edition (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost May 1, 1934 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost April 1, 1935 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost April 4, 1937 Joint ČLS/ČSA timetable
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost October 3, 1937 Brochure (in English) w/separate timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost March 27, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
CMA - Compagnie des Messageries Aériennes Undated (1921) Compagnie des Messageries Aeriennes
CMA - Compagnie des Messageries Aériennes January 1922 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Coast Aero Center August (1986)
Coast Air January 1, 1992
Coast Air March 27, 1995
Cobham Air Routes Undated (1935)
Color Air March 28, 1999 German edition (system)
Compagnia Italiana Elicotteri July 1961
Compagnia Italiana Elicotteri August 1, 1964 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Compagnie Air Transport March 22, 1964 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Compagnie Air Transport April 1, 1968 ¤
Compagnie Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aérienne Undated (early 1920s) Czechoslovak edition
(Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
Compagnie Générale Transaérienne Undated (c. 1920) Compagnie Generale Transaerienne
Compagnie Générale Transatlantique - Services Aériens May 16, 1953
Condor Summer 1986 (Courtesy of Mike Koppe)
Connectair October 25, 1987
Conti-Flug January 1, 1994 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Corsair September 15, 2000 US edition
Crilly Airways October 6, 1935
Crossair July 1, 1980 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Crossair March 28, 1982 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Crownair September 1, 1973
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie (Summer) 1946 Includes insert dated November 20, 1946
CSA - Ceskoslovenske Aerolinie
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie May 1, 1947 ¤
(April 20 inside)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie November 3, 1947 ¤
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie June 15, 1948
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie January 1, 1949 ¤
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie July 15, 1949 ¤
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 16, 1950 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie February 1, 1951 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 19, 1953 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 11, 1954 International routes
(From the collection of Radek Palicka)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie October 1, 1955 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie October 7, 1956 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie July 1, 1957
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie August 1, 1957 USSR edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie August 15, 1958 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 1, 1959 International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 1, 1962 ¤ International routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie November 1, 1962 International routes, Preliminary edition
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie May 15, 1963 ¤ International & main domestic routes
Includes flights of Cubana
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie July 1, 1963 Domestic routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie July 15, 1964 ¤ International & main domestic routes
Includes flights of Cubana
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie March 29, 1965 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie May 15, 1965 ¤ International & main domestic routes
Includes flights of Cubana
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie May 15, 1966 International & main domestic routes
Includes flights of Cubana
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 1, 1969 International & main domestic routes
Includes flights of Cubana
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie November 1, 1974 Joint ČSA/Slov-Air timetable, domestic routes
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie April 1, 1978 Domestic routes
(Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie June 1, 1985 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ČSA - Československé Aerolinie October 25, 1987 ¤ Domestic routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie March 15, 1928 CSA - Ceskoslovenske Statni Aerolinie
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie March 15, 1933
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie March 15, 1934
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie March 15, 1935 ¤
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie June 1, 1935 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie April 4, 1937 Joint ČLS/ČSA timetable
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie March 28, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
CTA - Compagnie de Transport Aérien Summer 1992 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
CTA - Companhia de Transportes Aéreos January 1, 1947
Cunard Eagle Airways Until October 31, 1960 Includes flights of Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas) and Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Cunard Eagle Airways October 30, 1960 US edition
Includes flights of Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas) and Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda)
Cunard Eagle Airways Summer 1961 Includes flights of Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas) and Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda)
(not mentioned, but includes EN and EB flight numbers)
Cunard Eagle Airways Summer 1962 Includes flights of Cunard Eagle Airways (Bahamas) and Cunard Eagle Airways (Bermuda)
Cunard Eagle Airways May 1963
Cyprus Airways October 3, 1949
Cyprus Airways November 15, 1950
Cyprus Airways April 21, 1952
Cyprus Airways November 1, 1955
Cyprus Airways November 1, 1965 ¤
Cyprus Airways June 1, 1967 (From the collection of Oliver Heck)
Cyprus Airways April 1, 1968 Advance timetable (system)
Cyprus Airways April 1, 1969
Cyprus Airways July 1, 1970
Cyprus Airways April 1, 1971
Daimler Airway Undated (1922) Page1 Page 2
Dan-Air (UK) September 10, 1961
Dan-Air (UK) May 20, 1962
Dan-Air (UK) Summer 1964
Dan-Air (UK) January 1, 1967
Dan-Air (UK) April 1, 1967
Dan-Air (UK) April 29, 1968
Dan-Air (UK) April 1, 1971 ¤
Dan-Air (UK) April 1, 1974 ¤
Dan-Air Skyways April 1, 1973 ¤
Dan-Air Skyways October 28, 1973 Advance timetable (system)
Danair (Denmark) November 1, 1974 Joint SAS/Danair timetable for Danish domestic routes (Danair system except Faroe Islands routes)
Danair (Denmark) November 1, 1974 Faroe Islands routes
Dansk Lufttransport June 12, 1925 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Darwin Airline October 26, 2008
DAT - Danish Air Transport November 18, 1996 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 15, 1920 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab 1923 Front cover
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab July 15, 1925 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Dansk Lufttransport, Deutscher Aero Lloyd and KLM
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 1925 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutscher Aero Lloyd and KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab 1926 (c. April) Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM and Lignes Farman
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab August 18, 1926 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Farman and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 1, 1926 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM and Lignes Farman
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab Summer 1927 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Farman and ÖLAG
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 1, 1927 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Farman and ÖLAG
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 10, 1928 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Tschechoslowakische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft"), Deutsche Luft Hansa, KLM and ÖLAG
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 10, 1928 Joint DDL/KLM/ABA timetable, Danish edition
(From the collection of Daniel Kusrow)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 2, 1929 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 7, 1930 Includes flights of Deutsche Luft Hansa
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 1, 1931 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Farman, KLM and Sabena
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 1, 1932 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Farman, KLM and Sabena
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab March 1, 1933 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 1, 1933 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Deutsche Lufthansa and KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 1, 1934 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab November 1, 1934 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Austroflug, Avioslava, Deutsche Lufthansa and KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 1, 1935 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air Afrique, Air France, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, Imperial Airways, KLM, SABENA and Syndicato Condor
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab October 6, 1935 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, Austroflug, Avioslava, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and SABENA
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab July 1, 1936 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, British Airways, British Continental Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab October 4, 1936 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air Afrique, Air France, British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, Imperial Airways, KLM and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 22, 1937 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air Afrique, Air France, Austroflug, Avioslava, British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, DNL, Imperial Airways, KLM, LOT, PLS, SABENA and Swissair
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab October 3, 1937 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and SABENA
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab June 1, 1938 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, DNL, KLM and SABENA
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab June 1, 1938 Domestic routes
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab October 2, 1938 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, DNL and KLM
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 16, 1939 Brochure w/timetable primarily for promotion of Condor routes (system)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 16, 1939 UK edition (system)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab May 1, 1939 "Provincial routes" (routes to/from Jutland)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab August 1, 1939 ¤ (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab February 15, 1940 Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab Until March 31, 1940 Timetable in network (route map) format
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab November 1, 1945 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and RLAF - Réseau des Lignes Aériennes Françaises
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab June 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab July 15, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab September 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Faroe Airlines, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS Flugfelag Islands
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab December 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab March 1, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab April 20, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab July 1, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab August 10, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap, Flugfélag Íslands and SAS Flugfelag Islands
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab October 6, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselksap and SAS
DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab February 1, 1948 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap and SAS
Delta Air March 29, 1987 ¤
Derby Airways March 21, 1959
Derby Airways April 1, 1961 Advance Timetable, Revised (system)
Derby Airways March 31, 1962
Derby Airways April 2, 1962 "Supplemental Timetable"
Derby Airways October 1, 1962
Derby Airways March 23, 1963
Derby Airways April 1, 1963 "Business Services Timetable"
Derby Airways September 30, 1963
Deruluft May 1, 1925
Deruluft May 1, 1933
Deruluft January 2, (1934)
Deruluft May 1, 1935 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Deruluft October 6, 1935
Deruluft October 4, 1936
Deutsche Luft Hansa April 6, 1926 ¤ Includes flights of Ad Astra Aero, Basler Luftverkehrs AG (Balair) and DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab plus joint flights with several other airlines
Deutsche Luft Hansa Summer 1926 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Ad Astra Aero, Adria Aerolloyd (Albania), Aero O/Y, Basler Luftverkehrs AG (Balair), CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and Polska Linja Lotnicza Aerolot plus joint flights with several other airlines
Deutsche Luft Hansa October 16, 1926 ¤ Includes flights of Adria Aerolloyd (Albania), Aero O/Y, Air Union, Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, Deruluft, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Aériennes Latécoère, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG, Polska Linja Lotnicza, SCADTA, SGTA Lignes Farman and Transadriatica
Deutsche Luft Hansa April 19, 1927 ¤ Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Ad Astra Aero, Adria Aerolloyd (Albania), Aeronaut (Estonia), Aero O/Y, Air Union, Balair, ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie ("Staatlische Aerolinien"), CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Čechoslowakische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft"), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft - Deutsch-Russische Luftverkehrsgesellschaft, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Aériennes Latécoère, Lignes Farman, Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), Norddeutsche Luftverkehrs AG, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG, PLL - Polska Linja Lotnicza Aerolot (also PPL in error), Sabena, SCADTA, Transadriatica and Ukrvozdukhput ("Ukrwosduchputj") (Ukraine/USSR) CLS CSA Lignes Aeriennes Latecoere OLAG
Deutsche Luft Hansa October 15, 1927 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format
Includes flights of Aeronaut (Estonia), Air Union, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Čechoslowakische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft"), Deruluft, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lignes Aériennes Latécoère, Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG, Polska Linja Lotnicza Aerolot, SCADTA, SGTA Lignes Farman and Transadriatica
Deutsche Luft Hansa April 23, 1928 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format
"Süddeutsche Luft Hansa" (Southern Division of Deutsche Luft Hansa) (DLH system)
Includes flights of Ad Astra Aero, Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Tschechoslowakische Luftverkehrsgesellschaft"), Imperial Airways, Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG and Transadriatica Suddeutsche Luft Hansa CLS OLAG
Deutsche Luft Hansa May 21, 1929 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format (images only of the network part)
Königsberg/Elbing/Danzig/Insterburg edition (system)
Includes flights of Nordbayerische Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa November 1, 1929 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format (images only of the tabular part)
Includes flights of Ad Astra Aero, Aero Espresso Italinana, Aero O/Y, Aéropostale, Air Union, Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Čechoslowakische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft"), Imperial Airways, Junkers Luftverkehr Persien, KLM, KNILM, Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG, Sabena, SANA - Naviazione Aerea, SCADTA, SGTA Lignes Farman, Società Staliana Servizi Aerei, Syndicato Condor and Transadriatica
Deutsche Luft Hansa May 1, 1930 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format (images only of the network part)
Norwegian edition (system)
Includes flights of Nordbayerische Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa November 1, 1930 Timetable in network (route map) format
Hamburg/Lübeck edition (system)
Includes flights of Nordbayerische Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa May 1, 1931 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Includes flights of Deutsche Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa November 1, 1931 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Includes flights of Deutsche Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa May 1, 1932 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Includes flights of Deutsche Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Luft Hansa November 1, 1932 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Luft Hansa May 1, 1933 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Includes flights of Deutsche Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Lufthansa September 1, 1933 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Includes flights of Deutsche Verkehrsflug
Deutsche Lufthansa November 1, 1933 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa May 1, 1934 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa November 1, 1934 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
Deutsche Lufthansa Until March 31, 1935 Europe-South America mail route in conjunction w/Syndicato Condor
Deutsche Lufthansa April 1, 1935 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa April 1, 1935. ¤ Includes flights of ABA, Air France, Ala Littoria, Austroflug, Avioslava, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, DDL, Deruluft, Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, Imperial Airways, KLM, LOT, SABENA, Swissair and Syndicato Condor
(From the collection of Perry A. Sloan)
Deutsche Lufthansa October 6, 1935 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa April 19, 1936 Timetable in network (route map) format, In English (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa October 4, 1936 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa April 4, 1937 ¤ 1st (preliminary) edition
Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa Summer 1937 Preliminary timetable, Berlin edition
Deutsche Lufthansa April 4, 1937 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa May 21, 1937 UK edition
Deutsche Lufthansa October 3, 1937 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa March 27, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format, In English (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa March 27, 1938 Timetable in QR + network (route map) format
Breslau edition (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa October 2, 1938 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa October 2, 1938 UK edition
Deutsche Lufthansa April 16, 1939 Timetable in network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa April 16, 1939 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
2nd edition (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa April 16, 1939 ¤ Timetable in QR + network (route map) format
Karlsruhe edition (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa January 15, 1940 ¤ Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format (system)
Deutsche Lufthansa March 1, 1941 ¤
Deutsche Lufthansa June 8, 1941 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aeroflot, Aero O/Y, Ala Littoria, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Iberia, Lares, Malert and Swissair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) February 4, 1956
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 14, 1957
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) June 16, 1957 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) September 16, 1957 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) October 6, 1957 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) February 26, 1958 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1958 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1958 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) September 29, 1958 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1958 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) February 25, 1959 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1959 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) May 2, 1959 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) August 27, 1959 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1959 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1959 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) February 24, 1960 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1960 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1960 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) October 30, 1960 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1960 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1961 International routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1961 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) September 1, 1961 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) October 1, 1961 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1961
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) March 2, 1962 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1962 Advance timetable, international routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1962 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1962
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) August 31, 1962 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) October 1, 1962 Domestic routes
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1962 Advance timetable
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) November 1, 1962 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Cubana and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) March 1, 1963 Leipzig Fair
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Cubana and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Deutsche Lufthansa (GDR) May 15, 1963 Domestic routes
Deutsche Luft-Reederei July 1921 ¤ Includes flights of Bayerischer Luft-Lloyd, Danziger Luft-Reederei, Compagnie des Messageries Aériennes, Compagnie Franco-Roumaine de Navigation Aérienne, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutscher Luft-Lloyd, Farman, Grands Express Aériens, Handley Page Transport, Instone Airline, KLM, Lloyd Luftverkehr Sablatnig, Lloyd Ostflug, Luftverkehr Strähle (Paul Strähle), Rumpler Luftverkehr and SNETA Compagnie des Messageries Aeriennes Grands Express Aeriens Luftverkehr Strahle
Deutsche Nah-Luftverkehr April 5, 1961 Routes to western Germany
Deutsche Nah-Luftverkehr May 1, 1961 Routes to northern Germany
Deutscher Aero Lloyd June 1924 Includes flights of Deruluft
(Deutscher) Aero Lloyd August 1925 ¤ Includes flights of DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Farman, Imperial Airways and KLM
(Deutscher) Aerolloyd August 1925 Joint (Deutscher) Aerolloyd/Junkers Luftverkehr timetable (system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Badische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Gren SA, Imperial Airways, KLM, Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft, Luftverkehrsgesellschaft Ruhrgebiet and Nederlandsche Wereldverkeer
Deutsche Taxiflug June 3, (1960)
Deutsche Verkehrsflug May 1, 1931 ¤
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei April 1935 (issued February 1935)
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei April 1936 (issued February 1936)
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei March 1937
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei March 1937 Joint Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei/Syndicato Condor timetable
Brazil-Germany, Brazilian edition
Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei March 15, 1937 US edition (system)
DHY - Devlet Hava Yolları Undated
(List of fares dated May 1947 inside)
Devlet Hava Yollari
DHY - Devlet Hava Yolları Undated
(List of fares dated May 1948 inside)
DHY - Devlet Hava Yolları October 15, 1955
DirectAir Autumn 1984 (Courtesy of Marc Pfizer)
DirectAir Until March 31, 1985
DLT - Deutsche Luftverkehrsgesellschaft November 1, 1974
DLT - Deutsche Luftverkehrsgesellschaft April 1, 1977 (From the collection of Oliver Heck)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1935 "The Midnightsun Airway" (coastal route)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1936 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1937 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, Allied Airways (Gandar Dower), DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, North Eastern Airways and Sabena
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1938
(printed January)
Brochure w/timetable, issued primarily for promotion of the "Midnight Sun route"
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1938
(printed February)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap Summer 1938
(printed March)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap April 16, 1939
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap June 1, 1939 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap June 1, 1939 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap January 15, 1940 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap May 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap June 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap August 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap September 1, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS ("Scandinair")
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap October 6, 1946 Includes flights of DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap November 1, 1946 Includes flights of DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap December 15, 1946 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap January 15, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap March 1, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap April 20, 1947 Includes flights of DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap June 1, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap October 6, 1947 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap January 1, 1948 Supplement to October 6, 1947 timetable (system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap January 1, (1948) Routes from/to Oslo
(From the collection of Mikael Öqvist)
DNL - Det Norske Luftfartselskap February 1, 1948 Includes flights of DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and SAS
Dobrolet 1930
Dragon Airways (op'd for Hunting-Clan Air Transport) June 11, 1956 "Northern network" of Hunting-Clan
Drakk'Air Until March 28, 1992
Dublin City Helicopters April 3, 1985 Dublin City Helicopters/British Rail timetable
US edition (Dublin City Helicopters system)
(From the collection of William White)
Eagle Airways May 18, 1956
Eagle Airways April 1, 1958
Eagle Airways Until October 31, 1959 # 1
Includes flights of Eagle Airways (Bermuda)
Eagle Airways Until April 30, 1960
Eagle Aviation April 14, 1954 UK-Scandinavia route
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
EAS - Europe Aéro Service June 1, 1971. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof)
EAS - Europe Aéro Service April 1, 1975
EAS - Société Nouvelle Europe Aéro Service November 1, 1992 (DZ)
East Anglian Flying Services ("Channel Airways") April 20, (1958) Southend-Rotterdam route
East Anglian Flying Services ("Channel Airways") Summer 1962 Provisional timetable (system)
EBA Express Until March 30, 1996
ElbaFly April 15, (2006) (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Elivie July 20, 1959
Elivie April 1, 1961
Elivie April 1, 1963
Elivie November 1, 1963
Elivie April 1, 1968 Elivie part of joint ATI/Elivie timetable
Estonian Air Summer 1993
Euralair October 30, 1995
EuroBerlin March 25, 1990 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Eurocypria Airlines October 31, 2007 Joint Cyprus Airways/Eurocypria Airlines timetable, German edition
Euroworld Airways Winter 1991-92 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Fairlines Until March 28, 1998
Farman (Lignes Farman) September 1927
Farman (Lignes Farman) Summer 1928
Farman (Lignes Farman) Summer 1929 Belgian edition
Farman (Lignes Farman) March 1, 1932 Joint Farman/Deutsche Luft Hansa/KLM timetable (Farman system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport
Farman (Lignes Farman) November 1, 1932 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
Farman (Lignes Farman) May 1, 1933 ¤ Joint Air Union/Farman timetable
UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Dcare Watson)
Interior views
Faroe Airways July 15, 1965 Kirkwall-Stavanger-Copenhagen, UK edition
Federico II Airways November 16, 1998 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Finist'Air January 1, 1983 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Finnair June 1, 1958 International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
Finnair June 15, 1960 International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Finnair April 1, 1961 International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Finnair April 1, 1963 International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
Finnair November 1, 1963 ¤ International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
Finnair June 1, 1965 All routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnair June 1, 1966 International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnair April 1, 1967 All routes in network (route map) format + international routes in tabular format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Finnair November 1, 1967 All routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnair November 1, 1968 ¤ International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format, North American edition
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
Finnair May 15, 1969 ¤ International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnair June 1, 1971 ¤ International routes in tabular and domestic routes in network (route map) format
Includes flights of Kar-Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnair May 1, 1974 All routes in network (route map) format
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnaviation April 1, 1980 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Finnaviation March 29, 1987 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Flandre Air August 29, 1988
Flandre Air March 29, 1993
Flugfélag Norðurlands September 21, 1987 Flugfelag Nordurlands
Flugfélag Norðurlands May 1, 1988
flyFTI Summer 1999 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Flygtrafikbolaget Stockholm-Göteborg July 1, 1934 (From the collection of Mikael Öqvist)
Flytouropa June 11, 2012
FTS - Flight Travel Service September 27, 1982 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
GB Airways March 25, 1984
GB Airways October 27, 1985 (From the collection of Christopher Neighbours)
GB Airways March 27, 1988
GB Airways November 7, 1993
General Air May 1, 1968
General Air May 1, 1971
General Air March 30, 1972. (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
General Air November 1, 1972
German Wings (1980s-90s) October 29, 1989 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
German Wings (1980s-90s) Summer 1990 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Gibair November 1, 1968 Joint Gibair/Bland Line timetable (system)
Gibair April 1, 1969 Joint Gibair/Bland Line timetable (system)
Gibair April 1, 1970 Joint Gibair/Bland Line timetable (system)
Gibair April 1, 1974
Gibraltar Airways Undated (late 1940s) (Courtesy of Tom Heitzman)
Gibraltar Airways April 21, 1952
Gibraltar Airways October 2, 1955
Gibraltar Airways November 1, 1958
Gill Air September 20, 1991 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Go September 15, 2001
Golden Air (1970s-80s) Until March 29, 1985
Golden Air (1970s-80s) Until March 27, 1986
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) Until June 23, 1994
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) August 21, 1995
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) October 28, 1996
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) November 1, 1999
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) January 8, 2001
Golden Air (1990s-2010s) Autumn/Winter (2004-05)
(Compagnie des) Grands Express Aériens Undated (c. 1920) Grands Express Aeriens
(Compagnie des) Grands Express Aériens Undated (c. Autumn 1922)
Great Western & Southern Air Lines Summer 1939
Great Western & Southern Air Lines July 31, 1946 Cardiff-Bristol/Weston-super-Mare
Grønlandsfly (Greenlandair) April 1, 1968
Grønlandsfly (Greenlandair) November 1, 1971. (From the collection of Perry A. Sloan)
Grønlandsfly (Greenlandair) October 28, 1974
Grønlandsfly (Greenlandair) April 4, 1977
Grønlandsfly (Greenlandair) April 1, 1981
Guernsey Airways October 6, 1935 Joint Guernsey Airways/Jersey Airways timetable (Guernsey Airways system)
GWR Air Services April 12, 1933
HADAG Air April 1, 1975
Hamburg Airlines October 30, 1994 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Handley Page Transport Undated (1920)
Handley Page Transport Undated (c. 1922) (Courtesy of Tom Heitzman)
Handley Page Transport Undated (c. 1922)
Hanse Express October 26, 1986
Hapag-Lloyd Flug Summer 1981 (From the collection of William White)
Hebridean Air Services March 25, 2018
HEES October 1, 1932 "SHCA - Société Hellénique des Communications Aériennes" Societe Hellenique des Communications Aeriennes
HEES September 1, 1933 This is a recreation of the original timetable, combining images from the collections of Craig Morris and Björn Larsson.
HEES May 1, 1934 "SHCA - Société Hellénique des Communications Aériennes" Societe Hellenique des Communications Aeriennes
Heli Air Monaco October 24, 1999 Folded card
Heli Air Monaco October 27, 2002 Folded card
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Heli Air Monaco April 1, 2014 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Hélifrance March 25, 1984
Héli-Inter Until March 25, 2000 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Héli-Inter Riviera January 16, 1997
Héli Sécurité Summer 2005 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Héli Transport March 31, 1991
HELLAS (Hellenic Airlines) July 7, 1949
HELLAS (Hellenic Airlines) December 12, 1949 (DZ)
HELLAS (Hellenic Airlines) January 15, 1951 UK edition
HELLAS (Hellenic Airlines) May 20, 1951 Joint TAE/HELLAS/AME timetable (system)
(From the collection of Gklavas Athanasios)
Hex'Air March 29, 1993
Highland Airways (1930s) 1935
Highland Airways (1990s-2010s) Undated (2001) (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Highland Airways (1990s-2010s) November 3, 2003 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Highland Airways (1990s-2010s) Winter 2008-09 (System except Wales route)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Highland Express Airways May 30, 1987 North American edition (system)
Hillman's Airways Summer 1935 Revised edition (system)
Hillman's Airways October 6, 1935
Holiday Express May 28, 1984
Holmstroem Air March 28, 1993
Holmstroem Air January 31, 1994
Holmstroem Air October 30, 1994
Holmstroem Air August 12, 1996
Holmstroem Air March 3, 1997
Hunting Air Transport October 4, 1953 Newcastle-London
Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 11, 1954 European and domestic routes
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork June 14, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork Until October 3, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork October 3, 1954 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport December 17, 1954 European and domestic routes
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork April 1, 1955 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport June 13, 1955 European and domestic routes
Hunting-Clan Air Transport November 14, 1955 UK-Gibraltar
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork April 22, 1956 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from Central Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport (op'd by Dragon Airways) June 11, 1956 "Northern network"
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork November 1, 1956 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork April 14, 1957 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork October 1957 (printing date) "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa & Gibraltar
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork December 1, 1957 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from East & Central Africa
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork January 1, 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable, Routes to/from West Africa
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork April 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 1958 UK-Gibraltar
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork October 1958 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Hunting-Clan Air Transport October 1958 UK-Gibraltar
Hunting-Clan Air Transport April 1959 UK-Gibraltar
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork May 1959 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Hunting-Clan Air Transport/Airwork October 1959 "Safari" Coach Class timetable
Iberia November 6, 1939
Iberia June 14, 1945
Iberia March 1, 1946
Iberia September 1, 1947 ¤
Iberia November 1947 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iberia May 14, 1950
Iberia April 15, 1951
Iberia April 19, 1953 ¤ (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iberia Until October 30, 1954
Iberia Winter 1956/57 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iberia Until October 31, 1958 Includes flights of Aviaco
Iberia Until October 31, 1959 Includes flights of Aviaco
Iberia November 1, 1959 US edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Iberia April 1, 1962 ¤ Includes flights of Aviaco
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
Iberia April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Aviaco
Iberia April 1, 1966 North American edition
Includes flights of Aviaco
(From the collection of Todd Budish)
Iberia November 1, 1970 ¤ Includes flights of Air Mauritanie, Aviaco, Cubana and LAGE
Iberia April 1, 1972 Advance timetable (system)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) June 1, 1957 International routes Flugfelag Islands
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1960 International & selected domestic routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1961 International & selected domestic routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) November 1, 1961 International routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1962 International & selected domestic routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1963
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) May 1, 1963 In Icelandic (system)
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) November 1, 1963 International & selected domestic routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1967
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1967 In Icelandic (system)
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1971 International routes
Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands)/Loftleiðir April 1, 1974 In Icelandic (system)
Includes flights of Air Bahama
Icelandair (Flugleiðir) April 1, 1979 ¤ In Icelandic (system)
Icelandair (Flugleiðir) May 1, 1979 Domestic routes
Icelandair (Flugleiðir) November 1, 1979 ¤ In Icelandic (system)
Icelandair (Flugleiðir) April 1, 1980 ¤ International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) February 1, 1949
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) June 1, 1949
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) June 17, 1950 International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) April 20, 1952 ¤ International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) May 9, 1953 International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) October 1, 1954 In Icelandic (system)
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) October 4, 1954 International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) May 1, 1956 Timetable in network (route map) format
International routes
Iceland Airways (Flugfélag Íslands) October 1, 1956 International routes
IFG - Interregional Fluggesellschaft Summer 1970 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
IFG - Interregional Fluggesellschaft Summer 1971. (Courtesy of Hans-Dieter Schmidt)
IFG - Interregional Fluggesellschaft April 1, 1973 Joint IFG/Cimber Air timetable
German domestic routes (IFG system)
IFL November 3, 1975
IFL November 3, 1975
Imperial Airways May 1, 1924
Imperial Airways August 1, 1924
Imperial Airways Undated (Winter 1924-25) Includes flights of Deutscher Aero Lloyd
Imperial Airways April 20, (1925) Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Ad Astra Aero, Deutscher Aero Lloyd and SABENA
Imperial Airways October 5, 1925 ¤
Imperial Airways April 19, 1926 ¤
Imperial Airways November 15, 1926 ¤ Includes flights of Deutsche Luft Hansa
Imperial Airways April 1927 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aeronaut (Estonia), Aero O/Y, Balair, CIDNA, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Luft Hansa and KLM
Imperial Airways 1928 (various dates)
Imperial Airways March 30, 1929 "Temporary Time-Table" (system)
Imperial Airways April 12, 1930 European routes
Imperial Airways April (1930) European routes, US edition
Imperial Airways October 5, 1930 European routes
Imperial Airways March 5, 1931 UK-North/(East) Africa
Imperial Airways May 16, 1931 ¤ "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Imperial Airways Summer 1931
(Printed May 1931)
European routes
Imperial Airways October 1931 "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Includes flights of Indian State Airways
Imperial Airways October 5, 1931 (printed January 1932) European routes
Imperial Airways January 1, 1932 "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Imperial Airways May 1, 1932 European routes
Imperial Airways April 1932 (printed July 1932) "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Imperial Airways October 1, 1932 "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Imperial Airways March 1, 1933 European routes
Imperial Airways March 1, 1933 "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Imperial Airways July 1, 1933 ¤ "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and India)
Imperial Airways July 1, 1933 London-Calcutta
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways
Imperial Airways Summer 1933 (printed July) European routes
Imperial Airways October 8, 1933 European routes
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and SABENA
Imperial Airways December 9, 1933 "Empire" routes (UK-Africa and Southeast Asia)
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways
Imperial Airways April 10, 1934 UK-Africa
Imperial Airways April 14, 1934 Joint Imperial Airways/Indian Trans-Continental Airways timetable
UK-Southeast Asia
Imperial Airways April 29, 1934 European routes
Imperial Airways September 30, 1934 Joint Imperial Airways/Indian Trans-Continental Airways timetable
UK-Southeast Asia
Imperial Airways October 2, 1934 UK-Africa
Imperial Airways November 1, 1934 European routes
Includes flights of SABENA
Imperial Airways January 1, 1935 UK-Africa
Imperial Airways January 1, 1935 UK-Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways April 1935 UK-Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways May 1935 UK-Africa
Imperial Airways August 15, 1935 European routes
Imperial Airways November 24, 1935 European routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Imperial Airways March 1936 UK-Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways March 1936 UK-Africa
Imperial Airways April 19, 1936 European routes
Imperial Airways January 1, 1937 European routes, US edition
Imperial Airways April 4, 1937 European routes
Imperial Airways June 1, 1937 Joint Pan American Airways/Imperial Airways timetable
New York-Bermuda
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Imperial Airways July 1937 UK-Far East/Australia, "Temporary Timetable"
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways October 3, 1937 European routes
Imperial Airways November 1937 UK-Africa
Includes flights of Elders Colonial Airways, RANA - Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways and Wilson Airways
Imperial Airways November 14, 1937 Joint Pan American Airways/Imperial Airways timetable
Imperial Airways March 27, 1938 European routes
Imperial Airways April 9, 1938 UK-Far East/Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways July 1938 UK-Africa
Includes flights of Elders Colonial Airways, RANA - Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways and Wilson Airways
Imperial Airways August 16, 1938 UK-Far East/Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways October 1938 UK-Africa
Includes flights of Elders Colonial Airways
Imperial Airways October 1938 UK-Far East/Australia
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways Winter 1938-39 European routes
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, British Airways, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, RAS - Railway Air Services, SABENA and Swissair
Imperial Airways April 1939 UK-Far East/Australia, US edition
Includes flights of Indian Trans-Continental Airways and Qantas Empire Airways
Imperial Airways April 1939 UK-Africa
Includes flights of Elders Colonial Airways, RANA - Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways and Wilson Airways
Imperial Airways April 16, 1939 European routes
Imperial Airways August 1939 UK-Africa
Includes flights of Elders Colonial Airways, RANA - Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways and Wilson Airways
Instone Air Line October 1, 1921 ¤
Instone Air Line Undated (c. 1923)
Inter City Airlines March 1, 1982
Interflug August 27, 1959 Leipzig Fair
Interflug February 26, 1960. Leipzig Fair, GDR-Scandinavia
(From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Interflug February 27, 1960 Leipzig Fair, GDR-Czechoslovakia-Austria
Interflug September 1, 1961 Leipzig Fair
Interflug March 2, 1962 Leipzig Fair
Interflug August 31, 1962 Leipzig Fair
Interflug August 30, 1963 Leipzig Fair
Interflug October 1, 1963 Domestic routes
Interflug November 1, 1963 Preliminary edition (system)
Interflug November 1, 1963
Interflug February 28, 1964 Leipzig Fair
Interflug April 1, 1964 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Cubana and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Interflug May 15, 1964 Domestic routes
Interflug September 4, 1964 Leipzig Fair
Interflug October 1, 1964 Domestic routes
Interflug November 1, 1964
Interflug November 1, 1965 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Interflug April 1, 1966 International routes
Interflug May 2, 1966 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Interflug March 3, 1967 Leipzig Fair timetable
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Interflug November 1, 1967 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Cubana and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Interflug April 1, 1968 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Cubana and MNR (Mongolian Airlines)
Interflug August 1, 1970 Includes flights of Aeroflot, CAAC, Iraqi Airways and MIAT
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Interflug July 1, 1972 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Interflug April 1, 1974 Includes flights of Cubana
Interflug October 28, 1984 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Interflug July 1, 1990
International Airlines Undated (August 1933)
Interot Air Service March 26, 1989
Irish Sea Airways Winter 1936-37 Issued by Olley Air Service
Irish Sea Airways Winter 1937-38 Issued by Olley Air Service
Irish Sea Airways Winter 1937-38
(printed October 1937)
Issued by Aer Lingus
Irish Sea Airways Undated (Summer 1938) Joint Irish Sea Airways/Channel Air Ferries timetable, issued under the Olley Air Service title
Irish Sea Airways October 3, 1938 Issued by Aer Lingus
Irish Sea Airways October 3, 1938 Issued by Olley Air Service
Irish Sea Airways April 16, 1939 Issued by Aer Lingus
Irish Sea Airways April 16, 1939 Issued by Olley Air Service
Isle of Man Air Services April 1, 1946
İstanbul Airlines May 1, 1988 Domestic routes
Itavia December 5, 1960
Itavia August 1, 1963
Itavia May 2, 1967
Itavia April 1, 1971 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Itavia November 1, 1972 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Itavia November 1, 1978
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport November 1, 1947 Includes flights of YUSTA (Jugoslovensko-Sovjetska Transportna Aviacija)
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 20, 1948
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 16, 1950
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport October 22, 1950
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 15, 1951. (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 20, 1952
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 19, 1953
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport Until April 16, 1955
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 17, 1955
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport Summer 1956 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport January 15, 1957
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 14, 1957
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 1, 1958
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 1, 1959 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport June 1, 1960 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport May 1, 1961 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport July 1, 1962 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport July 1, 1963
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport July 15, 1964 ¤
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport November 1, 1965 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport April 1, 1967 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
JAT Yugoslav Airlines April 1, 1975 UK edition
(From the collection of Colin Irving)
JAT Yugoslav Airlines November 1, 1983 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Jersey Airlines Summer 1953
Jersey Airlines Mid-June 1956
Jersey Airlines October 28, 1956
Jersey Airlines Summer 1958
Jersey Airlines April 10, 1960 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Jersey Airlines April 1, 1962
Jersey Airways October 1, (1934)
Jersey Airways May 1, 1937
Jet2 Until October 28, 2006 Italian edition
Junkers Luftverkehr June 1925 ¤ Includes flights of Nord-Europa-Union, Trans-Europa-Union and other Junkers-affiliated companies
Junkers Luftverkehr August 1925 Joint (Deutscher) Aerolloyd/Junkers Luftverkehr timetable (system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Badische Luftverkehrs-Gesellschaft, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Gren SA, Imperial Airways, KLM, Luft-Fahrzeug-Gesellschaft, Luftverkehrsgesellschaft Ruhrgebiet and Nederlandsche Wereldverkeer
Kallistair July 15, 1976
Kallistair October 1, 1976
Kallistair April 1, 1977
Kallistair April 3, 1978
Kar-Air April 15, 1957
Kar-Air October 7, 1957
Kar-Air June 16, 1958
Kar-Air November 1, 1958. (From the collection of Jan Wollin)
Kar-Air April 1, 1959
Kar-Air November 1, 1960
Kar-Air April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Finnair
Karhumäki Airways January 23, 1956
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY June 15, 1976 (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd) Kibris Turk Hava Yollari
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY December 12, 1977
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY November 1, 1979
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY April 1, 1983
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY March 27, 1988 ¤
Kıbrıs Türk Hava Yolları - KTHY March 26, 2003
KLM Summer 1921 (printed April)
KLM April 18, 1922 ¤
KLM June 2, 1924
KLM Until October 3, 1925 ¤ (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
KLM April 19, 1926 Includes flights of Deutsche Luft Hansa
KLM Winter 1926-27 UK edition (system)
KLM April 19, 1927 ¤ Includes an insert with flights of Deutsche Luft Hansa, Lignes Farman and SABENA
KLM April 10, 1928 Joint DDL/KLM/ABA timetable, Danish edition
(From the collection of Daniel Kusrow)
KLM April 23, 1928 UK edition (system)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport and Balair
KLM October 8, 1928 UK edition (system)
KLM April 8, 1929 ¤ Includes flights of ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost and Deutsche Luft Hansa
KLM Until October 6, 1929 Netherlands-Scandinavia route
KLM October 7, 1929 Supplement to "Luchtreisgids" 1929 (system)
KLM April 7, 1930 ¤ Includes flights of ABA, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Luft Hansa, KNILM and Lignes Farman CLS
KLM April 7, 1930 UK edition (system)
KLM May 1, 1931 European routes, UK edition
Includes flights of ABA, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Lignes Farman and SABENA
KLM May 1, 1932 European routes, UK edition
Includes flights of ABA, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Lignes Farman and SABENA
KLM November 1, 1932 European routes
KLM November 1932 Amsterdam-Batavia route, US edition
KLM March 1, 1933 European routes, UK edition
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Luft Hansa and Lignes Farman CLS
KLM May 1, 1933 European routes
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Lignes Farman and SABENA CLS
KLM November 1933 Amsterdam-Batavia route, UK edition
KLM March 1, 1934 European routes (includes Amsterdam-Batavia route), UK edition
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Air France, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, and Swissair
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)CLS
KLM September 1, 1934 European routes (includes Amsterdam-Batavia route)
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Air France, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, Sabena and Swissair CLS
KLM September 1934 Amsterdam-Batavia route
KLM October 6, 1935 European routes
Includes flights of ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab and Deutsche Lufthansa CLS
KLM October 3, 1936 ¤ Amsterdam-Batavia route, UK edition
KLM October 4, 1936 European routes
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG CLS OLAG
KLM April 7, 1937 Amsterdam-Batavia route, UK edition
KLM October 2, 1937 Amsterdam-Batavia route, UK edition
KLM October 4, 1937 Domestic routes
KLM June 1, 1938 European routes
KLM October 2, 1938 Amsterdam-Batavia route
KLM October 2, 1938 Joint KLM/KNILM timetable for the Europe-Australia route
KLM October 3, 1938 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
KLM February 6, 1939 Caribbean routes
KLM April 18, 1939 Amsterdam-Batavia route
KLM August 1, 1939 European routes
KLM November 1, 1945 Caribbean routes
KLM April 1, 1946 (Lacks local Caribbean routes)
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
KLM May 21, 1946 Transatlantic routes
KLM July 29, 1946 (Lacks local Caribbean routes)
KLM November 4, 1946
KLM June 30, 1947 "American edition" (system)
KLM December 1, 1947
KLM July 12, 1948
KLM February 13, 1949 Network (route map) timetable
(Lacks local Caribbean and East Indies routes)
KLM April 17, 1949 (Lacks local Caribbean and East Indies routes)
KLM October 1949 Far Eastern edition
KLM October 2, 1949 European edition
(Lacks local Caribbean and East Indies routes)
KLM October 2, 1949 Caribbean edition
KLM December 1949 "Interinsulair Bedrijf"
(Routes in the Netherlands East Indies + regional routes)
KLM February 5, 1950 South American edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
KLM July 2, 1950. Caribbean edition
(From the collection of Mikael Öqvist)
KLM April 15, 1951 ¤
KLM June 28, 1953 ¤
KLM May 30, 1954 ¤
KLM July 8, 1956 ¤
KLM April 14, 1957
KLM May 1, 1958 Includes flights of Air Ceylon and Rutas Aéreas de Colombia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM July 15, 1959 Includes flights of Air Ceylon and Rutas Aéreas de Colombia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM January 17, 1960 Includes flights of Air Ceylon and Rutas Aéreas de Colombia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM April 17, 1960 Includes flights of Air Ceylon and Rutas Aéreas de Colombia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM July 15, 1960 Includes flights of Air Ceylon and Rutas Aéreas de Colombia
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM June 6, 1961 Includes flights of Air Ceylon, Rutas Aéreas de Colombia and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Rutas Aereas de Colombia
KLM July 1, 1962 Includes flights of PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
KLM November 1, 1962 ¤ Includes flights of PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM April 1, 1963 Includes flights of PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM April 1, 1964 Includes flights of PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM April 1, 1965 ¤ Includes flights of ALM, PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
KLM June 6, 1966 Includes flights of ALM, PAL - Philippine Air Lines and VIASA
KLM April 1, 1967 Includes flights of NLM and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM April 1, 1968 Includes flights of ALM, NLM and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM June 15, 1969 ¤ Includes flights of ALM, NLM, Philippine Airlines, Surinam Airways and VIASA
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
KLM April 1, 1970 Includes flights of ALM, Garuda Indonesian Airways, NLM, Philippine Airlines, Surinam Airways and VIASA
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
KLM May 15, 1971 ¤ Includes flights of ALM, Garuda Indonesian Airways, NLM, Philippine Airlines, Surinam Airways and VIASA
KLM November 1, 1978 ¤ Dutch edition (system)
Includes flights of NLM CityHopper
(Courtesy of Tom d'Angremond)
KLM alps/Air Alps Aviation October 31, 1999 (From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
Knight Air January 31, 1994
Kuban Airlines March 29, 2010 (DZ)
Kyrnair June 18, 1990
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane May 5, 1947 ¤
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane December 1947 Pocket timetable (system)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane August 22, 1949 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane October 25, 1949
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane May 8, 1950 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane October 22, 1950
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane May 1, 1951 European edition? (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane March 1952 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane May 5, 1952 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane August 1, 1952 European edition? (system)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane September 1, 1953
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane November 1, 1953 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane November 1953 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane April 1, 1954 US edition (system)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane Undated (fares list dated July 1, 1954) German edition
(From the collection of Oliver Heck)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane November 11, 1954 US edition (system)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane August 1, 1955 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane October 30, 1955 Revised edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane April 22, 1956 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane June 6, 1956 ¤ US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane August 20, 1956 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane January 6, 1957 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane January 6, 1957 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane May 1, 1957 ¤ Revised edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane August 1, 1957
LAI - Linee Aeree Italiane October 6, 1957 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Laker Airways Undated (c. Winter 1978-79) London-New York
Laker Airways July 20, 1979
Laker Airways December 15, 1979
Laker Airways October 1, 1980
Laker Airways March 20, 1981
LANA - Lignes Aériennes Nord-Africaines December 1, 1935 Alger-Constantine-Bône route
LANA - Lignes Aériennes Nord-Africaines December 1, 1935 Bône-Tunis route
Lancashire Aircraft Corporation April 11, 1952
Lancashire Aircraft Corporation May 1, 1956
LAPE - Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas Undated (c. Winter 1934-35) Lineas Aereas Postales Espanolas
LAPE - Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas April 1, 1935 ¤
LAPE - Líneas Aéreas Postales Españolas May 20, 1936
Lapplandsflyg (Lap Air) November 1, 1974 Umeå-Lycksele-Vilhelmina
Lapplandsflyg (Lap Air) April 1, 1977 Umeå-Lycksele-Vilhelmina
LAR - Ligações Aéreas Regionais Until September 28, 1985 (From the collection of Joaquim Freire)
LAR - Ligações Aéreas Regionais October 25, 1987
LARES Summer 1939
LAR Transregional March 24, 1990
Latvian Airlines (Latvijas Aviolīnijas - Latavio) October 1, 1992
Latvian Airlines (Latvijas Aviolīnijas - Latavio) January 1, 1993 (DZ)
Latvian Airlines (Latvijas Aviolīnijas - Latavio) April 1, 1993
Lauda (Laudamotion) March 2019 Vienna routes
(Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Summer 1987 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air May 7, 1988 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Summer 1990 "Charter"
(Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air October 31, 1993 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Winter 1998-99 "Charter"
(Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Summer 2007 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Summer 2009 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lauda Air Summer 2011 (Days of operation only - no flight times)
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
LFH - Luftverkehr Friesland Harle March 27, 1988
LGW - Luftverkehrgesellschaft Walter March 29, 1999
Lignes Aériennes Latécoère October 1, (1922) Lignes Aeriennes Latecoere
Lignes Aériennes Latécoère 1924
Linjeflyg - LIN May 15, 1957 Joint Linjeflyg/SAS timetable for Swedish domestic routes (Linjeflyg system)
Linjeflyg - LIN October 1, 1958 Joint Linjeflyg/SAS timetable for Swedish domestic routes (Linjeflyg system)
Linjeflyg - LIN April 1, 1961 Joint Linjeflyg/SAS timetable for Swedish domestic routes (Linjeflyg system)
Linjeflyg - LIN January 1, 1967 Joint Linjeflyg/SAS timetable for Swedish domestic routes (Linjeflyg system)
Linjeflyg - LIN May 1, 1977 Includes flights of Sydaero
Lithuanian Airlines May 1, 1992
Lithuanian Airlines October 29, 1995
Lithuanian Airlines March 31, 1996 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Lithuanian Airlines October 27, 1996 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Lloyd Luftdienst August 1921 Includes flights of Bayerischer Luft Lloyd, Danziger Luftpost, Danziger Luft-Reederei, Deutsche Luft-Reederei, Deutscher Luft Lloyd, KLM, Lloyd Luftverkehr Sablatnig, Lloyd Ostflug, Luftverkehr Strähle and Rumpler Luftverkehr Luftverkehr Strahle
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines May 1, 1949 Loftleidir
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines November 1, 1954 US edition (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines May 17, 1958 European edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines May 17, 1958 US edition (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines April 1, 1960 Luxembourg(/Netherlands/Belgium/France) edition (system)
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines November 1, 1961 Swedish edition (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines April 1, 1962 US edition (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines April 1, 1963 In Icelandic (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines April 1, 1963 Swedish edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines May 1, 1966 US edition (system)
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines May 1, 1968
Loftleiðir - Icelandic Airlines April 1, 1970 US edition (system)
Includes flights of Air Bahama
Loftleiðir/Icelandair (Flugfélag Íslands) April 1, 1974 Includes flights of Air Bahama
Loganair October 1, 1970
Loganair November 1, 1973
Loganair August 1, 1976
London City Airways March 27, 1988
London City Airways May 16, 1989
LOT October 1, 1932
LOT October 6, 1935 Timetable in network (route map) format (includes timetable in tabular format)
LOT April 19, 1936
LOT October 4, 1937 ¤
LOT March 27, 1938
LOT November 7, 1938 ¤
(November 1, 1938 inside)
Timetable in network (route map) format
LOT May 15, 1939 Timetable in network (route map) format
LOT Winter 1947-48.
LOT April 18, 1948. Information folder w/separate timetable enclosure (system)
(From the collection of Dacre Watson)
LOT October 31, 1948
LOT June 1, 1949 ¤
LOT October 2, 1949
LOT April 16, 1950 ¤
LOT April 16, 1951
LOT October 15, 1951 Domestic routes
LOT April 20, 1952 International routes
LOT October 4, 1953 International routes
LOT October 31, 1954 International routes
LOT October 1, 1955 Domestic routes
LOT October 2, 1955 International routes
LOT October 7, 1956 International routes
LOT May 1, 1957 International routes
LOT April 1, 1959
LOT April 3, 1960 # 2 (May 1, 1960)
LOT April 1, 1961 ¤ # 2 (June 1, 1961)
LOT December 15, 1961 (From the collection of Oliver Heck)
LOT June 1, 1963
LOT May 31, 1964 ¤ International routes
LOT June 1, 1966 International routes
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
LOT April 1, 1968
LOT April 1, 1969 International routes, preliminary edition
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
LOT May 2, 1969 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
LOT April 1, 1970
LOT March 29, 1987 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
LS&PA - London Scottish & Provincial Airways Undated (1934)
LTU April 1, 1968 Routes operated on behalf of Lufthansa
LTU March 21, 1991 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Lufthansa April 1, 1955
Lufthansa May 15, 1955 European routes
Lufthansa June 8, 1955 Transatlantic routes
Lufthansa Until October 1, 1955
Lufthansa Until October 1, 1955 Revised edition (system)
Lufthansa April 22, 1956
Lufthansa June 2, 1957 ¤ Timetable in network (route map) format
Lufthansa April 1, 1958 Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format
Lufthansa May 24, 1959 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Lufthansa April 1, 1961
Lufthansa November 1, 1961 Preliminary edition (system)
Lufthansa July 1, 1962 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Lufthansa January 1, 1963 ¤
Lufthansa April 1, 1964
Lufthansa July 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of CAUSA
Lufthansa April 1, 1968 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Lufthansa April 1, 1970 Preliminary edition (system)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Lufthansa July 1, 1972 ¤ Includes flights of General Air
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Lufthansa April 1, 1975 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Luftschiffbau Zeppelin August 1932
Luftverkehrs A.G. Westfalen Summer 1927 (DZ)
Luftverkehr Wilhelmshaven-Friesland - LW April 1, 1971
Luftverkehr Wilhelmshaven-Friesland - LW April 1, 1973
Luxair July 1, 1962
Luxair April 1, 1964
Luxair May 1, 1967
Luxair June 1, 1968 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Luxair April 1, 1969
Luxair April 1, 1973 (From the collection of Oliver Heck)
Luxair April 1, 1974 Preliminary edition (system)
Luxair April 1, 1976
Luxair April 1, 1979 Preliminary edition (system)
Luxavia September 1972 UK edition (system)
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Luxavia October 1, 1972 German edition (system)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Luxavia January 1973 South African edition (system)
Luxavia July 1, 1974 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Daniel Rubenson)
Luxavia July 1, 1974 Dutch edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Luxavia Until October 31, 1976 Brochure w/separate timetable enclosure
UK edition (system)
Luxavia April 1, 1981 ¤ South African edition (system)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Luxavia May 1, 1993 South African edition (system)
Luxembourg Airlines Undated (c. 1948)
Lviv Airlines March 28, 2004 Ticket folder w/timetable for Lviv Airport and Lviv Airlines
MAC - Malta Air Charter March 28, 1993 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
MAC - Malta Air Charter October 31, 1993 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Maj-Flyg June 15, 1973 (From the collection of William White)
Maersk Air November 29, 1984 Southend-Billund, UK edition
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Maersk Air March 25, 1990
Malert April 23, 1928 ¤ Includes flights of Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne ("Nemzetközi Légiforgalmi RT"), Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LOT, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG and Transadriatica OLAG
Malert May 1, 1929 ¤ Includes flights of Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne ("Nemzetközi Légiforgalmi RT"), Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM, LOT, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG and Transadriatica OLAG
Malert May 1, 1932 ¤ Route map
Includes flights of Austroflug (ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG), CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, Deutsche Lufthansa, LOT and SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea OLAG Societa Aerea Mediterranea
Malert May 1, 1934 ¤ Air freight/air mail timetable
Timetable in network (route map) format
Malert April 1, 1935 ¤
Malert April 20, 1936 Timetable in tabular + network (route map) format
Includes flights of Austroflug (ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG) and Deutsche Lufthansa OLAG
Malert April 5, 1937 Includes flights of Air France, Ala Littoria, Austroflug (ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG), ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways and KLM OLAG CLS
Malert October 4, 1937 Includes flights of Ala Littoria, Austroflug (ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG) and Deutsche Lufthansa OLAG
Malert October 3, 1938 Includes flights of Air France, Ala Littoria ("ALSA"), ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, LOT, Sabena and Swissair CSA CLS
MALÉV May 23, 1955 Includes flights of Aeroflot MALEV
MALÉV April 22, 1956
(Domestic routes: April 5, 1956)
Includes flights of Aeroflot
MALÉV June 2, 1957 International routes
MALÉV October 6, 1957
MALÉV August 1, 1958 ¤ International routes
MALÉV August 1, 1959 International routes
MALÉV July 1, 1961 International routes
MALÉV July 1, 1962 ¤ International routes
MALÉV Until October 31, 1963 International routes
MALÉV May 15, 1964 International routes
MALÉV May 15, 1966 ¤ International routes
MALÉV April 1, 1967 ¤ International routes
MALÉV Until October 31, 1968 ¤ International routes
MALÉV April 1, 1974 ¤ International routes
MALÉV April 1, 1976 ¤ International routes
MALÉV March 31, 1985 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Malmö Aviation June 18, 1992 Malmo Aviation
The Malta Airlines April 15, 1951 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
The Malta Airlines October 21, 1951
The Malta Airlines October 26, 1952 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
The Malta Airlines April 19, 1953
The Malta Airlines May 10, 1954
The Malta Airlines July 1, 1955 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
The Malta Airlines November 1, 1959
The Malta Airlines April 1, 1967 ¤
The Malta Airlines April 1, 1972
Malta Airways December 4, 1950
Malta Airways May 1, 1951
Manx Airlines (1950s) May 7, 1955
Manx Airlines (1980s-2000s) March 31, 2002 ¤
Manx2 Winter 2010-11
Master Aviation October 7, 1996
Maszovlet June 1, 1949
Maszovlet October 2, 1949
Maszovlet April 5, 1950 ¤
Maszovlet April 2, 1951 Joint Maszovlet/IBUSZ timetable
Domestic routes
Maszovlet July 10, 1951
Maszovlet June 1, 1952
Maszovlet May 24, 1954 Includes flights of Aeroflot
MAT Macedonian Airlines Winter 2007-08 (DZ)
Mercury Airlines 1964
Metro Airways October 30, 1984 ¤ (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Metro Airways March 31, 1985
Metropolitan Airways June 1, 1986
Minerve July 1, 1991 Joint Air Liberté/Minerve timetable (system)
Minerve September 29, 1991 Paris-Papeete/Bangkok
Minerve October 1, 1991 Paris-French West Indies
Monacair Undated (1997)
Montana Austria November 1980 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Montenegro Airlines March 27, 2004 (DZ)
Mørefly Undated (c. 1986)
Morton Air Services Undated (1951)
Morton Air Services June 6, 1957 London-Le Touquet
Morton Air Services/Olley Air Service June 14, 1957 London-Jersey/Guernsey
Morton Air Services October 6, 1957 London-Rotterdam
Morton Air Services April 19, 1959
Morton Air Services October 4, 1959
Morton Air Services/Olley Air Service April 1, 1961
Morton Air Services May 1, 1964
Muk Air March 30, 1986
Muk Air September 28, 1986
Muk Air March 29, 1987
Muk Air Until October 26, 1996
Navigazione Aerea - SANA October 7, 1927
(March 27 on title page)
In German (actual schedule part in Italian) (system)
Navigazione Aerea - SANA March 1, 1931 In French (system)
Navigazione Aerea - SANA May 1, 1931 In English (system)
Navigazione Aerea - SANA May 1, 1932 ¤ In French (system)
Navigazione Aerea - SANA November 1, 1933
Navigazione Aerea - SANA March 1, 1934 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
NetherLines March 31, 1985
NetherLines March 29, 1987 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
NewAir June 1, 1992
NewAir October 31, 1993
NewAir January 20, 1997
NFD - Nürnberger Flugdienst March 28, 1983 Nurnberger Flugdienst
NFD - Nürnberger Flugdienst March 26, 1984
NFD - Nürnberger Flugdienst July 1, 1986
Nice Hélicoptères October 24, 1999
Nice Hélicoptères 2005 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
NIKI May 1, 2009 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI November 1, 2009 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI May 2016 City Shuttle/Croatia/Malta, Joint NIKI/Air Berlin timetable
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI May 2016 Greece/Cyprus
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI May 2016 Italy, Joint NIKI/Alitalia timetable
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI May 2016 Spain/Portugal
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
NIKI May 2016 USA/Caribbean, Joint NIKI/Air Berlin timetable
(From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Nord Africa Aviazione May 1, 1933 (From the collection of Daniel Kusrow)
Nordbayerische Verkehrsflug May 2, 1927
Nordic East Airways January 8, 1996
Nordsjøfly March 29, 1982
Norske Luftruter May 1, 1929
North Cross Airways Undated (1991)
Northeast Airlines April 1, 1971 ¤ Includes flights of Cambrian Airways
North Eastern Airways April (1935)
North Eastern Airways Winter 1936-37
North Eastern Airways October 4, 1937 (DZ)
North Eastern Airways Undated (Summer 1938)
North Eastern Airways April 17, 1939
Northern & Scottish Airways - NSA June 1937
North Flying March 27, 1989
North West Airlines June 3, 1949
Norving November 1, 1977
Norving April 1, 1980
Norving March 25, 1984
Norving March 31, 1985
Norving March 30, 1986
Norving Until October 29, 1988
Norwegian October 26, 2003
Novosibirsk Avia May 15, 2000
Nyge Aero May 15, 1993
ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG April 23, 1928 Includes flights of Balair, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Tschechoslowakische Luftverkehrsgesellschaft"), Deutsche Luft Hansa, LOT ("Polska Linja Lotnicza Aerolot"), Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), Süddeutsche Luft Hansa and Transadriatica OLAG - Osterreichische Luftverkehrs AG CLS Suddeutsche Luft Hansa
Olley Air Service Undated (Summer 1938) Includes flights of Irish Sea Airways and Channel Air Ferries
Olley Air Service June 1949
Olympic Airways October 6, 1957
Olympic Airways June 15, 1959 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways July 1, 1960 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways November 1, 1962
Olympic Airways April 1, 1963 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways July 1, 1964 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways June 15, 1967 ¤
Olympic Airways April 1, 1971 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways July 1, 1973 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Olympic Airways April 19, 1976 ¤
Palair Macedonian Airlines March 25, 1993 ¤
Peerusair Undated (c. Winter 1999-2000) (From the collection of Detlef Döbberthin)
PGA - Portugália Airlines May 1, 1993 ¤ (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Platinum Air 2000 Summer 2001 (From the collection of Colin Irving)
Pleuger Flug April 1, 1976
PLS - Provins Luftfartselskabet Undated (September 1936) (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
PLS - Provins Luftfartselskabet May 1, 1937 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation June 1, 1933
Portsmouth, Southsea & Isle of Wight Aviation June 7, (1935) London-Isle of Wight
Provincial Airways Undated (c. March 1934) (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Provincial Airways April 15, (1935)
Railway Air Services - RAS May 7, 1934 Plymouth-Liverpool
Includes flights of Western Airways
Railway Air Services - RAS November 1, (1934)
Railway Air Services - RAS January 7, 1935
Railway Air Services - RAS September 16, 1935 (Courtesy of Neil Donen)
Railway Air Services - RAS May 25, 1936 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Railway Air Services - RAS September 21, 1936
Railway Air Services - RAS May 23, 1938 Includes flights of Isle of Man Air Services, Jersey Airways and Scottish Airways
Railway Air Services - RAS May 22, 1939 Includes flights of Great Western & Southern Air Lines, Isle of Man Air Services and Scottish Airways
Railway Air Services - RAS October 5, 1942
Railway Air Services - RAS April 15, 1946
Railway Air Services - RAS Until October 5, 1946 Revised edition (system)
Régional Airlines March 28, 1994 ¤ Regional Airlines
RFG Regionalflug March 31, 1985 (From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
Rhein-Neckar Air - RNA 2014
Rhein-Neckar Air - RNA May 8, 2021 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Rhein-Neckar Air - RNA April 2, 2022. (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Rhein-Neckar Air - RNA April 1, 2023. (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Rheintalflug March 29, 1993 ¤ (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Rheintalflug October 27, 1997 (From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
Rheintalflug October 28, 2001 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
RIAIR - Riga Airlines March 29, 1998
Riga Airlines Express (RIAIR Express) Undated (c. late 1993) (From the collection of William White)
ROA - Roland Air March 27, 1988
ROA - Roland Air June 16, 1990
Rousseau Aviation November 1, 1971
Rousseau Aviation April 1, 1973 ¤
Ryanair May 23, 1986 UK edition (system)
Ryanair December 7, 1987
Ryanair Winter 1998-99 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
S7 Airlines October 27, 2013 ¤ Routes to/from Moscow
(From the collection of Max Paramonnik)
Sabena Summer 1927 Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Air Union, Balair, CIDNA, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deruluft, Deutsche Luft Hansa, Farman, Imperial Airways, KLM and Lignes Aériennes Latécoère Lignes Aeriennes Latedoere
Sabena March 1, 1930 UK edition (system)
Sabena March 1, 1933 UK edition (system)
Includes flights of Imperial Airways
Sabena September 1, 1933 Includes flights of Air France, Imperial Airways and KLM
Sabena May 1, 1934 Includes flights of Air France, Imperial Airways and KLM
Sabena November 1, 1934 Includes flights of Air France and Imperial Airways
Sabena November 1, 1934 Includes flights of Air France and Imperial Airways
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Sabena April 1, 1935 European routes, UK edition
Includes flights of Air France, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways and KLM
Sabena June 14, 1935 Belgium-Congo route
Includes flights of Régie Air Afrique Regie Air Afrique
Sabena October 7, 1935 European routes
Includes flights of Air France, Deutsche Lufthansa and Imperial Airways
Sabena October 24, 1936 Belgium-Congo route
Includes flights of (Régie) Air Afrique and Régie Malgache
Sabena October 4, 1937 European routes
Includes flights of ALI - Avio Linee Italiane, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG ("Austroflug") and Swissair OLAG
Sabena January 1938 Belgium-Congo-Madagascar and Congo domestic routes
Includes flights of Aéromaritime, RANA - Rhodesian & Nyasaland Airways, Régie Air Afrique and Wilson Airways
Sabena March 28, 1938 European routes
Includes flights of Air France, ALI - Avio Linee Italiane, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, ČSA - Československé Státní Aerolinie, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways, KLM, Lares, LOT and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG ("Austroflug")
Sabena March 28, 1938 European routes, German edition
Includes flights of Deutsche Lufthansa and Imperial Airways
Sabena November 1938 Belgium-Congo-Madagascar and Congo domestic routes
Includes flights of Régie Air Afrique
Sabena April 16, 1939 European routes
Includes flights of ABA - AB Aerotransport, Aero O/Y, Air France, ALI - Avio Linee Italiane, BAL - British Airways, Deutsche Lufthansa, KLM and Swissair
Sabena July 1939 Belgium-Congo-Madagascar and Congo domestic routes
Includes flights of Aéromaritime and Régie Air Afrique
Sabena Summer 1947 (printed May 1947)
Sabena Winter 1947/48 (printed October 1947) ¤
Sabena Summer 1948 (printed April 1948)
Sabena January 1949 ¤
Sabena Summer 1949 (printed May 1949)
Sabena July 1, 1950
Sabena January 15, 1952 ¤
Sabena July 1953 ¤
Sabena September 1, 1953 Helicopter Services
Sabena Until October 1, 1955 (printed July 1955) ¤
Sabena January 1, 1957 Swiss edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Sabena Until October 31, 1958 Includes flights of Air Charter (Channel Air Bridge) and LIA - Lebanese International Airways
Sabena November 1, 1958 Preliminary edition
Includes flights of LIA - Lebanese International Airways
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
Sabena April 1, 1959 Includes flights of LIA - Lebanese International Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Sabena November 1, 1959 Includes flights of Air Charter (Channel Air Bridge) and LIA - Lebanese International Airways
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Sabena January 23, 1960 ¤ Includes flights of Channel Air Bridge and LIA - Lebanese International Airways
Sabena June 1, 1960 ¤ Includes flights of Channel Air Bridge and Persian Air Services
Sabena July 1, 1961 Includes flights of Channel Air Bridge and Persian Air Services
Sabena July 1, 1962 Includes flights of Air Congo and Channel Air Bridge
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Sabena April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Air Congo
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Sabena November 1, 1964 Includes flights of Air Congo
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Sabena April 1, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of Air Congo
Sabena April 1, 1967 Preliminary edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Sabena July 1, 1967 ¤ (From the collection of André Van der Elst)
Sabena July 1, 1968 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Sabena July 1, 1969 ¤ (From the collection of André Van der Elst)
Sabena April 1, 1971 ¤
Sabena December 1, 1972 ¤
SalAir March 29, 1987
SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea September 1, (1930) In French (system) Societa Aerea Mediterranea
SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea November 1, 1932 Includes flights of Deutsche Lufthansa
SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea March 1, 1933 Includes flights of Deutsche Lufthansa and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG OLAG
SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea September 1, 1933 Includes flights of Deutsche Lufthansa, Malert and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG
SAM - Società Aerea Mediterranea May 1, 1934 Includes flights of Deutsche Lufthansa, Malert and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG
SAS September 1946 US edition (system)
SAS December 10, 1946 USA-Scandinavia, US edition
SAS June 16, 1947
SAS June 16, 1947 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
SAS October 5, 1947 (From the collection of Mikael Öqvist)
SAS March 20, 1948 (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
SAS April 18, 1948 Provisional timetable (system)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
SAS April 18, 1948
SAS October 31, 1948 Norwegian edition (system)
Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways) and Loftleiðir Flugfelag Islands Loftleidir
SAS May 1, 1949 Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways) and Loftleiðir
SAS June 1, 1950 Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways) and Loftleiðir
SAS October 22, 1950 "Flyrutene" (offprint from "Rutebok for Norge")
Norwegian edition (system)
Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways) and Loftleiðir
SAS April 15, 1951 Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways)
SAS April 20, 1952 Includes flights of Flugfélag Íslands (Iceland Airways)
SAS October 26, 1952 ¤ (Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda; some images from the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
SAS April 20, 1953 Norwegian domestic routes
Includes flights of Vestlandske Luftfartselskap and Widerøe's Flyveselskap og Polarfly
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 11, 1954 ¤ Includes flights of Vestlandske Luftfartselskap
SAS April 17, 1955 Swedish edition (system)
Includes flights of Vestlandske Luftfartselskap and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Mikael Öqvist) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS January 1, 1956 (Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
SAS April 22, 1956
SAS April 22, 1956 Danish edition (system)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
SAS April 22, 1956 Norwegian edition (system)
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
SAS April 22, 1956 Swedish edition (system)
SAS August 1, 1957 Includes flights of Linjeflyg
SAS August 1, 1958 ¤ Includes flights of Linjeflyg
SAS July 1, 1959 Includes flights of Linjeflyg
SAS November 1, 1959 Belgian edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
SAS April 1, 1960 Advance timetable (system)
Includes flights of Linjeflyg
SAS April 1, 1961 ¤ Includes flights of Guest Aerovías México, Linjeflyg and Thai International Guest Aerovias Mexico
SAS April 15, 1962 Includes flights of Guest Aerovías México, Linjeflyg, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Guest Aerovias Mexico Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Falck's Flyvetjeneste and Thai International
SAS April 15, 1964 Includes flights of Falck's Flyvetjeneste, Linjeflyg, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 15, 1965 Includes flights of Falck's Flyvetjeneste, Linjeflyg, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS November 1, 1967 ¤ Includes flights of Braathens SAFE, Cimber Air, Falck's Flyvetjeneste, Fjellfly, Linjeflyg and Thai International
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
SAS April 15, 1968 Includes flights of Falck's Flyvetjeneste, Linjeflyg, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 1, 1969 Danish edition
Includes flights of Braathens SAFE, Cimber Air, Linjeflyg, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 15, 1970 Includes flights of Braathens SAFE, Cimber Air, Linjeflyg, Maersk Air, Thai International and Widerøe's Flyveselskap
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn) Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
SAS April 1, 1971 Includes flights of Braathens SAFE, Cimber Air, Linjeflyg, Maersk Air and Thai International
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
SATA - Sociedade Açoreana de Transportes Aéreos Undated (c. late 1950s) (DZ)
SATA - Sociedade Açoreana de Transportes Aéreos April 3, 1961
SATA - Sociedade Açoriana de Transportes Aéreos May 2, 1963
SATA - Sociedade Açoriana de Transportes Aéreos April 26, 1965 (From the collection of Joaquim Freire)
SATA International March 28, 1999 (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Savon Lentolinjat May 30, 1952
SB-Flug (Saarbrücken Flugdienst) 1981 or 1982 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Scandinavian Air Express April 8, 1929 Malmö-London/Paris routes, Swedish edition
Includes flights of ABA and KLM
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Scandinavian Air Express May 1, 1929 Stockholm-Helsinki route, Swedish edition
Includes flights of ABA and Aero O/Y
(Courtesy of ABA-SAS Historical Collection, Stockholm-Arlanda)
Scandinavian Air Express March 1, 1932 London/Paris-Malmö + Stockholm-Helsinki/Tallinn (Reval) routes
Includes flights of ABA, Aero O/Y and KLM
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Scandinavian Air Express May 1, 1932 Joint Scandinavian Air Express/Baltic Air Express/Swedish American Line timetable
Includes flights of ABA, Lignes Farman, KLM and Sabena
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Scandinavian Air Express May 1, 1933 London/Paris-Malmö + Stockholm-Helsinki routes
Includes flights of ABA, Aero O/Y and KLM
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Scandinavian Air Express April 19, 1936 ¤ London/Paris-Stockholm/Helsinki/Tallinn routes
Includes flights of ABA, Aero O/Y, DDL and KLM
Schreiner Airways Until November 1, 1964 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Schreiner Airways Until April 1, 1965 (From the collection of William White)
Scottish Airlines August 15, 1951 Glasgow (Prestwick)-Burtonwood-London
Scottish Airlines January 12, 1952 Glasgow (Prestwick)-Burtonwood-London
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Scottish Airlines Undated (c. Summer 1952) Glasgow (Prestwick)-Isle of Man
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Scottish Airlines July 1, 1952 Glasgow (Prestwick)-Burtonwood-London
Scottish Airlines June 1, 1957
Scottish Airlines May 26, 1962
Scottish Airways May 1938
Scottish Airways May 1, 1941
Scottish Airways October 8, 1945
Serviços Aéreos Portugueses Undated
(price list based on currency conversion rates of June 1, 1927)
Joint Serviços Aéreos Portugueses/Unión Aérea Española timetable
Silver City Airways Undated (1952)
Silver City Airways April 1, 1953 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Silver City Airways April 15, 1954
Silver City Airways November 1, 1955 Cross-Channel air ferry timetable
Silver City Airways March 17, 1956 Cross-Channel air ferry timetable
Silver City Airways January 1, 1958 Cross-Channel air ferry timetable
Silver City Airways Summer 1959 Northern Division
Silver City Airways January 1, 1961 Cross-Channel air ferry timetable
Silver City Airways January 1, 1962 Cross-Channel air ferry timetable
SISA - Società Italiana Servizi Aerei (1940s) December 11, 1947
SISA - Società Italiana Servizi Aerei (1940s) July 1948 Italy-Marseilles
SISA - Società Italiana Servizi Aerei (1940s) November 1, 1948 Trieste-Padua-Milan & Trieste-Padua-Rome
SISA - Società Italiana Servizi Aerei (1940s) January 1949 Italy-Vienna-Prague, In English/German
Sivewright Airways April 11, 1949
Skyways (UK) Winter (1955/56) Coach-Air Services
Skyways (UK) April 1, 1957 Coach-Air Services
Skyways (UK) November 1, 1958 Coach-Air Services
Skyways (Sweden) March 28, 1993
Skyways (Sweden) June 27, 1993
Skyways (Sweden) August 21, 1995
Skyways Coach Air April 1, 1959 London-Paris
Skyways Coach Air March 27, 1961
Skyways Coach Air April 1, 1963
Skyways Coach Air October 25, 1964
Skyways Coach Air March 20, 1966 "Agents Bulletin" (system)
Skyways Coach Air March 25, 1968
Skyways Coach Air November 1, 1968 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Skyways Coach Air April 1, 1969 ¤
Skyways Coach Air November 1, 1969
Skyways Coach Air March 15, 1970 ¤
Skyways Coach Air November 1, 1970 ¤ Front cover (this image from the collection of Raúl Alejandro Rodríguez)
Skyways International March 26, 1971
Skyways International March 19, 1972
Slov-Air October 1, 1972
Slov-Air November 1, 1974 Joint ČSA/Slov-Air timetable, domestic routes (Slov-Air system)
Sobelair Undated (late 1950s) Domestic routes in Belgian Congo
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Spacegrand Aviation November 1, 1982 (Courtesy of Paul Tomlin)
Spacegrand Aviation March 28, 1983 (Courtesy of Paul Tomlin)
Spacegrand Aviation July 10, 1983 (Courtesy of Paul Tomlin)
Starways 1960 (various dates) (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Starways 1961 (various dates)
Starways April 1962 Mainline routes
Südavia March 31, 1985 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner) Sudavia
Südavia October 27, 1986 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Südavia October 26, 1987 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Südavia March 27, 1988 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Südavia October 31, 1988 (From the collection of Wolfgang Woerner)
Südavia July 1, 1989
Süddeutsche Luft Hansa April 23, 1928 ¤ Includes flights of Ad Astra Aero, Balair, CIDNA - Compagnie Internationale de Navigation Aérienne, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost ("Tschechoslowakische Luftverkehrsgesellschaft"), Imperial Airways, Malert ("Ungarische Luftverkehrs AG"), ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG and Transadriatica Suddeutsche Luft Hansa CLS OLAG
SüdwestFlug October 16, 2000 (From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
Sun-Air of Scandinavia October 26, 2014 British Airways (op'd by Sun-Air of Scandinavia)
Svitlet May 15, 1950 ¤ (Courtesy of Jaroslav Farka)
Swedair August 13, 1979
Swedair August 11, 1980
Swedair August 10, 1981
Swedeways Air Lines Undated (Winter 1998-99) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Swissair May 1, 1934 UK/France edition
Swissair September 1, 1934 UK/France edition (system)
Includes flights of Air France, Alpar, DDL - Det Danske Luftfartselskab, Deutsche Lufthansa and ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG ("Austroflug") OLAG
Swissair April 19, 1936 Includes flights of Air France, ČLS - Československá Letecká Společnost, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways, Malert, ÖLAG - Österreichische Luftverkehrs AG ("Austroflug") CLS OLAG
Swissair April 4, 1937
Swissair March 27, 1938 ¤ Preliminary edition (system)
Swissair March 27, 1938
Swissair October 2, 1938
Swissair April 16, 1939 Includes flights of Air France, Alpar, Deutsche Lufthansa, Imperial Airways ("IAL"), KLM and Malert
Swissair May 1, 1942
Swissair November 2, 1942 ¤
Swissair April 8, 1946 Folder w/separate enclosures
Swissair March 1, 1947
Swissair July 15, 1947
Swissair July 25, 1948 ¤ (Courtesy of Bob Medford)
Swissair October 31, 1948 ¤
Swissair July 15, 1950 ¤
Swissair April 15, 1951
Swissair April 20, 1952 ¤
Swissair October 4, 1953 ¤
Swissair August 1, 1954
Swissair April 17, 1955 ¤
Swissair January 7, 1957
Swissair July 1, 1958 Includes flights of Ethiopian Air Lines and Saudi Arabian Airlines
Swissair July 18, 1959 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Swissair April 1, 1960 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Swissair July 1, 1961 ¤
Swissair July 15, 1963
Swissair July 15, 1964 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Swissair April 1, 1965 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Swissair July 15, 1966 ¤
Swissair November 1, 1967 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Swissair July 20, 1970 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Swissair April 1, 1971 (From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport June 1, 1950. (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 19, 1953
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 1, 1959 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1961 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1961 Domestic routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 1, 1962 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1962 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1962 Domestic routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 1, 1963 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport May 1, 1963 Domestic routes
(Courtesy of Boncho Bonev)
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1964 International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport November 1, 1965 Preliminary edition, International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 1, 1966 ¤ International routes
TABSO - Bulgarian Air Transport April 1, 1967 Domestic routes
TAE - Greek Air Lines June 15, ? (no year; c. 1947) ¤
TAE - Greek Air Lines Undated (c. Winter 1948-49) ¤
TAE - Greek Air Lines May 20, 1951 Joint TAE/HELLAS/AME timetable (system)
(From the collection of Gklavas Athanasios)
TAE - National Greek Airlines October 10, 1952 ¤
(November 1, 1952 inside)
TAE - National Greek Airlines May 1, 1953
TAE - National Greek Air Lines April 11, 1954 UK edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
TAE - National Greek Airlines July 1, 1954 ¤
(August 1, 1954 inside)
TAE - National Greek Airlines October 17, 1955
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux July 20, 1952 Transports Aeriens Intercontinentaux
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux April 18, (1953) Madagascar route (DC-6B inaugural timetable)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux August 1, 1955  
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux October 1, 1957  
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux June 1, 1959 Includes flights of Air Ivoire, Air Madagascar and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux December 12, 1960 Includes flights of Air Inter, Air Madagascar, RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire and UAT
(From the collection of Jacques Delaville) Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux July 15, 1962 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Madair and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux April 1, 1963 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Madagascar and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
TAI - Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux July 15, 1963 ¤ Joint UAT/TAI timetable (system)
Includes flights of Air Afrique, Libiavia and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 22, 1956 Transportes Aereos Portugueses
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses October 6, 1957
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses November 1, 1958 Includes flights of DETA and DTA
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 1, 1959 Preliminary edition (system)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses August 1, 1961 Working timetable (system)
Includes flights of DETA
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses September 1, 1961 Includes flights of DETA, DTA and TAGP - Transportes Aéreos da Guiné Portuguesa Transportes Aereos da Guine Portuguesa
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses January 1, 1962 Includes flights of DETA
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses February 19, 1962 Working timetable (system)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses August 1, 1962 Working timetable (system)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses July 1, 1963
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses July 9, 1964
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 1, 1966 ¤
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 1, 1968 Preliminary edition (system)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 1, 1970 (From the collection of Ian Dally)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses May 1, 1970 North American edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses November 1, 1972
TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses April 1, 1973 North American edition (system)
(From the collection of Ali Zwayne)
TAROM April 14, 1957 ¤ Cover and route map (these images from the collection of Dacre Watson)
TAROM April 1, 1958
TAROM November 1, 1959 International routes
TAROM June 1, 1962 International routes
TAROM April 1, 1963 International routes
TAROM April 1, 1966 International routes
TAROM April 1, 1968 International routes
TAROM April 1, 1968 Domestic routes
TAROM October 1, 1969 Domestic routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
TAROM April 1, 1971 International routes
TAROM July 1, 1971 Domestic routes
TAROM April 1, 1974 ¤
TAROM November 1, 1982 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
TARS - Transporturi Aeriene Româno-Sovietică April 11, 1949. (From the collection of Dacre Watson)
TAT - Touraine Air Transport May 1, 1970 Joint Air Limousin/Air Périgord/TAT timetable (system)
(From the collection of Michael Dawes)
TAT - Touraine Air Transport November 1, 1972
TAT - Touraine Air Transport April 1, 1974 Group TAT: TAT/Rousseau Aviation/Taxi Avia France (system)
TAT - Touraine Air Transport November 1, 1976
Teddy Air March 31, 1997
Teesside Aviation April 1, 1994
Transadriatica (1920s-30s) May 1, 1931 ¤
Transadriatica (1940s) October 3, 1948
Transair (UK) June 1957 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Transair (UK) June 12, 1959
Transalp July 9, 1979 (Courtesy of Peter Kunisch)
Transavio April 1, 1988
Transeast Airlines March 30, 1997 (DZ)
Trans-Europa-Union 1923 Includes flights of Ost-Europa-Union and Aerolloyd Warschau
Transwede August 24, 1992
Transwede March 28, 1994 UK edition (system)
Türk Hava Taşımacılığı - THT October 29, 1990 (DZ) Turk Hava Tasimaciligi
Türk Hava Taşımacılığı - THT May 4, 1992
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) Winter 1956-57 Turk Hava Yollari
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) Summer 1957
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) Winter 1957-58
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) Winter 1957-58
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) May 1, 1961
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) September 9, 1961 International routes
(Front cover courtesy of Kıvanç Hürtürk)
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) November 1, 1962
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) October 30, 1963
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) May 1, 1965
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) August 1, 1968 ¤
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) April 1, 1971 ¤
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) April 1, 1973
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) May 1, 1974 Pocket timetable (system)
Turkish Airlines (Türk Hava Yolları - THY) May 1, 1976 ¤
Tyrolean Airways Summer 1986 "Urlaubsflüge" (Holiday flights)
(From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
Tyrolean Airways March 29, 1987 ¤
Tyrolean Airways Summer 1989 "Urlaubsflüge" (Holiday flights)
(From the collection of Bernhard Glanzer)
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport April 20, 1952 Union Aeromaritime de Transport
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport April 1953
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport May 1, 1955 Includes flights of Aigle Azur and Air Vietnam
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport January 1, 1956 Includes flights of Air Vietnam
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport April 1957 German edition
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport January 15, 1958 Includes flights of Olympic Airways
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport January 1, 1960 ¤ (From the collection of Jacques Delaville)
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport October 1, 1960 Includes flights of Air France and TAI
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport April 1, 1962 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique and Libiavia
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport April 15, 1963 Includes flights of Air Afrique and Libiavia
UAT - Union Aéromaritime de Transport July 15, 1963 ¤ Joint UAT/TAI timetable (system)
Includes flights of Air Afrique, Libiavia and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
Ukraine International Airlines March 29, 1993
Ukraine International Airlines Winter 1993-94 (From the collection of Colin Irving)
Ukraine International Airlines October 29, 1995 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Ukraine International Airlines March 31, 1996 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Unión Aérea Española Undated
(price list based on currency conversion rates of June 1, 1927)
Joint Serviços Aéreos Portugueses/Unión Aérea Española timetable
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens January 15, 1964 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Libiavia and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Union de Transports Aeriens Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens June 1, 1964 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Libiavia and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens July 1, 1965 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Ivoire, Libiavia and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens May 10, 1966 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Ivoire, Liberian National Airlines, Sierra Leone Airways and RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens May 1, 1967 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Bangui, Air Ivoire, Air Mauritanie, Air Niger, Air Tchad, Liberian National Airlines, RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire, Royal Air Cambodge and Transgabon
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd) Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens July 15, 1968 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Bangui, Air Ivoire, Air Mauritanie, Air Niger, Air Tchad, Air Volta, RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire, Royal Air Cambodge and Transgabon Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens May 1, 1969 ¤ Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Bangui, Air Ivoire, Air Mauritanie, Air Niger, Air Tchad, Air Volta, RAI - Réseau Aérien Interinsulaire, Royal Air Cambodge and Transgabon Reseau Aerien Interinsulaire
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens January 1, 1970 Australia/New Zealand edition
Includes flights of Air Calédonie and Air Polynésie
(From the collection of Ian Dally) Air Polynesie
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens May 1, 1972 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Calédonie, Air Centrafrique, Air Ceylon, Air Ivoire, Air Mauritanie, Air Mélanésie, Air Niger, Air Polynésie, Air Tchad, Air Volta, Cameroon Airlines and Transgabon Air Polynesie Air Caledonie Air Melanesie
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens November 1, 1972 New Zealand edition
Includes flights of Air Ceylon
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens May 1, 1974 UK edition (system)
Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Ceylon and Air Polynésie Air Polynesie
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens March 28, 1976 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Calédonie, Air Centrafrique, Air Ceylon, Air Gabon, Air Ivoire, Air Mali, Air Mauritanie, Air Mélanésie, Air Niger, Air Polynésie, Air Tchad and Air Volta Air Polynesie Air Caledonie Air Melanesie
UTA - Union de Transports Aériens June 4, 1979 Includes flights of Air Afrique, Air Calédonie, Air Gabon, Air Ivoire, Air Mali, Air Mauritanie, Air Mélanésie, Air Niger, Air Polynésie, Air Tchad, Air Volta and Lina Congo Air Polynesie Air Caledonie Air Melanesie
Vængir June 1, 1977. (Courtesy of Klaus Vomhof) Vaengir
Vængir June 1, 1979. (From the collection of Daniel Rubenson)
Veg Air Summer 1999
Vildanden September 6, 2010 (From the collection of Peter Kunisch)
Virgin Atlantic April 10, 1986 Transatlantic routes
Virgin Atlantic April 10, 1986 London-Maastricht route
Virgin Atlantic March 31, 1996 Hong Kong edition (system)
(From the collection of Noel Dolor)
Virgin Express March 30, 1997 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Vvukovo Airlines September 1994 (DZ)
WasaWings September 1, 1986 ¤ (From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Welcome Air October 30, 2006
West Coast Air Services April 5, 1943
Western Airways May 27, 1935
Western Airways May 25, 1936
Widerøe's Flyveselskap July 6, (1936) "Fjord-Express" (Bergen-Sogn) (Operated for DNL)Wideroe Wideroes Wideroe's
Widerøe's Flyveselskap og Polarfly March 5, 1956
Widerøe's Flyveselskap June 10, 1968
WOW air Winter 2017/Summer 2017/Winter 2017-18

North America (except the USA):
Aéreo Calafia Undated
Aero California January 6, 1992
Aerocaribbean October 30, 1999
Aerolíneas Mexicanas December 1957 Aerolineas Mexicanas
Aerolíneas Vega Undated (c. October 1961) Aerolineas Vega
Aerolíneas Vega 1966 (valid June)
Aerolíneas Vega June 1, 1968
Aeromaya Undated (c. Summer 1968)
Aeronaves Alimentadoras January 15, 1972
Aeronaves Alimentadoras November 1, 1972 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aeronaves del Sureste January 1, 1971
Aeronaves del Sureste September 11, 1971
Aeronaves de México Undated (c. 1942) Joint Aeronaves de México/Transportes Aéreos del Pacifico timetable Aeronaves de Mexico
Aeronaves de México December 1, 1947
Aeronaves de México September 1, (1948?)
Aeronaves de México February 15, 1949
Aeronaves de México June 10, 1949
Aeronaves de México May 1, 1950
Aeronaves de México Undated (c. Summer 1950)
Aeronaves de México Undated (c. June 1951)
Aeronaves de México June 16, 1952
Aeronaves de México January 12, 1953 Joint Aeronaves de México/LAMSA/Aerovías Reforma timetable Aerovias Reforma
Aeronaves de México July 1, 1953 Joint Aeronaves de México/LAMSA/Aerovías Reforma timetable
Aeronaves de México August 1, 1953
Aeronaves de México October 1, 1953
Aeronaves de México March 8, 1954
Aeronaves de México July 17, 1955
Aeronaves de México March 1957
Aeronaves de México April 29, 1957 US edition (primarily western states)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aeronaves de México July 29, 1957 US edition (primarily western states)
Aeronaves de México February 1958
Aeronaves de México October 1958 US edition (system)
Aeronaves de México November 21, 1958 US edition (primarily western states)
Aeronaves de México October 1959 US edition (system)
Aeronaves de México March 1960 US edition (system)
Aeronaves de México March 1, 1961
Aeronaves de México June 1, 1961 US edition (primarily western states)
Aeronaves de México January 1, 1962
Aeronaves de México December 1962
Aeronaves de México November 1963 Joint Aeronaves de México/Guest Aerovías México timetable Guest Aerovias Mexico
Aeronaves de México June 1, 1966
Aeronaves de México July 10, 1967 US West Coast edition (system)
Aeronaves de México April 28, 1968
Aeronaves de México June 1, 1969 Includes flights of Aeronaves del Centro, Aeronaves del Este, Aeronaves del Oeste, Aeronaves del Sur and SAESA
Aeronaves de México August 4, 1969 International routes
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Aeronaves de México October 27, 1969 "Itinerarios Nacionales" (system)
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Aeronaves de México January 1, 1972
Aeronica May 1, 1990 International routes
Aeroperlas March 1, 1996 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Aerovías Braniff January 1946 Aerovias Braniff
Aerovías Centrales March 1, 1933 US edition (system)Aerovias Centrales
Aerovías Centrales February 18, 1935 US edition (system)
Aerovías Centrales April 1, 1935 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aerovías Guest April 16, 1949 Aerovias Guest
Aerovías Guest April 15, 1950
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) Summer 1951 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) Winter 1951-52 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) November 1952 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) May 1953 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) June 1953 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) February 1954 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest April 1954
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) May 1954 US edition (system)
Aerovías Guest (Guest Airways) September 1954 US edition (system)
Aerovías Nacionales Puerto Rico Undated (c. 1937) (Courtesy of Tom Hietzman)
Aerovías Panamá - APA Spring/summer 1957 US edition (system)
Includes flights of ALA (Chile) and RAS (Colombia) Aerovias Panama
Aerovías 'Q' ('Q' Airways) Undated (c. 1947) Aerovias Q Airways
Aerovías 'Q' ('Q' Airways) Undated (c. 1950) US edition (system)
Aerovías 'Q' ('Q' Airways) Undated (c. 1951) US edition (system)
Aerovías 'Q' ('Q' Airways) Undated (c. 1954) US edition (system)
Cover and part of the interior
Aerovías 'Q' ('Q' Airways) Undated (c. 1959) US edition (system)
Aerovías Quisqueyana July 26, 1976 (black cover)Aerovias Quisqueyana
Aerovías Quisqueyana July 26, 1976 (red cover)
Aerovías Reforma Undated (c. 1949) Aerovias Reforma
Aerovías Reforma May 1952
Aerovías Reforma January 12, 1953 Joint Aeronaves de México/LAMSA/Aerovías Reforma timetable
Aerovías Reforma July 1, 1953 Joint Aeronaves de México/LAMSA/Aerovías Reforma timetable
Aerovías Reforma March 1954
A. Fecteau Transport Aérien April 13, 1975
Air Alma Undated (c. late 1980s) (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Air Aruba August 8, 1993 (From the collection of Piotr Topolski)
Air Atonabee May 30, 1982
Air Bahama May 1, 1977 European edition (system)
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Air BC April 1, 1982
Air BC April 27, 1986
Air BC June 17, 1993
Air BVI April 25, 1983 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Canada April 26, 1970 Advance timetable, "International Services"
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
Air Caravane December 22, 1978 Front cover (DZ)
Air Creebec March 29, 1993
Air Creebec July 9, 2007
Air Fecteau/Air Gaspé/Les Ailes du Nord May 9, 1977
Air Gaspé September 7, 1965 Air Gaspe
Air Gaspé June 30, 1975
Air Gaspé/Les Ailes du Nord/Air Fecteau May 9, 1977
Air Guadeloupe June 16, 1974
Air Guadeloupe October 1, 1984 ¤ (From the collection of R. Damtoft)
Air Indies July 1, 1972
Air Inuit October 15, 1985
Air Inuit June 9, 1993
Air Inuit January 25, 2010
Air Jamaica (1960s) May 1, 1966 US ed
Air Jamaica May 31, 1969
Air Jamaica April 25, 1971
Air Jamaica December 16, 1972
Air Jamaica December 1, 1973
Air Jamaica June 30, 1974
Air Jamaica July 1, 1977 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Jamaica November 18, 1978
Air Jamaica November 1, 1980
Air Laurentian September 6, 1993
Air Manitoba (Northland Air Manitoba) April 28, 1986
Air Martinique July 1, 1982 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Martinique October 1, 1994 (DZ)
Air Mikisew Undated (c. Spring/Summer 2003)
Air North June 1993
Air North June 2002
Air North March 1, 2005
Air Ontario July 2, 1986
Air Panamá Internacional November 8, 1969 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Air Panamá Internacional October 1, 1972 Air Panama Internacional
Air Panamá Internacional March 1974
Air Panamá Internacional June 17, 1974 US edition
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Panamá Internacional February 1, 1982 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Air Saint-Pierre July 1, 1960
Air Saint-Pierre 1971
Air Saint-Pierre July 1, 1986
Air Saint-Pierre November 2, 2003
Air Saint-Pierre March 2004
Air Saint-Pierre 2008
Air Satellite April 1, 1998 ¤
Air Southwest November 15, 1986
Air Toronto April 1, 1990 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Airtransit October 15, 1974
Air Turks & Caicos December 15, 1976
Airwest Airlines October 1, 1979
Airwest Airlines April 27, 1980
Aklak Air October 27, 1991
Algoma Airways February 1994 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
ALM - Dutch Antillean Airlines July 29, 1968
ALM - Dutch Antillean Airlines February 1, 1974
ALM Antillean Airlines May 5, 1975
ALM Antillean Airlines October 28, 1984
ALM Antillean Airlines April 7, 1991
American Airlines de México May 1, 1944
ANSA - Aerolíneas del Norte March 1, 1948
Antilles Air Boats February 2, 1970 (Courtesy of Tom Heitzman)
Antilles Air Boats Undated (c. 1970s) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
APA International Air Undated (c. mid-1990s) US edition
Arrow Airways November 1, 1939
Atlantic Central Airlines February 24, 1975
Atlantic Central Airlines July 21, 1975
ATSA - Aero Transportes February 1, 1949
ATSA - Aero Transportes July 1, 1949
ATSA - Aero Transportes November 1949
(inside: July 1, 1949)
Aviación del Noroeste April 3, 1989
Aviacsa July 1, 1992 ¤
Aviateca November 10, 1957 International route, US edition
Aviateca Undated (c. mid-1960s)
Aviateca June 1, 1966 International routes
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Aviateca October 24, 1968 International routes
Avolar Undated (c. 2007)
Bahamasair December 17, 1974
Bahamas Airways June 1, 1949
Bahamas Airways December 1, 1951
Bahamas Airways January 16, 1953
Bahamas Airways April 16, 1954
Bahamas Airways January 15, 1955
Bahamas Airways January 15, 1956
Bahamas Airways Winter 1959-60
Bahamas Airways June 1, 1960
Bahamas Airways September 15, 1961
Bahamas Airways December 15, 1961
Bahamas Airways December 15, 1962
Bahamas Airways May 1, 1963
Bahamas Airways October 25, 1964
Bahamas Airways May 1, 1965
Bahamas Airways May 2, 1966
Bahamas Airways June 1, 1967
Bahamas Airways May 31, 1968
Bahamas Airways April 26, 1970
Bayview Air Service June 15, 1975
BCA - British Caribbean Airways June 1, 1949
BC Airlines - BCA December 1, 1962
BC Airlines - BCA October 25, 1964
BC Airlines - BCA June 1, 1967
Bearskin Airlines April 26, 1987
Bonanza Aerolíneas February 3, 1997 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways January 1, 1946
BWIA - British West Indian Airways December 14, 1950
BWIA - British West Indian Airways November 1, 1952
BWIA - British West Indian Airways July 1, 1953
BWIA - British West Indian Airways July 1, 1954 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways August 1, 1955 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways December 1, 1956 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways August 1, 1957
BWIA - British West Indian Airways November 1, 1958 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways July 1, 1959 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways September 1, 1960 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways April 10, 1961 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways October 1, 1961 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways October 1, 1962 Canadian edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways February 1, 1963 US edition (system)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways July 14, 1963 Joint BWIA/BOAC timetable (BWIA system)
Inclides flights of LIAT
BWIA - British West Indian Airways September 1, 1963 US edition (system)
Includes flights Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
BWIA - British West Indian Airways January 1, 1964 US edition (system)
Includes flights Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
BWIA - British West Indian Airways November 15, 1964 US edition (system)
Includes flights Jamaica Air Service
BWIA - British West Indian Airways July 1, 1965 US edition (system)
Includes flights of Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
BWIA - British West Indian Airways December 15, 1965 US edition (system)
Includes flights of Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
(From the collection of Arthur Na)
BWIA - British West Indian Airways September 1, 1966 US edition (system)
Includes flights of Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
BWIA - British West Indian Airways April 28, 1968 Includes flights of Air Jamaica, Jamaica Air Service and LIAT
BWIA International July 1, 1971 Includes flights of Arawak Airlines and LIAT
(From the collection of Ian Dally)
BWIA International January 6, 1974
BWIA International September 15, 1976
Canada 3000 February 1, 1993 Joint Canada 3000/Fiesta West timetable
(From the collection of Craig Morris)
Canadian Airways March 1931 ¤ "The Bulletin", published by Western Canada Airways (=Western Lines of Canadian Airways) (Canadian Airways system)
Canadian Airways May 1937
Canadian Airways May 1938
Canadian Airways June 1, 1938 Edmonton District
Canadian Airways June 1, 1941 Mid-West Division
Canadian North March 2003
Canadian Pacific Air Lines Regional timetables 1942-43 This section features timetables issued before Canadian Pacific's first system timetable in December 1943
Canadian Pacific Air Lines December 1, 1943
Canadian Pacific Air Lines May 1946
Canadian Pacific Air Lines July 1, 1947 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Canadian Pacific Air Lines April 1, 1950 Transpacific routes
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Canadian Pacific Airlines August 1, 1951
Canadian Pacific Airlines November 1, 1953
Canadian Pacific Airlines April 28, 1957
Canadian Pacific Airlines September 1, 1958
Canadian Pacific Airlines July 1, 1959
Canadian Pacific Airlines April 24, 1960 ¤
Canadian Pacific Airlines December 14, 1960
Canadian Pacific Airlines April 30, 1961
Canadian Pacific Airlines April 29, 1962
Canadian Pacific Airlines October 31, 1965 International routes, Finnish edition
(From the collection of Rauno Segersvärd)
Canadian Pacific Airlines April 24, 1966
Canadian Pacific Airlines Until April 29, 1967 International routes, European edition
(From the collection of Diederik R. Vels Heijn)
Canadian Western Airlines - CWA Undated (c. Spring 2003)
CanJet June 20, 2002
Caribair July 29, 1950
Caribair April 28, 1959
Caribair June 1, 1961
Caribair December 1, 1962
Caribair April 7, 1964
Caribair December 17, 1965
Caribair July 1, 1968
Caribair May 1, 1972
Caribbean Airways April 1977 European edition
Caribbean Airways April 1978
Caribbean Airways April 1978 European edition
Caribbean Airways November 1, 1980 UK edition
Caribbean Airways October 1, 1984
Caribbean Atlantic Airlines November 5, 1945
Caribbean Atlantic Airlines January 1948 (From the collection of Craig Morris)
Caribbean International Airways - CIA May 1, 1952
Carib Express October 29, 1995 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
CAT - Corporación Aeronáutica de Transportes Undated (c. 1930) Corporacion Aeronautica de Transportes
Cayman Airways July 1, 1972
Cayman Airways December 1, 1973
Cayman Airways October 27, 1985
Cayman Airways December 16, 1985
Cayman Airways June 18, 1991 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Cayman Brac Airways - CBA May 1, 1965
CDA - Compañía Dominicana de Aviación June 1956 Compania Dominicana de Aviacion
CDA - Compañía Dominicana de Aviación August 1960 International routes, US edition
City Express (Cité Express) September 13, 1985 ¤ (From the collection of Craig Morris)
City Express (Cité Express) June 15, 1987
CoHata d'Haiti Undated (c. 1958) US edition (system)
(From the collection of David H. Stringer)
Compañía Nacional Cubana de Aviación Undated (c. 1932) (Courtesy of Tom Heitzman) Cubana de Aviacion
Compañía Nacional Cubana de Aviación November 1940 Cubana de Aviacion
Compañía Nacional Cubana de Aviación Curtiss Undated (c. Winter 1931-32) (From the collection of Craig Morris; also some images courtesy of Tom Heitzman)
COPA - Compañía Panameña de Aviación December 1956 Compania Panamena de Aviacion
Coral Air March 1, 1983
CP Air July 15, 1970 (From the collection of Ian Dally)
CP Air April 29, 1973
CP Air April 25, 1976 (From the collection of Ian Dally)
Crown Air October 30, 1983
Cubana de Aviación May 1, 1945 ¤ (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Cubana de Aviación January 1, 1946 Cubana de Aviacion
Cubana de Aviación February 1947 ¤ (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Cubana de Aviación March 1948
Cubana de Aviación September 1948 (From the collection of Jaime Escobar)
Cubana de Aviación November 1948
Cubana de Aviación May 1953
Cubana de Aviación September 16, 1955 Domestic routes
Cubana de Aviación December 1, 1955 International routes
Cubana de Aviación November 1, 1956 International routes, US edition
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Cubana de Aviación January 7, 1957 Domestic routes
Cubana de Aviación September 1, 1957 US edition (system)
Cubana de Aviación January 15, 1958 International routes
(From the collection of Jorge Fernandez)
Cubana de Aviación June 1, 1958 Domestic routes
Cubana de Aviación June 1958 US edition (system)
Cubana de Aviación November 15, 1958 US edition (system)
Cubana de Aviación Undated (c. February 1960)
(in handwriting on the cover)
International routes, US edition
Cubana de Aviación August 1960 International routes, Mexican edition
Cubana de Aviación December 15, 1960 International routes, Mexican edition
Cubana de Aviación March 1, 1961
Cubana de Aviación December 1, 1965 International routes
Cubana de Aviación April 7, 1974 International routes
Cubana de Aviación May 1, 1979 International routes
Cubana de Aviación November 1, 1984 International routes
Cubana de Aviación November 1, 1989 International routes
Cubana de Aviación April 1, 1992 International routes
Dominicana de Aviación October 30, 1977 (DZ) Dominicana de Aviacion
Dominicana de Aviación October 28, 1979 Dominicana de Aviacion
Dominicana de Aviación April 2, 1989
Dominion Skyways May 16, 1938
Dorado Wings November 18, 1980
Eagle Air Services June 1, 2005
Eagle Airways (Bermuda) September 1, 1958
Eagle Airways (Bermuda) April 26, 1959
Eastern Pacific Aviation Undated (c. 1980) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA Undated (c. early 1960s) Routes to/from St. Pierre
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA October 29, 1962
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA October 27, 1963 ¤
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA October 26, 1964
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA October 31, 1966 (From the coillection of Antonio Bordoni)
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA June 1, 1968
Eastern Provincial Airways - EPA September 1, 1970
Empresas Aero Alimentadoras November 1, 1972 (From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Expreso Aéreo Interamericano April 1, 1946 Expreso Aereo Interamericano
First Air September 27, 1981 ¤ (From the collection of Arthur Na)
First Air November 30, 1998 (From the collection of Sylvain Béchamp)
Flamenco Airways November 14, 1980
Flamingo Airlines August 27, 1971
Flamingo Airlines January 2, 1973 (From the collection of Arthur Na)
FlyGTA Airlines Undated (c. 2017) (From the collection of Arthur Na)
Frontier Air November 17, 1986
Gateway Aviation April 3, 1978
Georgian Bay Airways February 3, 1969
Great Lakes Airlines July 31, 1969
Great Lakes Airlines July 31, 1977 (From the collection of Michael Dawes)
Great Lakes Airlines October 29, 1978
Great Lakes Airlines February 1, 1981
Guest Aerovías México (Guest Airways Mexico) April 1956 US edition (system) Guest Aerovias Mexico
Guest Aerovías México (Guest Airways Mexico) December 1956 US edition (system)
(From the collection of Antonio Bordoni)
Guest Aerovías México (Guest Airways Mexico) August 1957 US edition (system)
Guest Aerovías México October 1, 1957 US edition (system)
Guest Aerovías México May 1, 1958
Guest Aerovías México January 1, 1959